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please, share your experience, need advice

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  • #16
    Re: please, share your experience, need advice

    savage/pball from

    i've seen those for about 1000/1200 bin price


    • #17
      Re: please, share your experience, need advice

      yeah, tetsuo is totally right saying the triple xxx sounds sterile. i liked the 5150 way better when i tried it out. the xxx had WAAAY to much gain, the clean channel was....well, clean, thats it....and overall the amp was very compressed and kinda harsh. it is around 1250euro, by the way.

      so it seems like most of you guys vote for ENGL? mmh...well, i will definitely sell the laney and the other stuff, which gives me around 600-700 euro...
      at the moment i've narrowed it down to either the used jcm800 or one of the ENGLs....going for the marshall would allow me to keep the mesa, however, the problem is that in order to have more than just a great rhythm sound available i'd have to bring a shitload of gear to every know, the mesa, the marshall, different cabs for each amp, a/b box....way too much hassle imo.
      the advantage of the engl is that i could hook it up via midi and switch everything with only one step....which is nice. (off topic: could i use a behringer midi floorboard for switching channels/presets on the engl, or is the engl midi board necessary?)

      by the way, what about an used 5150 head? they aren't as cheap as in the US, though....they usually go for 700 euro used....they are also noisy as f*ck which is NOT nice....but on the other hand, i think i could also keep the mesa


      • #18
        Re: please, share your experience, need advice

        I've seen 5150 Is go for just about 5-600€, the IIs go up to 1000€... haven't seen enough of them to say what's normal for those, though.
        The 5150 I has the same dilemma as the Fireball, there's no dedicated clean channel. I'd go for the Powerball.


        • #19
          Re: please, share your experience, need advice

          actually, the fireball has a pretty nice clean channel. i guess you meant an own dedicated EQ for the clean? basically, yes.....when i demo'ed (sp?) the fireball i thought the clean sounded pretty nice even with the shared eq....but then again, i was using a model 3 with single coils [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          the 5150s are more like 700, trust me. sometimes they go for 500 euro, but thats pretty rare....unfortunately [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] i haven't tried the head (yet), but the combo was nice. decent clean channel (even with EMG pickups), quite ballsy lead channel....but as i said above, noisy as hell. the 5150 combos are biased hotter than the heads, so i bet there is quite a difference in sound between those two.

          speaking of the fireball: the lead channel was actually quite nice...back then i thought it was too british sounding (i was really into the whole mesa darkness at that time....i still think it's cool, but only for leads [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ), but if i recall correctly it had a nice top and bottom end....and way too much gain. i think i was running it with the gain set at 9-10 o'clock or something like that.



          • #20
            Re: please, share your experience, need advice

            The 5150 head is quite great. Recorded our demo with one - great bass response, tons of gain, but it would feed back by itself. Annoying, just like the constant static noise that came from it.
            The Fireball uses even the same gain-knob for clean&lead channels, so you can't dime the lead channel and have a clean clean channel at the same time. That classifies as "not having a dedicated clean channel" to me [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
            The Fireball the other guy in my former band has behaved like that, anyway. Maybe it was just the EMGs, though. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


            • #21
              Re: please, share your experience, need advice

              yeah, that might be true, but then again, diming the gain on a 5150 or fireball is....retarded [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] as i said above, i dont use a lot of gain....i set the gain on the fireball at 10 o'clock, even though i played a model 3 with quite weak pickups [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


              • #22
                Re: please, share your experience, need advice

                Yup, especially with pups like X2Ns, 81s or Duncan Distortions. Total overkill. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                I use something between 12 and 3 o'clock, depending on the pickups. As long as you're happy with it, it doesn't matter anyway. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                • #23
                  Re: please, share your experience, need advice

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  (off topic: could i use a behringer midi floorboard for switching channels/presets on the engl, or is the engl midi board necessary?)

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  I have the behringer but just for my G Major it can run an amp on standard ¼" jacks but not having tried it I can't say for sure what it will do I assume you would lose the Contour and the second master volumes.... Just maybe get 2 cahnnels? Not 100% sure with the Engl you get all the features.
                  I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                  So that none of its lies can affect me


                  • #24
                    Re: please, share your experience, need advice

                    Triple Recto...Pre 1996..If you can find one, I worked for Fishbone and they were long time Mesa Endorsers, we did the warped tour, and everybody switched to Mesas (Nu-Metal) shortly after. Even My Boy Steph (Deftones, which I sold him his first Marshall Stack) said " Those amps are intimidating" I picked one up in 2001 and tore it apart and it wasent the same.. The Road King is My Fave but costs alot, You play Metal so you don't need all that...Early Triple Recto!!

