Ok, picked up a tube Laney AOR 30 head today. Needs to be retolexed, but check out the gut pic...

Here are the highlights I noticed:
1) all tube sockets are chassis mounted.
2) Pots are chassis mounted.
3) There's plenty of room for damn near any turret board I'd want to load.
4) amp runs a pair of 6V6 tubes in push/pull for rated 30 watts, which is bogus... but I bet it pushes at least 20.
5) amp also runs *FOUR* 12ax7s, which basically is one for the phase inverter, leaving me FIVE gain stages plus a stage for the eq. YOW.
So... if you haven't guessed it already, I'm scratch building a turret board and slapping in a hot-rodded JCM800 circuit in there. 20 watts is plenty for small clubs, maybe a little loud for home use, but much more manageable than a 50 or 100 watt amp. I'm not using a tube, I'm leaving the socket in for mods later if I need it. Most amps that have that many gain stages sound like buzz bombs, which is what I'm trying to avoid at all costs. But if I want more gain later, it's there.
I'm also planning on putting a bias adjust and check terminals on the back of the amp so it can be set without taking the chassis out. I also have to figure out what to use to retolex it - black or silver treadplate, black or silver carbon fiber, or black or hunter green or red tolex. Hmmm... if this works out well, I may start buying them used and rebuilding them for resell. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Here are the highlights I noticed:
1) all tube sockets are chassis mounted.
2) Pots are chassis mounted.
3) There's plenty of room for damn near any turret board I'd want to load.
4) amp runs a pair of 6V6 tubes in push/pull for rated 30 watts, which is bogus... but I bet it pushes at least 20.
5) amp also runs *FOUR* 12ax7s, which basically is one for the phase inverter, leaving me FIVE gain stages plus a stage for the eq. YOW.
So... if you haven't guessed it already, I'm scratch building a turret board and slapping in a hot-rodded JCM800 circuit in there. 20 watts is plenty for small clubs, maybe a little loud for home use, but much more manageable than a 50 or 100 watt amp. I'm not using a tube, I'm leaving the socket in for mods later if I need it. Most amps that have that many gain stages sound like buzz bombs, which is what I'm trying to avoid at all costs. But if I want more gain later, it's there.
I'm also planning on putting a bias adjust and check terminals on the back of the amp so it can be set without taking the chassis out. I also have to figure out what to use to retolex it - black or silver treadplate, black or silver carbon fiber, or black or hunter green or red tolex. Hmmm... if this works out well, I may start buying them used and rebuilding them for resell. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]