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JSX users? anyone own one?

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  • JSX users? anyone own one?

    i played it at NAMM thru a classic 4x12 cab and i tried it yesterday at the store i work at thru one of my 4x12 custom (400wtt) cabs and really am leaning towards buying this as a replacement for my 5150 head i sold recently.
    i played it yesterday using my new Gibson Explorer and it sounded thick and chuncky - just what i look for in tube gain. the clean sounded really nice and useful. i plan to bring in my pedal board to the store today and my Mesa half-back 2x12 cab and give it another run. i use mostly pedals for my gain (Tone Bone Hot British/ Tri O.D.) but need to have a good gain amp with a lot of power for the bigger shows i play. i use a Fender '65 Deluxe reverb reissue for the smaller gigs and with the Tone Bone, it smokes! the clean sound is very important and so far, i'm very impressed with the JSX clean but it is different trying it in the store compared to real world use.
    i just want to hear some sound-off from anyone that has bought the head (not the 2x12 combo- yuck!). i would appreciate any feedback.

  • #2
    Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

    I am interested in reviews on this also.. I have yet to play one but the reviews are pretty good on it
    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
    So that none of its lies can affect me


    • #3
      Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

      I got to play with one yesterday (and will be checking out Chris Caffery's on Thurs night).
      I thought it sounded pretty good - could dial in some good tones rather quickly. It was noisy, but I heard the early models had a useless noise gate which has since been fixed.
      The clean channel was REAL clean, but sounded a bit sterile to me.. but again, I didn't spend hours tweaking it. Wasn't too impressed with the layout of the footswitch, but seemed like a good amp overall. Wouldn't pay the price they are asking at the local Sam Ash, but I've seen new ones in the $900 range on eBay...


      • #4
        Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

        Ohh please don't tell me YUK on the 2 12 combo. I am waiting to try one of these out, I don't need a 4/12 cab.
        What was wrong with it?
        If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


        • #5
          Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

          they rock! my very good friend has one and uses it to reecord in his studio. i think they sound fatasic. The clean channel is amazing too. the jsx kills the xxx. i'd buy one, but im set with my mkIII shorthead


          • #6
            Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

            Ive got one. The head version.

            I LOVE it. IMO, its EXACTLY everything ive ever wanted in an amp, it was the amp that had "THE TONE" for me. The tone that people spend years trying to find, and Ive got it. I could NOT be happier with it [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

            I use mine with a G12T-75 equipped Marshall JCM 800 1960B.


            • #7
              Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

              I don't own one but I've played them in the stores and I really like it. It kills the XXX in my opinion.


              • #8
                Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                Everyone keeps saying it kills the XXX. Mind being a bit more specific, since I love my XXX?


                • #9
                  Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Everyone keeps saying it kills the XXX. Mind being a bit more specific, since I love my XXX?

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Dude it just uh Kills it [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img] you know kills like in killing comeon dude you know Kill - Beavis you explain it
                  I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                  So that none of its lies can affect me


                  • #10
                    Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                    I had one and hated it.
                    Before me, Chuck tried it for me and he hated it too.

                    The amp was noisy and the distortion CHs sounded like non tube amp from 15years ago and soudned very thin.
                    I tried it with my 4x12 Marshalls(Greenbacks) and also Peavey 5150 Straight cab.
                    All my amps in the past sounded pretty good with my Marshall cabs but this JSX was the first amp I was unable to sound it right.

                    Also my ears were used to listen to amps like VHT,Engl Savage 120, CAE OD100,VHT2150 with Bogner Fish and Triple Giant,Jose modded Marshall in the last 1-2years, the JSX sounded very differently from these amps I used to own..
                    So that has to do I guess.

                    My opinion is you will love it or hate it.
                    If you are thinking of buying it, do not buy it without trying it and I recommend you to use your own guitar(s) and maybe your cab to try it to see if you like it or not.
                    I have been reading many reviews where people say JSX sounds very different from other amps people own/owned.


                    • #11
                      Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                      I gotta get out there and try the Triple XXX-5150II and JSX back to back. jack.


                      • #12
                        Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Everyone keeps saying it kills the XXX. Mind being a bit more specific, since I love my XXX?

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I'm with ya Noodles..... Couldn't be happier with my XXX. Jack, go try all the Peaveys out back to back and give us a review.


                        • #13
                          Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                          Well, I can compare the two for you alittle. I've tried a JSX out really well (friends), and I used to own and gig with a Triple XXX for a year and a half. Although the XXX is a killer sounding amp, the JSX beats it in versatility in my opinion with the prescense, resonance, and fat controls. The freq on the JSX seems to be more for a rock amp, and with the Triple XXX, it was sort of a metal amp (in comparision to the JSX). Plus the JSXs' clean channel BLOWS the XXX out of the water. No caparision. But this post is not to say that the XXX is a bad amp. I loved mine, and if I could get my sound out of it, I would have kept it. It was too tight sounding to me, and not raw enough. Maybe thats why I like the JSX more, or maybe thats why I prefer an old Mesa MKIII shorthead....


                          • #14
                            Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                            thanks so much guys to hear some feedback.
                            i think the XXX has only 2 useable channels (clean/crunch) and the third wasn't very useable for my taste. it just wasn't as versatile for my needs. to me, the JSX had a far greater range of tones and a far better clean channel.
                            you need to try the 2x12 combo - it's not the same as the head and usually they never are (5150, Legacy, ect).
                            i used my Mesa 2x12 halfback cab and my custom 4x12 (4 Carvin vintage 100wtt spks) and i tried a new XXX 4x12 just for comparison. my 4x12 sounded warmer than the XXX cab (a little too trebley for me) and the Mesa cab was awesome. i got beautiful clean w/out breakup (i didn't give it full volume yet) and very thick.
                            i used my pedal board and my new Explorer (oooh yeah!) and i got goose bumps on my elbows from some of the tones. i was able to easily dial in very useful settings in all three channels and the clean worked great with my pedals. i used my Tone Bone (hot british) on the clean channel and got a great tone quickly and was able to dial in lots of flavors. i used my boost (Tri O.D. - just the preamp side) and it gave the tone a whole new sound - a little more JCM800 sounding. it kinda acted like a Tube Screamer following my Tone Bone pedal.
                            the JSX was originally a XXX that James Brown (Godfather of Tone - really that is his name - very cool guy) redesigned for Satch's taste and needs - hence the improved clean channel for pedals. he won awards for this amp and is now working for custom (you need to check out his new series of Kustom tube amps - simply AWESOME! with a very big "chunk" factor). James is a one of a kind designer. he also designed the 5150 series. i got to hang with him a little at NAMM last Jan. and he was so cool. it was a neat experience to have him turning the knobs on the new Kustom tube amps he designed while i was playing thru them.
                            just one other thing i've enjoyed so far about this amp - i used my phase 90 direct and the Ultra channel and got Ed's sound pretty closely. Atomic Punk and Eruption were almost spot on.
                            this is where my money will go for a head that can be extremely versatile which is what my needs are in the band i'm in.
                            i appreciate all the feedback and it is helpful to hear that noone has had any issues or problems with the amp. i'll have to get a nice road case for it but i figure it is like insurance.


                            • #15
                              Re: JSX users? anyone own one?

                              So, the common complaint about the XXX is the clean channel, which was fixed in the JSX. Do you think this is more a product of the circuit, or the EL34 power tubes?

                              I play metal, so the crunch and ultra channels are perfect for me, and I prefer 6L6 power tubes. I'm guessing there is no way I'm going to be able to warm up that clean channel on the XXX. Has anyone tried putting 6L6's in a JSX? That might be a step up from the XXX for me, but still have that metal sound.

