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XT live vs 5150

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  • #16
    Re: XT live vs 5150

    thanks for the replies [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    well i thought about buying the XTlive first cause a floorboard seems really handy and if i'm going to buy some moddeling equipment i want the best there is atm, which is the XTlive i think...
    but i'll look into that Yamaha DG stomp [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
    it just really iritates me that i have about 3 different amps/tones a week, i like to know when an amp breaks up, know the sweetspots etc, so having a preamp that i know would be nice to take along to practises


    • #17
      Re: XT live vs 5150

      are you sure you really want to sell the 5150?

      (because im in the market for one [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] as soon as I get some stuff sold on ebay, pm if your intrested )


      • #18
        Re: XT live vs 5150

        I don't have that much line 6 experience, except that I had the DM4, Line 6s distortion modeling stompbox, for a couple months. That's what scares me when they brag about having models from their stompboxes. I got 3 usable tones out of 16. a metal distortion, a lighter more classic rock distortion, and a heavier but more rock than metal distortion. Then I played around with a MT2, and my Hot Rod Deville. The MT2 far exceeded the line6 for metal, it was way more versatile, let more of the guitar through, and didn't kill playing dynamics. And the 2 drive channels on my amp beat the two rock distortions. So I sold the DM4 for $150, bought a MT2 for $50, and am much happier. So, make sure the XT Pro will do the things you need very well. Whats the point of having a ton of reverbs, choruses, etc that sound ok, when you just need a good delay and a few great distortions, for example.


        • #19
          Re: XT live vs 5150

          how much for the 5150 fellow dutchie [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] j/k

          I'd keep it..

          I also have a problem, GT6 vs. XT live..
          Let me know how you like the XT live if you still are going to try it someday [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] good luck with the decision making process
          "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


          • #20
            Re: XT live vs 5150

            [ QUOTE ]
            are you sure you really want to sell the 5150?(because im in the market for one [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] as soon as I get some stuff sold on ebay, pm if your intrested )

            [/ QUOTE ]Er... Shipping alone for a 5150 from Rotterdam, Holland to Dallas, Texas would probably be as much as you'd pay for a 5150 in Dallas. Plus he can probably get a lot more for it there in Europe than the going rate in the USA.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #21
              Re: XT live vs 5150

              ah, I didn't know Rotterdam was in Holland.

              I thought it was in New York [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


              • #22
                Re: XT live vs 5150

                lol, yes its in the netherlands [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] so if i sell it it will be to a dutchie [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                @AfterForever, i think the GT8 will be released soon, perhaps its better to wait for that?

                havent had time yet to test the XTlive...
                nowadays i'm playing bassamps in the rehearsal rooms [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                • #23
                  Re: XT live vs 5150

                  well i tested the XT live today..
                  it took me a while to figure out the menu (im not used to digi stuff) but after i got it it was very easy to use, havent tried all the options though...

                  the sounds: very good! the clean and crunchy tones are very nice...but...the high gain ones dont come near my 5150...
                  this was a version without amp packs installed so i dont know if the metalamppack will improve this a lot...

                  now i really dont know what to do, i think i'll stick with my 5150 for the time being..


                  • #24
                    Re: XT live vs 5150

                    thanks for the review (: I'll wait for the GT8 and try em out both and see what fits me best (:
                    "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


                    • #25
                      Re: XT live vs 5150

                      Zeno - I already have my se-70 in the mail so I guess it's too late, but how is low volume playing? And reproducing all the string vibrating? My DM4 would cut off toward the end of the string ringing out, when the amp alone would still be singing. Thanks.


                      • #26
                        Re: XT live vs 5150

                        sorry for the shortness of the review, i could try writing a longer one if anyone is interested....

                        @FS: well i dont think the XTlive has that problem, i got some need feedback from it (keep in mind the little cabine i checked it in was very small) and low volume sounded quite good... i'm more worried about the higher volumes actually...


                        • #27
                          Re: XT live vs 5150

                          Wow, I never wouldve expected that. I think I'll have to try it out. and I would appreciate a longer review if you don't mind. Thanks.


                          • #28
                            Re: XT live vs 5150

                            i would suggest a THD hotplate

