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Line 6 Pod XT Live

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  • Line 6 Pod XT Live

    Well, I got one of these today. I so don't need it but I got it way too I figured I would take it home. This is a great unit. There are essentially three things that make it slightly less than perfect. First, the screen is too small. It is very clear and bright, but I don't know what line 6 was thinking. Second, there is a headphone out and 2 mono/stereo outs, but there should really be a second set of mono/stereo outs. That way you could plug one set into a stereo power amp and then to two cabs and then send the other set to the board. Not a big deal, but not there. The third thing is that now I have to figure out what to do with the rest of my pedals. This thing rendered virtually everything obsolete. I tested through the clean channel on my Rivera just using the stomboxes and effects and I was able to get almost unlimited tones. It was insane. If I threw in an amp model it was just as good. It also sounded good in front of the lead channel. I haven't used it to record yet or in the effects loop, but I did try it with a solid state power amp and it sounded good that way as well. This unit is well worth the $399 that it sells for... [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

    How does this compare to the regular XT? Is it really any different other than the obvious?

    Spin the black circle.

    [email protected]


    • #3
      Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

      It's supposed to be same as the Pod XT, just in convenient footpedal form.

      What all of the modelling preamps need isn't another set of stereo outs, but another set of outs that you can set independently of the others. In other words, you can have one set of outputs set to go direct with cab/mic emulation to the board, and the other set with cab emulations OFF to go to a power amp. Line 6 stuff w/out the cab emulation on sounds like ass direct, but the cab emulations and stuff usually sound crappy when it goes to a power amp and a cab.

      Just my opinion. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]



      • #4
        Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

        If you were to have 2 sets of outs on a Pod - say one with cab sims for the PA and one for your onstage setup without cab sims, wouldn't you theoretically have 2 different tones going out - one for the audience and one for the guitarist? If so, then wouldn't the audience hear something different from what the guitarist actually hears? If that's the case, then why not just mic your cab? I assume that if if you plug the pod into a pa, you will also get a monitor mix, which should suffice.


        • #5
          Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

          The thing is that it allows you to program how it is used. For instance it has this output button that is fully programmable so that you can tell it if you are going into a combo, or into a power amp or direct. I am mainly using it as an effects unit and have it set to go directly in front of my Rivera as if it was a bunch of pedals. It sounds exactly like that. When they are off it is my Rivera and when I step on a pedal I get what I want, whether it is a great delay, tube screamer, mod effect or what not. I have recorded direct with it and that sounds great as well. Like I said it really should have another pair of outputs and a largers screen. Other than that it is perfect. IT is so worth the price. If you use it simply as an effects pedalboard it is worth its weight in gold. Think of it as a great pedalboard with a POD XT thrown in for free.


          • #6
            Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

            Yeah, I loved my XT, and only got rid of it because I wanted an integrated solution - so I bought a Vetta. 9 months later, Line 6 opened up damn near all the vetta's cool toys except for the two amps at once and some of the effects extras. Dangit. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I've heard the XTs now are pretty comparable to the Vettas tonewise, if you run one amp at a time on the Vettas.



            • #7
              Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

              I've been very impressed with my PODXT. When I want to practice I use it almost exclusively....with the PEQ the tones are almost limitless.


              • #8
                Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

                [ QUOTE ]
                If you were to have 2 sets of outs on a Pod - say one with cab sims for the PA and one for your onstage setup without cab sims, wouldn't you theoretically have 2 different tones going out - one for the audience and one for the guitarist? If so, then wouldn't the audience hear something different from what the guitarist actually hears? If that's the case, then why not just mic your cab? I assume that if if you plug the pod into a pa, you will also get a monitor mix, which should suffice.

                [/ QUOTE ]
                My guess is that most people would also mic the cab as well as hearing the direct signal in their monitor mix. Then the two would blend together in the PA on two seperate channels and thicken the guitar tone up. There is no reason to have an amp onstage that only you can hear, that is of course if the venue is big enough that you need to put the power amp/cabinet into the PA at all. Most places I've played, from small bars to 1,500 seat venues, we didn't need to put the guitar in the PA hardly at all. Of course it depends on your guitar rig. When I was with BRMC we were running 4 Fender Twins at about 85W apiece, they never needed to be in the PA. When I did the Brooks and Dunn gig, one of the guys had a Dr Z amp that was backstage mic'ed in a baffel, so all of his guitar was through the PA. With my VHT 2150, I doubt that I'll NEED to be in the PA in any venue smaller than Madison Square Garden.


                • #9
                  Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

                  Sure you'd need to be in the PA, if just to disperse the sound. A 4x12 is very directional... only a few people in the crowd would be able to hear you play with any clarity, versus running an amp at 'monitor' volume onstage and letting the PA do the heavy lifting.

                  My band plays small venues (ok, bars) and we mic my 4x12 to spread the sound out. I don't play ripping loud, but loud enough that I can hear myself over the drummer through the cab.



                  • #10
                    Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

                    It looks really good and I'd like to try it, but I was very disappointed by the DM4. I spent a lot of time screwing around with it, but most of it just sounded like crap. It killed a lot of subtleties in the sound (not that my playing has that much in the first place).


                    • #11
                      Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

                      I don't trust the soundguy with my guitar level. Besides most death metal soundguys don't bother to put guitar in the mix, the only thing they put in the PA is kick and vocals.


                      • #12
                        Re: Line 6 Pod XT Live

                        This thing smokes..Hook it up via the Guitar Port Software and program with that. I put mine under my Protools Workstations desk, I open up guitar port and use it like I had Amp Farm

                        Put a cable or adapter in the headphone jack so it is always on Studio A.I.R Mode

