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Slaving Amps

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  • Slaving Amps

    I have an XTC and a VHT CL50.

    Here is how I understand the ,"Slaving", hook up.

    Line out of the XTC into the Effects loop return return of the VHT. Make sure both amp heads have there own individual proper load matched to there ohm setting (speakers).....

    I am now slaving , ie: I am running the XTC preamp and power amp into the VHT's power section. The VHT's presence and master volume are used to adjust brightness and volume while the XTC will still be used to shape the EQ. Of course the XTC's presence and volume will have an effect on what is feeding the VHT but again...the VHT would get the, "final say".....?

    Is this correct? If so, is there a way to run JUST the XTC's preamp into the VHT's power amp and vice versa. If there is a way to run just ONE of the preamps into ONE of the power amp in either direction...... [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

    I know I can (and I probably will) call Bogner and VHT for info...but maybe somebody here knows.

  • #2
    Re: Slaving Amps

    I don't have an answer as I never have slaved an amp before but I believe there is a way to use the pre-amp from either amp and the power amp of a different amp, which is what I would like to do. It would be interesting to try different power amps with different pre-amps.

    I kept my set up stoopid [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I got a VooDoo Labs amp selector switch from Matts Music. Its a 2x4 and I use it in a mode that lets me select all four amps at the same time or any combination. Although it doesn't let me experiement with pre-amp from one amp int the next it works out really well for what I'm doing.

    How do you like your VHT?


    • #3
      Re: Slaving Amps

      The VHT is a cool sounds best cranked...plenty of muscle. I think it was you that said the amp just simply has character and you're right. I did the whole amp switcher/blending thing with the same switcher you have....too much shit going on for me...plug in and play is what I like. The whole preamp into poweramp thing is pretty easy and opens up alot of cool possibilities just like a rack setup would and if our amps are easily capable of doing just increased the flexibility ten fold. The cost of my XTC and VHT combined would buy a decent used car so why not exploit the resource? Take the sweetness of the XTC preamp and drive it with the girth of the VHT....what's not to like? A Bogner Fish into a VHT 2150 is by all accounts a fantastic match and has been recorded on albums such as Peace see where I'm going with this..Shawn you and I have the same rig so lets figure it out over the next couple of weeks....I'll try to get Bogner tomorrow or Thursday....why don't you give Fryette a call. We should really work together on this stuff because we both use (I know you have more cabs) Bogner cabs with two of the same heads and of would only make sense.

      I,"think", what the deal is, is that it would end up being the XTC Pre-->XTC Power-->VHT Power-->Noise.


      VHT Pre-->VHT Power-->XTC Power-->Noise.....So you end up with the Power section in paralell....I dunno'?


      • #4
        Re: Slaving Amps

        if both your amps have the "preamp out" and "poweramp in" jacks, all you have to do is plug your guitar into the amp that you want to use the preamp from. then from the "preamp out" of that amp, run a cable to the poweramp in" of the other amp.

        You can also use the second input of an amp as a low-level output. plug guitar into input "A" and then run a cable from input "B" to the input of another amp.

        ALWAYS make sure everything is powered off, and you have volumes turned down. Then power up and adjust your levels.


        • #5
          Re: Slaving Amps

          You could do effects loop send of one amp (which is essentially preamp out) to effects loop return (power amp in) of the other amp. Or effects loop send right into the input of other amp.

          I think the "line out" is only for going straight into a PA/mixing board, but I could be wrong.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Re: Slaving Amps

            the way I understand it is that effect sends are pre-amp outs. Effects receive are power amp inputs. Line outs have both the pre and power amp outs at line level...


            • #7
              Re: Slaving Amps

              Go to Mesa Boogies site and look for the product manuals. In the Recto Manual, they discuss doing exactly what you're trying to do. Different head, but same idea.

