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What gives?

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  • What gives?

    So, I (shortly after buying my Jackson) figure on buying a new head. 100 tube. I take my new Jackson, (cause thats MINE now) to a couple local shops, (GC being one of them). With pretty much the same results;
    (mind you, I've never ever shopped for an amp from a store before, always been person to person buys and whatnot) How can a store expect you to buy this 100 watt tube monster, that you told them will be used for hard rock/metal, and when ya wanna try it out, they turn the volume to 2, and in a round-a-bout way try to explain why they cant crank it up?

    Im about to drop well over a grand on your store.. you may be wise to accomodate me for a few minutes, and show me what this thing can do.

    I refuse to spend 1500 dollars on something that I cannot fully test drive first. Needless to say, GC and a few others lost out on some cash from me for sure.

  • #2
    Re: What gives?

    If that was me I would of walked out and went to another store to buy the amp. Your right how can they expect you to drop a bunch of money on a head and not let you test drive it???


    • #3
      Re: What gives?

      Doesn't your guitar center have a 'quiet room'? But even if they didn't, I'm surprised they basically asked you to keep it down, especially considering that the most loud thing at Guitar Center is usually the drums or some annoying person 'scratching' in the DJ section. The best guitar center I've been to was in Minnesota (Roseland, I believe). They had a loud room in the back with a bunch of Marshalls, Fenders and they'd even bring things into the room for you if you asked nicely.


      • #4
        Re: What gives?

        Guitar Center gives you 30 days to return your purchase if you're not happy with it. I would just buy it and take it back if you don't like it.


        • #5
          Re: What gives?

          For all its faults, GC has a killer return policy.


          • #6
            Re: What gives?

            Plus just hearing an amp 'loud' isn't going to tell you how well it works in a band or recording context. Add to that the fact that you're going to try the amp out in a totally different environment than you're going to actually use it in... buy one you like the sound of at '2' from GC, take it back within 30 days if it doesn't work out for you in YOUR environment.



            • #7
              Re: What gives?

              If not a quiet room, they should at least have a "vintage room" that you can close off and blast some riffs in.
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #8
                Re: What gives?

                Same problem here. Even in the queit room at GC, they came in and turned it down to 2, saying it's too loud. I think you need to know what the amp is capable of before buying it. Only a few minutes wouldn't kill anyone, especially if you are ready to drop that much money on an amp.


                • #9
                  Re: What gives?

                  That's strange, I was checking out an amp at the GC by me and they said "Don't worry about the volume, it's a music store" Any time I've ever been in there, it's always loud. It must depend on how old the employees are. LOL!

