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Help! Computer Recording guru's!

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  • #16
    Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

    When you have selected the driver for the AP within Cubase, it automatically sets the master clock device to the AP.

    John, I think you're right. My old machine didn't have the onboard audio and video and I didn't have this problem. I've tried everything. Tomorrow, I will pysically install the soundcard from my old Dell and plug it into the new machine and disable the internal one, but I don't think it will help since I already disabled the internal sound device and it didn't help. I think I might be looking for another PC just for recording if I can't get this squared away. I've been kicking around the idea for a while anyway. I just wasn't expecting to do it right now.

    Thanks again for all the help and suggestions. Don't be shy to chime in with any others!
    "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


    • #17
      Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

      Jim, I might have a spare motherboard kicking around if you want it. I will let you know tonight. John G


      • #18
        Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

        what not just use the 2496 for record and playback and hell with the onboard card? Do what Dreamland suggested and remove the device and everything associated with it. I have an Audiophile 2496 and that is what I did, I don't use the onboard crap.


        • #19
          Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

          Thanks John!

          Shawn, I already tried that. I diablaed the onboard audio device so that the only sound device running was the AP and it's associated drivers and I still got the pops and clicks. That's why I dismissed it being the onboard sound device, but at this point, I don't know what else to try.
          "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


          • #20
            Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

            follow all the directions at!!!!!!

            this should fix all your problems!!!!!!!!!

            especially setting the proccessor to "background sevices" instead of "aplications" (the audio is flowing between your audi interface, memnory, and hard drive, which is all crontrolled by the CPU via the ide bus and is a background service while your software is an application where all the recording is controlled.) this puts major taxation on the system rescorses.

            if you want a completely flawless computer recording work station. get a mac. if you want to use windows. it takes some serious tweaking and will never be completely flawless.
            but if you follow all those it will be much much smoother.
            Widow - "We have songs"




            • #21
              Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

              Thats my plan for tonight! I'm going to go through everything although,I alredy set the processor to background services, but ai have to go through it all.

              You are probably right about the Mac. I should at least use a seperate machine instead of our home PC.

              I'll let you know what happens after I g through all of the

              Thanks for all your help. I really aprreciate it!
              "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


              • #22
                Re: Help! Computer Recording guru\'s!

                It is perfectly possible to run a proper DAW using a PC, but it's not as much of an out-of-the-box ready solution as an Apple computer is, but it has a lot of other advantages IMO.
                Jim, a final tip on tweaked setup for audio:
                my box has 3 harddrives, 2x80Gb and 1x200Gb
                I have one 80Gb partitioned to 2x40Gb, and one Windows XP install per partition. I configured it to dual-boot so that I have one OS for anything and everything, and the other OS just for recording...very few apps installed so it speeds up the performance a lot.
                The other 80Gb drive is strictly for recording my stuff (like we agreed on before, keep system and audio on separate drives) and the 200Gb is for, well, storage [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                Having 1Gb of RAM also helps.

                good luck,

                - Rune.

