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laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

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  • laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

    hi all

    i'd like to buy another amp for gigging so i don't have to take my beloved mesa on the road all the time [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] i'm also planning to buy an USA jackson, so money is a bit limited [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] i'm doing thrash metal, playing a lot of gigs, going for an old-school thrash sound in the vein of kreator's extreme aggression, older exodus stuff, ride the lightning, or even zakk get the idea. my limit is around 600 € used.
    basically, i'd like to have an amp (the other guitarist is using a TSL 100 head btw) that covers this sound and is very very sturdy...i take care of my stuff, but $hit happens. i'd also prefer solid state or digital because then i'd not have to worry about tubes, although i like the tube sound (btw our stage volume isn't very loud, i rarely get past two on the mesa, so power tube saturation is not a factor)

    well, as you can see in the thread title i've searched ebay and came across the laney pro tube head. it's still 30 hours until the end, but at the moment he highest bid is 10,50euro [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] i think i could grab it for around 200....i have never played one so i don't know if i can get a good old school thrash sound out of it.
    i've also found a pro linebacker laney head for a bit less than 50 euro which should also go for around 200 euro. it's solid state (as i said above, no tubes to worry about, as i'm all about reliability when it comes to live gear) and i know that jgcable loves it [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    btw, i love my mesa, and the soundguys love it, too, but i'm just afraid of breaking it on the road [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


  • #2
    Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

    I'm not a big fan of the Pro tube heads, just because you have to put a bunch of pedals in front of them to get any decent gain, especially heavy gain. But, if you use alot of pedals or a processor, you'll definitely get a good tone with that particular Laney head, just not much gain.


    • #3
      Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

      [ QUOTE ]
      I'm not a big fan of the Pro tube heads, just because you have to put a bunch of pedals in front of them to get any decent gain, especially heavy gain. But, if you use alot of pedals or a processor, you'll definitely get a good tone with that particular Laney head, just not much gain.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I 100% agree. If you want killer Laney in solid state you should look no further than the Pro-Linebacker. The model # is PL100HR (or just PL100). I have one and it kills. No pedals required. 100 watts, 2 channels and a combiner and great reverb. The clean is really clean and the distortion is total metal or you can dial it down to around 2 and back off your guitars volume and get a great hard rock tone. I had a rehearsal last night with Sambencuda and we were polishing up our dual leads for Round and Round and a few other metal songs. I was using my Laney. I had the gain on 4 and the gain boost knob wasn't even pulled out. Jim commented that my sound was EXACTLY like the CD. It was [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

        One more thing... you know how many people say that when you have a great sounding amp it begs you to play it so you wind up playing more? The Laney is that type of amp. I have a whole room full of amps (ask Jim) but the Laney is something special. Whether is is at bedroom whisper levels or stadium volume, it sounds great.


        • #5
          Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

          Jg,you are killin me! Mine is on the way!.............
          Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


          • #6
            Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

            [ QUOTE ]
            Jg,you are killin me! Mine is on the way!.............

            [/ QUOTE ]
            You are gonna really dig it. Put a digital delay in the effects loop. Its awesome. Total Warren Demartini tone. Dead nutz..
            Another cool thing you can do with it is use both of the channels clean and use a distortion pedal. Set channel 2 louder than channel 1. This is what you get that is all footswitchable:
            Channel 1 Clean or Distortion
            Channel 2 Louder clean or Louder Distortion (for solo's)
            Step on the button and combine Channel 1 and 2 and you get both of above for both clean or Distortion. Heck.. that sounds like 6 channels to me!
            I use the distortion that comes from the Laney. Its awesome. I just put a preamp in the effects loop for solo boost. The clean clean channel is great. I don't use the combiner. It sounds like ass if you are using channel 1 clean and channel 2 distortion.
            Like I said earlier.. I would have no problem gigging with mine and leaving my 100w tube amps at home.


            • #7
              Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

              I think the Laney probably won't give you a real modern hi-gain sound, but it will work for some old school thrash if you feed it the right tubes. Some NOS stuff will really wake that little amp right up.


              • #8
                Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                well, thank you all so far for the replies. one more question, though: which amp do you think would suit my needs/style best?
                and by the way: i used to own a laney gh 50l all tube head which sounded very nice. although it just wasn't the right one for me...the gain was a little fuzzy even at low gain settings.
                lately i've been looking at the 5150 and the jcm800 (prefering the 800), but those things are rather expensive if you want a good one. i'm sure the 800 would do the thrash thing very well. but at the same time i'm also thinking about buying some digital or solid state amp because of the reliability...but i'm not sure if there are any SS amps that cut it for my style. well, i know that the marshall 8100 doesn't [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] awful amp



                • #9
                  Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                  If you love your Mesa just get a anvil case for it.


                  • #10
                    Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                    I have used 2 Laney AOR 50 heads and a JCM 800 50 watt head for 20 years. (Although the Marshall gets used very little) The only head out of the box in that entire time that made me want to get something else in that entire time was the Uber. I guess you need to ask yourself this: Can I get a better sounding amp for $250 all day long on EBAY... NO! Do I want to spend $2,700 for an Uber... Sure. It also depends on what style you play. I play mostly 80's and some newer stuff. I wish the Laney had a bit more compression in the sound, but other than that, most of an amps tone comes from the player.
                    The cool thing about an AOR 50 is that you can get one for cheap and try it, if you don't like it, you won't lose much if any money on it. Good luck with the amp hunt!


                    • #11
                      Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                      Let me clarify that I was in no way swaying you away froman AOR. I like them. It is similar to a JCM800 but not even close to a 5150.


                      • #12
                        Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                        well.....the question is: how similar? very close or just in the ballpark? well, the auction will end in 2 hours and the highest bid is 150€, wheras the linebacker has 4 hours left but costs only 70 euro.

                        well, it's not that i'm only thinking about those two amps. as i already said above, i'm generally looking for a thrash metal amp that is reliable and preferably solid state or digital. if i had a lot of money to spend (not only on the amp itself but also on spare tubes etc....all the stuff that is neccessary if you're regulary gigging with tube amps)i'd definitely go for a jcm800. but well, as long as it sounds right for our music and is reliable, i don't care what i'm actually playing through [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

                        but well....i guess if it stays below 200 euro i'll give the linebacker a shot.


                        • #13
                          Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                          You can't compare tube and solid state amps. They are too different. If you want SS than go for the Laney. If you want tube than go for the Laney. If you want an amp that doesn't need a pedal to give you the gain for metal than go with the SS Laney. If you don't mind putting a pedal in front of it than go for the tube Laney. I bought my SS Laney for 3 reasons.
                          I wanted an amp that I could jam with at home at low levels and still get excellent gain
                          I wanted an amp that was bullet proof and good for back up at gigs.
                          I didn't want to pay alot.


                          • #14
                            Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                            oops...i meant how close is the pro tube to the jcm800 *g*

                            but anyways, i lost the pro tube auction. but i'll also try to score the pro linebacker.

                            well, i'd definitely prefer having enough gain for rhythm playing without an overdrive stompbox, but i don't mind using one for a lead boost. however, i don't use a lot of gain for my rhythm sounds. around 8/10 of the marshall tsl crunch channel gain. very difficult to say, but think about slayer - hell awaits gain...(not the actual sound, just the amount of gain)



                            • #15
                              Re: laney pro-tube 50 head...any good?

                              I think that the AOR and the JCM800 sound similar. They have similar gain too.

