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Various pieces of recording equipment reviews.

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  • Various pieces of recording equipment reviews.

    I visited my rhythm guitarist's house today to find a buttload of studio equipment. He had no four track, and I did, but no recording equipment. So, being as my mulit tracker was my room mate's computer, he agreed to bring his stuff over here. He's got some good stuff.

    First off:
    Peavey RQ 200 mixer.
    This being my first mixer that I've got to sit down with at my place and mess around to my heart's content.
    Phantom power.
    Seperate main, effects, headphones, and monitor level outs. Not many small mixers have these.
    BUZZZZZ. Never heard a noisier mixer.
    No effects return. Don't mixers usually have an effects return?
    Limited EQ. Granted most this size only have a two band EQ anyway, but whatever. Still a pain in the ass.

    MK 319 microphone
    Badass! I don't know how much he spent on this, but this is one very natural sounding mic.
    Great bass clarity.
    No distortion whatsoever.
    Withstands high SPL's
    Like any good mic, needs a good preamp for phantom power. Where my only source for phantom power was the mixer itself, coordinating it with the effects was a son of a bitch. In fact, I'm still working on it.

    Nady Star Power 9 mic
    I think he blew his $500 mic budget on the Mk-319 and then used the pocket change for one more desperate leap.
    It picks up sound.
    No sticker saying "Warning, for live use only".
    Anything in the least bit bassy will be muddy.

    Alesis Nanoverb effects processor.
    Decent. It worked for what I needed it for. I should probably come back to this one, because the only thing I put it behind was the Nady microphone.
    For 18 bits, some of the effects weren't that bad.
    The chorus sounded good. It's what I used mainly.
    Different reverbs are available.
    Minmal tweakability. One knob to adjust the effects? At least they did that part well.
    The reverb was cheasy. Half of the processor itself was deticated to the reverb section, but it sounded very unreal. It just didn't feel right. Maybe more tweakage is necessary.
    I think to use the delay you had to be rigged stereo. Without it, you can't hear it pinging around. I could have tweaked it wrong, but whatever. I had it set up mono and all that I could hear was the delayed guitar. I couldn't hear the initial guitar.