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VHT 2150 or 2902?

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  • VHT 2150 or 2902?

    I have been looking for a good power amp for a while. I think I am going to go for a VHT. I want to hear the differences between the 2150 and the 2902 but I can’t find any places around here that carry them.

    What are the tonal differences between the two? I am looking for the standard heavy death metal crunch tone. Just to give you an idea of the tone I am going for some of my favorite recorded tones are older Fear Factory, Master of Puppets, The last two Kataklysm and the next to last Hatebreed had good tone although I am not into metal core at all.

    Which of these power amps do you guys prefer. I have a pod xt and a digitech 2112 for a preamp. I plan on trying some other preamps once I get the VHT, probably a Soldano for starters.

    Any preferences to these two?

  • #2
    Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

    Neither one will "make" your sound, they are just as good as it gets for reproducing it. The crunch is in the preamps...

    Both power amps are awesome. Both are KT88 amps and using the basically same technology, they will sound about the same.

    The 2150 being a bit more awesome as it is essentially twice the output (4 KT88s).

    The 2-90-2 is lighter and smaller (around half the weight of the 2150) and close to being as cool, it has 2 KT88s in it.

    I'm not sure if current issue 2150s are as cool as the old ones or not, haven't seen them and I'm not sure they are actually in production again. It was planned, but I'm not sure. If they are, I'm sure they are still as good a power amp as can be had currently regardless.

    Whichever you can get a deal on would be the choice I'd make for the most part. You can't really go wrong with either, but I like my 2150 a LOT. It does weigh a ton though.

    I doubt the Soldano will do what you want considering what sounds you mentioned. Umm, prolly the ENGL 570 is the best trick for that. I have a CAE3+se now and I've had most of the big names too. I'm headed ENGL soon as well.


    • #3
      Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

      Thanks Cleveland Metal. I will look into the ENGL. Right now I can get a very good black metal tone mixed with a little old Fear Factory out of my Pod when I go direct into my PC. However when I run that sound through my old Mesa head and Marshall 4x12 it sounds like crap. My POD sounds better through my powered computer speaker direct than it does through the Boogie/ Marshall. I think form other posts you might not like the POD (if I remember right), but if I could just reproduce the POD tone, and or have a power amp that enhanced it instead of substantially modifying it, I would be one happy metal head.

      I use the Soldano model on the XT for the tone, so I figure the “real thing” would be even better.

      Those VHTs do weigh a ton. That’s one of the reasons I am hesitant to get one from Ebay. Shipping it will be a pain. I am close to NYC so I might try to find one down there where I can hear it first and not have to have it shipped.

      Thanks again for the advice.


      • #4
        Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

        Both are killer amps...I just traded a 2/90/2 a few months back and still own my 2150. I would still own both of them if I didn't *need* an RR1-T [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Both are awesome and both will give you exactly what you're looking for paired with the correct preamp. I agree with everything John's said about can't go wrong either way. I'll be also testing the Engl preamps soon like John!

        - Joel
        RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
        RIP Dime


        • #5
          Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

          2150 because as John says it is cooler...

          I think the Soldano might get you Master but teh Engl is mroe what you are looking for. the SP-77 is an awesome preamp though... IT articulates really well and has a great Megadeth Metallica crunch.
          I keep the bible in a pool of blood
          So that none of its lies can affect me


          • #6
            Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

            I was told by Steve Fryette that there was a very slight bit of more bass in the 2150 as opposed to the 2-90-2. If anyone knows these amps, it's him. I love my 2150 to death, and I use it for just that, death metal. I have mine paired with a ADA MP-1, and I've dialed in a death metal tone that I am VERY happy with. Also like Cleve said, the one complaint I have about my 2150 is that it weighs a ton. And though the 2150 has twice the output, that's like having a car that goes 240MPH compared to a car that goes 180MPH. Yeah, it's faster(louder), but you will most likely never push either one as fast(loud) as it will go. The 2-90-2 is PLENTY loud, almost as loud as 2 Marshall stacks. Are you ever going to need more than that? Well, are you ever going to play the Hollywood Bowl without the benefit of a PA? Still, it's nice to know that you have that much power on tap!!


            • #7
              Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

              <font color="yellow"> </font>
              I have a brand new 2/90/2 and it has 4 KT88's (not just 2).
              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


              • #8
                Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

                Cool, I've never opened one up to see what is in there.


                • #9
                  Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

                  Yeah...Bengals correct both are loaded with a quad of KT's.

                  - Joel
                  RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
                  RIP Dime


                  • #10
                    Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

                    Wow, those ADA MP-1 preamps are pretty reasonable. Looks like you can pick one up on ebay for ~$150 or so.

                    I haven’t seen the ENGL 570 on ebay (but I haven’t been looking for it too hard either). What is a reasonable price for that?

                    What cabinets do you guys prefer?


                    • #11
                      Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

                      I love my MP-1, and for $150, there's no reason not to try one. And if you don't like it, put it back on eBay and get your $150 back, minus about $10 for shipping and eBay fees.


                      • #12
                        Re: VHT 2150 or 2902?

                        Yeah, for that price, it's worth a try for sure. I have never heard one that kicked my ass, but I have never heard one that has been modded either. The ones I tried were noisy and insufficient gain, but that isn't the case I guess with the modded ones. I've heard that they are cool. I have three friends with them, and they are all broken and no one can get the chip that is fried. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

                        Another cheap unit that many like is the Peavey Rockmaster unit, that might be close to the Kataklysm sound as they are sposed to use 5150s I heard.

                        The ENGL 570 is one pricey piece bro, around $1700 new. Sucks, but to get the bad assed sound we want with some flexibility, that's what they cost. My CAE is around $1800 new too.

                        Gotta be nuts ehh?

