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Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7's

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  • Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7's

    I picked up a couple of the GT Mullard re-issue tubes last week, and popped them in my F-50. I'm very pleased with them so far. They have great detail, even at high gain settings, though they are pricey. Anyone else try these? If so, what do you think? [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

    I picked up a couple of the 12AX7-M tubes last week as well - installed them Tuesday. I agree, the clean sound was definitely shimmering, but I was disappointed in the overall gain in my distortion. I am going to put one of my mesas back into my v2 slot (distortion) and leave the GT Mullard in v1 (clean) until I can find the ultimate gain tube.

    Its going to be a hard trial by fire search considering most of the analysis data online rates all 12AX7 as 100% gain compared to the others (12AT, 12AY, 12AU etc) – I haven’t found a site yet that compares brands, luckily Ive already tried the expensive ones [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

      Pricey? Hehe, try the real deal, haha...

      I've heard some people love them, and some people hate them... This is a weird one for sure.

      I can only say that I'm failry disturbed current production 12ax7s lately... I used a bunch of misc vintage pieces for some time, and they sounded great. But I got tired of seeking good ones and what they were priced at and I broke down and set the CAE up with JJ/Teslas and a EI in the distortion channel socket...



      • #4
        Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

        I noticed an overall drop in gain myself, and just turned the gain knob up a bit to compensate. It could have been due to the fact that I had a 12AT7 in the phase inverter that I had stuck in there a few days prior. Even so, they held together well, and the detail they produced made me say "Whoa" out loud! It's hard to get the high gain saturated sound I'm looking for and maintain clarity and tightness. Then again, I think Boogies have a problem with this overall... at least the few models that I've played.

        I've been doing alot of experimenting with tubes lately. For my F-50, the reissues beat out EH's, JJ's, and the stock Mesas (Sovtek?). I bought a couple more of them to try in my Single Recto. Outta be interesting.


        • #5
          Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

          If you think the re-issues are good you should try and snag the real vintage ones. The Mullard's are the most musical IMO. And articulate. Good tested preamp tubes should last you a lifetime. You pay how much for power tubes on an annual or bi annual basis? Why not pay extra for top notch vintage tubes if they last close to forever. New tubes probably have more than a 50% fallout rate of good to bad. Pete tested all my old tubes and they were more closely matched triode side to side than new tubes. And they tested why higher than new ones. I sent him a couple of new Svetlana tubes I bought and they didn't even compare. I believe the Mullard that was used that I bought from Pete tested at 1100/1100. The best Svetlana I think he said was 700/600. Not postive on the Svetlana but I know it was down in that range.
          We must!
          We must!
          We must increase the bust!
          The bigger the better!
          The tighter the sweater!
          The boys are counting on us!


          • #6
            Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

            Where can you get the real deal? I've never seen them at (that's the only place I know of). I value yours, Pete's, and Cleve's opinion highly, so maybe I'll have to so some diggin around.

            I wish I had an SM57 here to record some clips of the differences between all the different tubes I'm trying to get some opinions. None of the cheap mikes I've got here would really do them justice.

            I've only recently started to really pay attention to "tone" thing. I used to just turn the amp on and if it sounded good, I'd go with it (not that I have a ton of gigging experience). Problem is, it seems to be a very expensive search! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

              Well I've seen a few on eBay. Trouble is you have to trust someone you don't know on those. Do a search on Mullard 12ax7. I found a few places a while back that has them. The shield logo ribbed grey plate ones are the best. Also I highly recommend a RCA 7025 for the first preamp socket. It gives your gain stack an initial kick in the a$$. The 7025 is probably the lowest noise highest gain tube that's available. They were designed for military use.
              We must!
              We must!
              We must increase the bust!
              The bigger the better!
              The tighter the sweater!
              The boys are counting on us!


              • #8
                Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

                yah the NOS (used) Mullards go for $60+ new $80-90+ per tube ... thats an even pricier craps roll ... you just never know what they are going to sound like until you try them.


                • #9
                  Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

                  New isn't an absolute must have. Those tubes really are built a lot better than the new ones. There are a couple of guys that specifically sell tubes on eBay. Look for the guys that have lots of good feedback on prior tube sales. And look for the guys that test their tubes and post the results in the auction. One guy I have bought from before labels the tube with the results and ships it labelled so you know what it is. Test results vary because some guys use different tube testers. Generally you'll want to look for tubes that are 1100/1100 down to the 900/900 range. Those are ones that test out at what is considered new. You may also see some that test at 350/350 to the 300/300 range. That is because they use a different tester and the range is different. Pete could probably better explain the testing numbers. Mainly you want to make sure the triode sides are equal. Ones that aren't equal would look like 1100/1000. That's still not horribly off and a good tube. But matched triode side readings are ideal. Avoid ones that are like 700/450. That tube is probably on it's was out if one side is that far off from the other.
                  We must!
                  We must!
                  We must increase the bust!
                  The bigger the better!
                  The tighter the sweater!
                  The boys are counting on us!


                  • #10
                    Re: Opinions on the GT Mullard re-issue 12AX7\'s

                    Oh yeah and I have picked up Mullard's and Telefunken's for around 40 bucks a tube. Their out there. You just have to look around or keep an eye on the Bay.
                    We must!
                    We must!
                    We must increase the bust!
                    The bigger the better!
                    The tighter the sweater!
                    The boys are counting on us!

