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How come some amps don't have a "master" volume?

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  • How come some amps don't have a "master" volume?

    I've noticed a lot of amps that have two channels don't have an overall master volume. My Mesa F-30, for instance, has a volume control on the clean channel and a volume control on the crunch channel, which is cool when I'm playing at home and I can adjust the volumes to match easily and don't ever have to touch them. But if I take it to a jam session, it'd be cool just to have an overall master volume so I wouldn't have to adjust both channel volumes again. Is there a specific reason some companies do it like this? My Fender Rock Pro 1000 also doesn't have an overall master, but my old Marshall Valvestate does. What's the dealio??
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

  • #2
    Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

    A Master volume is a nice feature but for the 2 seconds it saves adujusting your individual volumes live (on a 2 channel amp) I don't think it is that much of a problem not having one.


    • #3
      Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

      Plus, for every different situation you have to mix the levels of the two (or three) channels differently anyway, so it's just one more item to have to mess with in my experience.


      • #4
        Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

        Good point, but I still like to have my clean channel as loud as my crunch channel all the time and would rather just have one overall volume for the both of them.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

          It is a nice thought Toejam but usually when you are gigging and your mic'd, your crunch and clean channels have to be adjusted seperately anyway. I have never had the need for a master volume and I have been gigging since 1979. Just my .02 of course.


          • #6
            Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

            I do not believe breakup and gain were as important or intrical part of ones sound in amplifier circuits until the music and demand called for it. Usually in the days when those amps were designed, it was still the pedal doing the work.

            Honestly, in part I think it was because the less is more philosophy of have a 'pure' circuit. Cost may have factored into it as well.
            Mesa was one of the first to have a cascading preamp I believe tho, which was why the company took off when Santana started using them in the 70's. Everybody wanted a piece of his sound and especially his sustain. Plus there was a turn of mentality for less volume amoung alot of players. The concern for hearing health awareness was becoming more 'pushed' in mags like Guitar Player.

            Still, in concert situations there was a demand to have a non master amp. That is my only explanation.


            • #7
              Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

              Mesa stole the idea of the cascading preamp from Howard Dumble. I've heard the early Mark Is had a lot in common with some of Dumbles amps. Heck, some early dumbles had a fet front end... and wow, some early Mesas had those damn fetron things for the first gain stage. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

              The thing I wish most amps had is a footswitchable boost that you can set the level... one of the most useful features I've ever seen, imho.



              • #8
                Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

                I agree Pete. Switchable boost and switchable loop are the 2 most important for me.


                • #9
                  Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volume?

                  Does anyone know if the Rivera ninja boost is adjustable or fixed? If I recall, it's adjustable.


                  • #10
                    Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volum

                    I have heard many people with the opinion that master volumes suck tone. Maybe amp cos. are just listenign to what their buyers want (or don't want in this case.)


                    • #11
                      Re: How come some amps don\'t have a \"master\" volum

                      Depends on the type of master volume. I know there are at least four ways to add a master volume to a non master amp.


