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pod xt live

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  • pod xt live

    i recently got the xt live.

    initial responce - running direct record mode. "i think i might take this back". i have the 2.0 which i prefer to record with. the XTL doesn't have balanced outs [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] what were they thinking. after updating the firmware... it sounded a little better. maybe i'll try reamping with it on the next recording.

    got to jam with it last night with my drummer. ran it through the power section of my i must say that i am impressed. it sounded good. not as loud as the .50 cal with it's pre's smoking, but i was able to have complete control over the tone/volume at any level. that was nice. from 2 - 8 on the boogie's master it sounded relatively the same!
    the sound was really clean aswell - compared to straight boogie. very tame.

    now i'm not saying it sounded better than the .50cal wide open. but it was more usable and controlable which is nice. especially when you have 2 guitarist, and a singer, with only a 400 watt pa. hehheh.

    turning down at practice has always sucked cause the amps sounded like shit. but we could barely hear the vocals.

    this will certainly solve that.

    anyway. haven't even had it a week now so i could totally change my mind and want to sell it. but so far, i'm thinking this will be a great live tool for my band.

    now i just have to talk my other guitarist into getting one or this thing is just going to sit on the shelf.

    i think it will just sound too differet if one of us uses it and the other one doesn't.
    Widow - "We have songs"

  • #2
    Re: pod xt live

    i've been reading on other forums that a tube buffer in front of the line 6 stuff really improves the sound and feel. but i've never tried it myself.


    • #3
      Re: pod xt live

      well i don't really know what the tube buffer is... but the output selection mode is pretty cool. you specify if your running infront or just the powersection of a stack (closed back cab) or combo (opeb back cab) and it adjusts some peramiters to make it sound better. aslo you can specify why type of speakers are in the cab ex marshal vin 30's, green back 20's or 25's, 75T's, recto cab, or line 6 cabs. it changes the voicing a little and well... i think its pretty cool.

      i just set up 2 banks, 1 for mesa cabs, and the other for marshall t75's depending on what cabs i'm borrowing from the other bands at our shows. same amp sims and effects. just to make it fast and easy to plug and play live.

      i'm pretty excited about it really.

      when we go to canada to play the northern lights festival, we'll just take these and plug them in, adjust the volume on the back line heads and go!
      Widow - "We have songs"


      • #4
        Re: pod xt live

        The other guiteris in my band runs a pod infront of a marshall DSL and I hate it, he thinks its cool tho...

        Its a waste of some nice tube tone IMO

