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Fender Twin Reverb II

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  • Fender Twin Reverb II

    Hey guys, how are you?...

    I have been offered one of these for about $750 (I am in Colombia and gear is not easy to find / cheap here). I would like to know your opinion about them and see.

    Also, I would like to know if it is possible for to mod one of these things myself. I know how to read a wiring diagram and could replace resistors and the like. What I want is to have a more type of aggressive overdrive than these come with... please tell me your opinion.


  • #2
    Re: Fender Twin Reverb II

    If high gain is what you want, that's certainly not the right amp. Good to see you on here though!!


    • #3
      Re: Fender Twin Reverb II

      I don't really know of anyone modding these. I had an original one (even less gain!) back in my early days, and that was likely more mod-able and it was not PCB oriented. I still just ran pedals through it mostly.

      Is there a problem getting gear shipped there from here? Could someone here ship something there for you? I'll figure there must be some problem with doing that I guess. If I could help somehow, and if you ever saw something and sent the dough, I'd reship it for you if you needed if I could. I only offer that as you know I'm straight up and we've done business on word before.

      Hope you and your family are doing ok man. Miss seing you here.


      • #4
        Re: Fender Twin Reverb II

        What I want is a good sounding clean and then throw in front a POD XT Live... or maybe through the FX loop?... you dont think that setup would sound ok?

        Thanks ACE. How is LA doing?...

        John: Sending heavy/big stuff like this to Colombia is VERY expensive. What I can get is something like a pedal or maybe even a multi-effects... even a 1 space rack unit. Thanks, I will keep in mind your offer. Dude, if you ever want to come over for vacation you have a place to stay in Colombia.


        • #5
          Re: Fender Twin Reverb II

          Not the best metal amp. Smoking blues amp, though.
          You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


          • #6
            Re: Fender Twin Reverb II

            LA has been wet as a mo-fo for the last month or so.

            I think you might find the Twin a bit bright for metal. I can't really say though. I have experience with Twins, and experience with metal, but I've never put the two together. Twins DO have balls, and they cut like a bastard, so it just might work.


            • #7
              Re: Fender Twin Reverb II

              I demoed a vibrolux, a 59' bassman RI and a twin. The 59' RI bassman sounded the best IMO. Also be advised that these amps are not built for metal. You can probably get away with hard rock by pushing the amp with a pedal.

