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Line6 vs. VHT

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  • Line6 vs. VHT

    OK, the band I am in now, I am running a ADA MP-1/VHT rig that I am so proud of I am sure that you guys have not only commited it to memory, but are sick of seeing pictures of it. The other guitar player in my band plays a Line6 Flextone 2X12. When we rehearse, the Line6 sounds so shitty that it might as well not even be there. The 2150 shakes the fuckin fillings right out of your mouth, in a good way. It has lots of knee-buckling low end without being sloppy, great definition, and presence unrivaled by just about any amp I've heard. In short, it can make you slam your head against the stage or shit your pants, depending on how your body reacts to overdoses of brutal metal.

    The Line6 in comparison sounds like a Geo Metro engine encased in styrofoam. You can't hear him to save yor life when we're playing, and when he plays by himself he sounds like an AM radio buried under a pillow.

    Just a little observance for you guys!!

  • #2
    Re: Line6 vs. VHT

    sounds cool dude [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] has the mp-1 been modded? and would that be the 2150 to go? [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Line6 vs. VHT

      That is not much of a comparison bro. Your Geo Metro comparison is pretty accurate though. What you are comparing is a Ferrari to a Geo and wondering why the Geo sucks so bad and why the Ferrari is so great. What did you expect?? A more fair comparison would be to pit your VHT/MP-1 to a Vetta 2, not a first generation Flextone.
      Based on your topic, I will give you an observation I made. I had band practice yesterday and I brought my 100w Marshall #2210 JCM800 head with a Marshall half stack running vintage 30's. The other guitar player was using a Crate solid state combo with 2 x 12's. You know, one of those $300.00 combo's. I totally blew him away.


      • #4
        Re: Line6 vs. VHT

        Ace, the current Flextone's actually sound substantially better than the first ones. The Flextone III has the same modeling engine as the Vetta. It should have no problem keeping up with you at a reasonable volume - your 2150 is still gonna be a louder amp though. A Vetta II would hang with the 2150.

        Are you using a 4x12 or 2x12 cab Ace?
        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

        - Newc


        • #5
          Re: Line6 vs. VHT

          I'm using a Mesa halfback(2 Celestion 90W, 2 EV 200W)4x12. I want to get three more of them. Or maybe one more and two of those Warhead 2x15's depending on how they sound.

          I have heard better reviews of the newer Flextones, and I remember the one I played in a store recently not sounding THAT bad. I didn't crank it to gigging volume at the store though.

          As far as my MP-1 being modded, honestly I don't know. I bought it used, and I've never A/B'ed it to another one with my same setup. I've opened it up, and it has two preamp tubes(so it doesn't have the 3 tube mod), and I've heard that Trace at VoodooAmps does some funky stuff to "hide" his mod against being copied, and I didn't see any of that. However my good friend has an MP-1 also and he swears that mine sounds too hot to be stock. Maybe I just know how to dial it in. I don't know. [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Line6 vs. VHT

            Ace, how do you like the mix of speakers? I too use a mix of high wattage and low wattage speakers. The high wattage for punch and the low wattage for "sizzle".


            • #7
              Re: Line6 vs. VHT

              They are all pretty high wattage, 90W isn't too shabby. I really like the heavier speakers because I tune to C and use an octave pedal often, and even then the speakers don't distort noticeably.


              • #8
                Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                I believe Sully had a good story about Pete setting up his Vetta 2 next to a bunch of boutique amps at a guitar show and sounding pretty impressive ..
                Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                • #9
                  Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                  Ace, you didn't mention that you've already decided you hate this dude and want him out of the band, from your band thread in Non-J/C. Something occurs to me - maybe he's taking all those cig breaks and showing up late waiting for you to realize you need to turn down so he can be heard. Just saying, it's possible. If I'm jamming with another guitarist and his amp's smaller than mine, I bring mine down so he can also be heard. Also, a closed-back 212 cab might do his sound wonders, an open-back combo only sounds pretty bad for anything heavy. I know you're wanting to 86 the guy anyway, but as for the next guy... it'd be a shame to pass on somebody good because his amp won't keep up with yours. Instead, you get him in and infect him with GAS!
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                    You do have a good point about the fact that I want to 86 the dude. But there are better ways of asking me to turn down than that. I turn myself up to where the drummer can hear me, and we have a pretty strange configuration of our speakers, where my 4X12 sits on the floor and throws past my knees and across the drumset while his 2x12 is sitting chest high and pointing right at the drummer and me. That has an overall effect on the sound when we play together and a balance is hard to achieve, but when you play the amps seperately that's more the difference I notice besides just sheer volume.


                    • #11
                      Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                      By the way, I'd love to hear a Vetta cranked, I haven't had a chance yet.


                      • #12
                        Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                        I used to have a similar problem with my XXX and 4x12 blowing away the other guy's 2x12 Flextone II. I found that putting the 4x12 behind the drummer did wonders. You hear just the right amount in the main area, and the drummer can hear you REAL good. Unless you are both doing totally separate things all the time, the drummer really only needs to hear one of you.


                        • #13
                          Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                          At first I didn't know what to make of the thread. I thought maybe it was mocking my want of a practice amp, and was supposed to be a post, and not a thread...

                          Okay now I know that it's not that, if you want to fire the guy, fire him.

                          No offense, but where didn't you think a VHT into a 4x12 would sound better than a Flextone 2x12?


                          • #14
                            Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                            Ace, a 4x12 is gonna have more nuts than a 2x12 pretty much no matter what you do. A Vetta at gigging volume with a good cabinet will smoke. The thing that people always screw up with the modeling gear is that the tone changes more with volume than you would think. Most folks have too much bass and treble in their patches when they make them at low volume. When you crank those patches up they get swallowed by drums, bass, and cymbals.
                            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                            - Newc


                            • #15
                              Re: Line6 vs. VHT

                              This has nothing to do with the practice amp thread. VHT doesn't even make a practice amp, unless you count the Pittbull 45. And for $1200 that's one hell of an expensive practice amp!!

