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Someone stole my Mark Cameron

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  • Someone stole my Mark Cameron

    Yesterday Fed Ex dropped off my amp coming from Mark Cameron. The package was not supposed to be delivered until Monday but it got in early so they dropped it off on 1/21 (yesterday). The funny part is I called to track the package and Fed Ex told me it had been delivered. I rushed home to open my new amp modded by the king Mark Cameron to find no package at my door. I called Fed Ex and they dispatched the driver back to my house. I was not freaking out yet because I was sure that the driver must have dropped it off at the wrong house. Well I was wrong the driver showed me where she left the package and I almost threw up on the spot. She dropped it off at 10am and I got home at 12pm. In a two hour time some one stole my amp. I couldn't beleive it! Who would do such a thing? The damn package weighed 72 pounds because I had it in a anvil case besides. It is the next morning now and this all seems like a bad dream. I am just speachless about this and I havn't been able to sleep at all.

    Please be on the look out for a 1981 Marshall JCM 800 2204 50 watt head modded by Mark Cameron. Mark also replaced the output transformer with a Bogner Shiva transformer so that is one part that will stand out. The serial # is 06061N. If anyone runs across this amp PLEASE EMAIL ME.

    Again this feel like a bad dream and I am waiting to role over and wake up.

  • #2
    Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

    That is entirely too **** up.

    Hopefully Mark screwed the wiring up and whoever stole it got electrocuted as soon as they turned it on.
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #3
      Re: Someone stole my Mark Cameron

      Hit the Pawn shops, ask if they recieved any Mark Cameron Marshalls.

      Make sure one of your neighbors didnt pick it up for you. Happened to me once, I was pretty mad until they called that night.

      That sucks man, sorry to hear about that.

