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Someone stole my Mark Cameron

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  • Someone stole my Mark Cameron

    Yesterday Fed Ex dropped off my amp coming from Mark Cameron. The package was not supposed to be delivered until Monday but it got in early so they dropped it off on 1/21 (yesterday). The funny part is I called to track the package and Fed Ex told me it had been delivered. I rushed home to open my new amp modded by the king Mark Cameron to find no package at my door. I called Fed Ex and they dispatched the driver back to my house. I was not freaking out yet because I was sure that the driver must have dropped it off at the wrong house. Well I was wrong the driver showed me where she left the package and I almost threw up on the spot. She dropped it off at 10am and I got home at 12pm. In a two hour time some one stole my amp. I couldn't beleive it! Who would do such a thing? The damn package weighed 72 pounds because I had it in a anvil case besides. It is the next morning now and this all seems like a bad dream. I am just speachless about this and I havn't been able to sleep at all.

    Please be on the look out for a 1981 Marshall JCM 800 2204 50 watt head modded by Mark Cameron. Mark also replaced the output transformer with a Bogner Shiva transformer so that is one part that will stand out. The serial # is 06061N. If anyone runs across this amp PLEASE EMAIL ME.

    Again this feel like a bad dream and I am waiting to role over and wake up.

  • #2
    Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

    Man, that is soooo infuriating. I'm really sorry you lost your amp man, that is just so F-d up. And it being such a special amp is just totally so much worse.

    I hate that UPS/Fed Ex leave packages like that. That HAS to be absolutely the stupidest thing that they can possibly do that. Like someone isn't going to take it? I have signs on my door instructing them NOT to leave ANYTHING ANYWHERE around the house if there is no answer at the door, and that includes with any of my my scumbag neighbors as well.

    I"m lucky too as I can have stuff delivered to a couple addresses where at least someone is there all day like my work etc.

    Damn, I'm sorry...


    • #3
      Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

      That sucks. Did you ask them to leave it? Was signature required checked?


      • #4
        Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

        Hey Tim, I still cant believe that it has not showed up. After we talked on the phone yesterday when you were on the way home to get it. I know you have waited 5 weeks for that bad boy and for it to just not be there really sucks.
        Hey cleve, I am in no way defending what happened to Tim, but I work for DHL (Airborne express) for the last 14 years. I go out with so much stuff to deliver that if it doesnt have a sig required sticker it gets left at the front door. I dont care if its diamonds in the box. You have to understand that us drivers go out with way to much stuff as it is and to not deliver it will first off get us in trouble with the company and give us that much more to redeliver the next day. Im not being a scumbag by not caring but any driver that says he doesnt do this is a liar.
        All these delivery companies have been getting so busy lately that they make you deliver everything you go out with before you can go home. Im just telling you guys this for all your benefits. If you are shipping somthing worth any value make sure you are home or have it signature required. This happens a lot more than you know. Tim my brother from another mother I wll keep my eyes peeled for your head. Again im sorry this happened. Paul


        • #5
          Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

          I recently had a package that I orderd dissapear. DHL said they left on the front porch but it wasn't there. My loss was not near as great as yours but I feel your pain. I hope it turns up somewhere and you get it back bro.


          • #6
            Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

            Slash, Thats what im talking about. Im not saying that its ok for stuff to get ripped off, but I actually had someone following me around ripping off the packages that I left at peoples doors. I have a route in West Orange NJ which is a very nice town. It ranges from middle class to million dollar homes. It does have its little seedy section which its funny I dont ever think stuff got stolen there, only from the nicer area. What I was saying was that untill the cops caught the guy my packages I left were getting ripped off. There are scumbags out there that just follw us drivers and take what they want. You cant blame a delivery driver for leaving a package. If you dont want it left at a neighbors or at your door you have to make sure you get it sig required.


            • #7
              Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

              grrrr this scares me. My neighborhood ain't too bad, but it's starting to [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                I would suggest that you always try to have packages delivered to your work if at all possible. People have no respect for one another and if they see something sitting unguarded, they'll take it. Doesn't matter where you live.

                Sorry to hear about your loss, hopefully you will be reimbursed somehow.


                • #9
                  Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                  Your homeowner or renter policy, if you have it, might reimburse you. I don't see any difference in this vs. someone stealing your lawn furniture that's outside.

                  In any case, file a police report (which you'll need to file a claim anyway). That sets in motion a whole network of folks looking out for your stuff. Guitar Center has a policy to hold items for a month to make sure it's clean, during which time they check police reports. Also pawn shops and music stores are required to do a cursory check as well to make sure they're not inadvertently being a fence.

                  Criminals these days are so brazen. They'll just drive around stealing people's mail to steal their identities. A friend of mine has a wife named Kelly. Some *dude* forged a driver's license and went into Sears and applied for the store credit card (using Kelly's information) and used up the credit limit that day.

                  Anyway, this dude was dumb and got caught. Hopefully, the guy that ripped off your amp is dumb as well (petty criminals usually are) and will slip up and get caught real soon.


                  • #10
                    Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                    The most screwed up thing about it all is that some A HOLE has one of the best if not the best modded amps out there and doesnt even know it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                      I don't blame the shipping company. The thing that urks me is that is was not supposed to be delivered until Monday. I would have been home Monday and none of this would have happened. I filed a police report and filed a claim with Fed Ex. We will see what happens next I guess.

                      If someone comes up with it they will be rewarded!!!

                      The amp is just not replaceable to me though.....


                      • #12
                        Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                        Tim, what area are you from so I can keep an eye out for it? One thing though, if I find it, you can pick it up at the Police station as I have been put in jail for beating the life outa the dude that snagged it from ya [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] Jack.


                        • #13
                          Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                          I am in the Atlanta area. Thanks Everyone!


                          • #14
                            Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                            Damn, I am in Pittsbugh,PA. but will still keep an eye open for ya bro. Jack.


                            • #15
                              Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

                              If that happened to me... I'd be on the phone to every pawn shop or music store within a 100 mile radius giving them the information. More than likely the scumbag who stole it wasn't even a musician, and it's just a 'thing' to him. If you haven't already, place those calls ASAP.


