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Randall Warhead Cabinets

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  • Randall Warhead Cabinets

    I know a place where they are selling Randall Warhead cabinets for $219 apiece. And I can get a discount from that, I think. I'm not that big of a Randall fan, but one of the cabs is a 2X15, which might be kind of cool. And that's a great price for a $X12 too. Anyone have any expierience with these cabinets?

  • #2
    Re: Randall Warhead Cabinets

    Seems to be if they're supposed to work with the Warhead, they'll be able to handle a ton of power getting pumped through them. That means you probably won't be able to count on any speaker distortion.

    I did have an older Randall 412 (grey carpeted one from the mid-80s) that was great...if the Warhead is just as good, you should like it.


    • #3
      Re: Randall Warhead Cabinets

      even if you get it and don't like it, I'm sure you could sell it and make most of your money back. Especially if they have decent speakers. I say go for it.


      • #4
        Re: Randall Warhead Cabinets

        I've always thought the Randall stuff sounded pretty good. For the money, it can't hurt to check it out.

