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Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

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  • Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

    I have been looking at the Fender Cyber Deluxe amp. Does anyone have one? Does anyone like it?

    Seems like good bang for the buck and the one I played at the local shop for 10 minutes seemed pretty neat!

    I would like to hear any feedback people have about this amp.

    Thanks guys,


  • #2
    Re: Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

    Do you like Fender amps? Are you into the nuances of a Silverface Twin vs. a Blackface Twin? Do you need a Tweed Champ sound? Can't live without a Princeton?

    If you answerd yes to ALL those questions, then you sir need a Cyber-Whatever amp from Fender.

    Personally I think there are way better choices for the money, unless you worship at the alter of the Fender amp.


    • #3
      Re: Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

      A friend of my cousin's had one of the Fender Cyber amps... maybe it was the Cybertwin? I can't remember. It was a cool amp, but it didn't seem to be able to get all that much gain for heavier stuff (though, you could always boost it with an OD pedal if that's your thing). I guess, like Chuck said, if you're using it to get clean to medium gain tones and dig the Blackface, Silverface, Twin, Princeton, Bassman, whatever other Fender sounds, you'd really like this amp.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Re: Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

        I've tried it at the store several times and all in all it was pretty cool, I do not know how long the novelty will last after I took it home but hey it was fun tweaking the thing.

        I was taken back at some of the preset "sound/FX" groups. They were downright nauseating. Totally unusable on any situation I can think of except some Star Wars movie. I don't know how in the hell they determined it was a cool preset. The was a Cliffs of Dover preset (at least that is what I remember, I aasume it was an Eric Johnson inspired preset that sounded nothing like Eric.
        Granted, Eric has more talent and chops on his pinky finger that I will ever have but trying anyhting within my playing realm could not get me to sound like him.

        Some of the other packages are pretty cool. They just released an upgraded Cyber Deluxe, maybe it is better?

        I am not asolid state basher, quite the contrary, but I still prefer the organic tube amps.
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #5
          Re: Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

          If you are into everything Fender I would say go for it. It does a really good job at Fender. Heck, even the Rectifier settings sound like a Fender.


          • #6
            Re: Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

            Yup.......I own one and love it. It comes with a standard foot-switch, but I went out and bought the Cyber foot-pedal. Theres a lot of sounds you can get if your willing to sit down, learn it. Also, there's a website and a thread on the FenderForum website that deals with the Cyber-Deluxe. A lot of good info on different patches (settings). Here's a link if you want to read some of the info;


            There are other sites also that contain patches to simulate, say, your favorite players sound. I like it, but it takes time to learn it since there's so many varieties of combinations. I usually find what sound I like and save it. I was using it out on gigs, til I switched back over to Marshall. I kept with clean, distortion and a occasional flanger.

            Cyber Deluxe's are coming down in price too. You can get a good deal on ebay, compared to what I paid new for it.

            Like Joe_Steeler said, there are some pre-sets that could be considered nauseating, but on the good side, you can take those presets, tweak it in different areas (FX's) and mold it into something you like, then save it. The original preset will remain. The presets are there as a general template. You can use it, or like I said modify it, then save it as a personal patch.
            Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


            • #7
              Re: Fender Cyber Deluxe Amps? Anyone have one?

              If you're into hard rock and metal, the Spider IIs are better IMHO. If you're into classic rock to 80s hard rock, the Vox Valvetronix combos are better.

              It's all opinion though. I'd say check them all out. If you don't need effects, the Tech21 amps are pretty cool too.


