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randall identification

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  • randall identification

    theres a head at a local pawn shop for $175. i know nothing about randalls, never interested in one really, but $175 seemed like a decent deal i guess. problem is there is seemingly no way to identify the model, can anyone help?


  • #2
    Re: randall identification

    t doesn't say something on the face like RG100 or anything?


    • #3
      Re: randall identification

      I have an RG80ES, and the only place the model # can be found is on the back, right above where it says '150 Watts'.

      IMO, the Randall sounds OK, I would say great, but I don't have the footswitch, and it is stuck on one channel (don't know which channel yet since neither channel indicator is on).

      I spent maybe 15 minutes on it w/ a tubecreamer and got some decent sounds out of it.

      If you love tubes, shop elsewhere, but really, it was easy to get some 1980s out of it.

      $175 is not bad, but occasionally folks put them up for $150 or less. Try to get it for $150 out the door, and at worst, you have a beater head/backup to drag around. At best, you realize that all-tube might not be for you.

      Make sure you get the footswitch with it, or drop the price accordingly. These are not normal footswitchs and the amp has the ability to blend clean/crunch channels - which sounds a little different. I think mine is stuck in that mode b/c neither channel light is on and both sets of vol/gain work at the same time.
      When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


      • #4
        Re: randall identification

        Look at the back, There should be a model name next to the effects return jack... well at least on older Randalls. My RG100ES has no other model markings but that.


        • #5
          Re: randall identification

          Actually both chans are on at once thats why no lights come on, just turn the volume and gain down on one chan and turn the volume and gain up on the other to use either chan, I figured this out one day. I really need to get a damn footswitch.. or have one built since I have all the schematics for it.


          • #6
            Re: randall identification

            [ QUOTE ]
            Actually both chans are on at once thats why no lights come on, just turn the volume and gain down on one chan and turn the volume and gain up on the other to use either chan, I figured this out one day. I really need to get a damn footswitch.. or have one built since I have all the schematics for it.

            [/ QUOTE ]

            I can make you a footswitch if you have the schematics. The hardest part to get is the connector and I stock them where I work. Let me know.. John G


            • #7
              Re: randall identification

              Hey inflamed, sounds like we need to get with John and do a batch of them.
              When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


              • #8
                Re: randall identification

                The schematic is the key for me. I don't have a Randall amp to test a footswitch on so I need the schematic to make them. I am pretty sure that a standard 2 button switch and a schematic are all that I need. It is a simple pedal.
                Channel switching and channel combining.


                • #9
                  Re: randall identification

                  I still haven't finished my footswitch John. I have had a serious hard time finding some maintained DPDT pushbuttons.
                  Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                  • #10
                    Re: randall identification

                    Ok you needed schematics here they are.

                    LINK ---> Foot Pedal Schematics

