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Mesa boogie Rectoverb

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  • Mesa boogie Rectoverb

    Hi everybody.
    It's been some time now, since my last post. Done some studio setup of my own and left the axe dangling in the corner.
    Anyway it seems like i am starting to play again soon.

    I was looking around for a decent amp and i came across the rectoverb.

    I owned a fifty/fifty and was very satisfied with it. Did some combinations with line6 pod pro, ada mp-1, rocktron Voodu Valve, and was very satisfied.
    BUt my ambitions have change. I no longer have the thirst for those multi rack setups and was thinking of going for a decent amp.
    Now since am from A part of Europe that is not really rich wiht VHT's Bogners and Soldanos, i have to limit my range of purchase and so the price range.
    Anyway as i said i was thinkin go of going for the MEsa Rectoverb head. I have a marshall B 4*12 loaded with celestion vintege 30's.
    I am going to do a lot of rhythm, and zero shredding. The hence the synths have bigger role in my music.

    SO any suggestions about he asked is very welcomed espacially any experiences good or bad.

    And how does it differ from the single rectifier head? Just the spring reverb?

    Anyway thanks a lot for the feedback (LOL) and thumbs up for all of you guys that are still here. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

    Oh and another thing?
    What's the reverb like?
    And what's the main difference between single and dual rect?

    What about the cab?
    The difference between a recto cab and a marshall cab? both filled with v30's?
    Any known big difference?


    • #3
      Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

      I believe the dual is a bit more creamy than the single,this one is a bit more crispy.Mesa cabs can handle more bottom end than marshall cabs,since they are bigger.


      • #4
        Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

        I've got a Rectoverb and love it. The reverb is really full on the clean channel. I don't use it with overdrive, but I know there's not as much reverb on overdrive as there is on clean. I've got the version 1 loaded with JJ tubes and the thing is awesome. On less than 1 it gets wonderful sustain and sounds amazing cranked.

        Mesa makes oversized cabs with Celestion v30s ... I've got an oversized 2x12, which looks like a 4x12. Because they're oversized, they have more bottom end. At least that's what I think the reason is, but Mesa also makes a standard Recto cab.

        Single rects are 50 watts while duals are 100. More tubes, more features, etc. Probably other differences I'm ignorant of. I've got the version 1 rectoverb and like the simplicity of it. The version 2 has an extra mode as well as a bias select switch. I prefer 6L6s and play in only 2 of the modes, so the version 1 suits me just fine.

        And, the amp is built like a tank, is very low maintenance, and very dependable. Highly recommended.

        My YouTube Videos | My SoundCloud Page


        • #5
          Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

          Well thanks for the answers guys.

          I am hoping to see a glance and hear some more from the beast itself in these days to come. I have an option f buying it used, a guy is selling it on e-bay here. Well i'd naturally borrow it for a day or two, to get to know it. As well as play with the band.

          Still not sure about the difference between a single rect and a rectoverb.
          Jsut the reverb or anything i should worry?


          • #6
            Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

            The only difference is that the Single Rec doesn't have reverb and the Rectoverb does.


            • #7
              Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

              Now that's the answers i wanted to hear.

              I sure ike the sound ot Single rec.
              I dont think i really need a dual, much to powerful for me. And for lots of other guys too. I mean 100 watts? What is that for.
              A freakin' Stadium?

              Anyway about the head? What is your opinion on the choice of the tubes?


              • #8
                Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

                Lots of guys say the Mesa tubes aren't so great, but I think they sound fine. The beauty of it is that if you replace them with the same ones, then you don't have to have your amp biased (power tubes anyway). I guess really you could put whatever preamp tubes in there that you wanted without any trouble.

                On a side note, I'm getting a Dual because of the third channel mainly...I think it's a cool thing to have.


                • #9
                  Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

                  Mesa has brown based tubes with Mesa silkscreen on them. They are basically Svetlana's. I would not be suprised if most or all of of Mesa's tubes were resilkscreened from places like Sovtek, Svetlana, Ruby..etc..


                  • #10
                    Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

                    They are. But Mesa never claimed to make the tubes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

                      they just buy them in bulk, test, rate, label, and ship them.
                      Widow - "We have songs"




                      • #12
                        Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

                        I put JJ tubes in mine. High gain set works really well. It was the first set I bought so I never tried a brand new Svetlana set, but the JJ were less expensive and highly recommended.
                        My YouTube Videos | My SoundCloud Page


                        • #13
                          Re: Mesa boogie Rectoverb

                          I would go for the road king

