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2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What's the difference?

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  • #16
    Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

    I always felt that the Tremoverb sounded the best too. The 1st year Dual Rectifier sounds really good too. I think the new 3 channel triples are the worst sounding ones of the bunch.


    • #17
      Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

      If you are going to get a head that is not rackmounted go with the tremoverb because they are the best sounding ones that are not racked. I have had a few rectifiers and here is a rundown of the others. A Rack 2 Ch dual --- A 2 Ch dual head --- and a 3 Ch dual.... I owned the 3 and the Rack head at the same time. The 3 Ch had some strong points. The Effects loop could be turned on and off by remote. The solo boost. Extra channel... It sounded ok and I liked it at first. When I would play next to a two channel rack head that my brother owned it was not the I bought a 2 ch rack head. I ended up keeping the 2 ch rack head because the tone was just better. I really did not use the 3 Channels on the new version either so... The 2 ch has a clone feature so you can make two lead channels (mini toggle makes the clean channel crunchy) and that was awesome because if you dont need the clean you have a great heavy chunk channel and a nice lead too. I miss the rack head out of all Mesa... Hell... I miss it out of ALL the amps I ever sold. It was a great head but what I am using now took its place and I am really really happy with that.

      I would go with a rackmount rectifier if I were to get another one. They hold there value too. I bought mine for $900 and sold it a year later for $1200 I think.... My brother sold his and made a little bit on it too. He had a chrome chassis rackmount head.... God I wish I bought that one off of him... It was the best rectifier I had ever heard.

      Also - THe 3 CH head uses a midi type plug for the footswitch which sucks. It is a potential problem waiting to happen. The older heads use good old ring-tip 1/4" cables and they are an easy fix if you kill it. I like simple. I love easy to repair/fix. Fubar up that footswitch cable at a gig and you are an **** to all your bandmates for the night. Fubar a 2 ch footswitch cable and you get another one out of your bag (Hopefully you bring extra cables to a gig).

      The quality/build of all the rectifier heads are above par. That you have no worries.

      Hope you find the one you are looking for.

      Also - the 3 Ch has an adjustable send and return for the effects loop. The later 2 Channel heads had this too. Nice feature to have if you use the loop. The earlier heads did not have this feature. I would not pass on an earlier version that did not have it but it is something to think about....
      Oh yeah - Forgot. The 3 Ch also has a master for the effects loop on the front which you could set up so you could turn the loop on and off by remote for a solo boost. The two channel heads did not have a master for the effects loop.

      Did I forget any of the differences??? I think I got them all.


      • #18
        Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

        Chuck, Pete, Timmy, Dreamland, jg - Thanks! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

        Chris - Wow, thanks for the long answer! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Do the earlier 2ch ones go for more money since they're no longer made or something like that? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

        Since I'm in Sweden, things go for higher prices than in the US and this is the situation: I think I can get ahold of a 10 year old used 2ch in good condition with footswitch and protective cover for quite exactly half the money that a brand new 3ch one would cost me. Is that an OK deal?



        • #19
          Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

          I don't know what the exact numbers would be, but I would pay that all day every day! Half of a new one when the old ones slay the new ones...that's a deal!


          • #20
            Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

            Go for it!!! The "old" 2-channels definately sound better than the newer ones... and I've owned both!


            • #21
              Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

              chuck, i'm not totally sure how much the rec's go for in sweden, but in germany a brand new triple channel dual rectifier retails at about 2400 euro, and the used 2 channel versions usually sell for 1200-1600 euro (ebay).
              still more than in the US, though [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


              • #22
                Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

                If you can get an older one for 1/2 the price of the newer ones I would do it too. As Chuck said... "All Day every day".


                • #23
                  Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

                  THe older heads. don't go for more money but they do hold there value better. The Rectifier rackmount heads bring in a pretty good buc and so do the tremoverbs which are kinda rare too. Not impossible to find but nearly impossible to find at a steal price. Let us know what you get brutha!


                  • #24
                    Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

                    I will indeed let you know what I get! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                    As soon as I get it I'll post pics, hehe!

                    Now, I still don't know what cabinet to get unless I find a Mesa cab for a good price... Suggestions? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]



                    • #25
                      Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

                      I love my boogie cab. That is what I would get. They sound great with a rectifier so....


                      • #26
                        Re: 2ch vs 3ch Dual Recto - What\'s the difference?

                        Ok Chris, I guess it's what I should go after, but I'll be pretty much ruined after this GAS-attack! [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

                        Eventually however I WILL get a Mesa cab, the question is only if I can afford it right away. I guess that remains to be seen. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                        The reason for going after an amp as big as this is because we're gonna try to get some gigs with a new band that's just been started. And if we do, I really need something that I can play through. My small combo or my V-amp2 just doesn't feel right! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        I guess of course you could run the V-amp through the PA or mic the combo... But I want something with a great sound as well as something I can stick with for a long time!


