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Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song:)

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  • Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song:)

    Ok-as you guys know I play marshalls but I have been thinking of a different direction-(yes here we go again)-remember the Soldano Slo-100 thread-I have tried all the Mesa stuff and I went and played a Bogner Uberschall and they kick major I love the distortion on this beast I do not like the lead sound but I need to spend time with it.Plus $2500.00 is alot of green to throw out to see if I want to keep it.Instead of the 3 marshall heads one clean,one dirty and one for lead thru my cae rig I'am thinking of a good amp to get-I sold the Marshall jubilee and the 1982 Marshall Jcm800 (50 watter) is up for sale on the bay.Has anybody played the Rivera M-100 heads-Diablomozart said they are the beast-but thats his opinion but I do trust his opinion [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
    What I will be doing is keeping the 80 jmp bucause some values have been changed,resistor's etc...Plus it has an original Soldano hot mod in it (Brass Casing)So that one will stay put-but I'am looking for a great clean and dirty amp.I play heavy stuff-80's style-Lynch,Ratt,Yngwie and newer stuff as Lincoln Park,BLS,Devaneetc..Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks Guys & Have A Happy 4th!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

    SLO. I played with one in direct comparison to a Bogner XTC and a Bogner Uber... I preferred the SLO. Unless you use a lot of effects - since the SLO effects loop is a little wonky. Another good candidate is the Egnater TOL 100 - can find them for around a grand, four channels, midi channel switching. Great sounding amp, but channel 1 and 2 share an EQ, so do 3 and 4.

    The SLO is pretty hard to beat though. Just my opinion.



    • #3
      Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

      Thanks Pete,
      I know the Marshall/Soldano got some people heated.
      Maybe I should re-post and say what amp do you play and why?
      Thanks again


      • #4
        Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

        [ QUOTE ]
        SLO. I played with one in direct comparison to a Bogner XTC and a Bogner Uber... I preferred the SLO. Unless you use a lot of effects - since the SLO effects loop is a little wonky. Another good candidate is the Egnater TOL 100 - can find them for around a grand, four channels, midi channel switching. Great sounding amp, but channel 1 and 2 share an EQ, so do 3 and 4.

        The SLO is pretty hard to beat though. Just my opinion.


        [/ QUOTE ]

        Try one of the yamaha t series, great amp, cloes to the slo, but with differences, still designed by Soldano. you ever in VA give me a ring you can come try mine out.


        • #5
          Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

          I'm a Marshall fan and think everyone should keep at least one [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] If I were going to use one amp for "do it all" purposes I use the Bogner Ecstasy 101B, its a 3 channel head with a decent clean channel and more musical of a lead tone on the red and blue channels than from what I here out of Ubers. I'm not from the school of using one amp to do it all but the Ecstasy does it all pretty good to my ears. I'd still rather use at least 2 heads. I like simplicity of one channel or 2 chanel amps that do what they do and do it great. I think there are sacrifices being made when you throw 3 or more channels in an amp [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I think that is why the SLO and 2203/04's are so great.

          As far as the Riveras I mot familiar with those but someone here uses them (I think it is L) and swears by them.

          If you like a modded Marshall type of tone you can check out VHT stuff. I have a 50 CL w/EQ and reverb. Its a 2 channel amp but no real clean channel, two distinctive distortion channels voiced a lot alike. If an effects loop is something you use it has one of the best loops out there. The amp is pretty tight and articulate and has a lot of note definition and clarity. If your technique isn't smooth you'll hear every mistake pretty good [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] To me when I plug into it I automatically I think VH I and VH II tone. I originally bought one for a good price to hold off my Bogner urge and maybe flip it...well I got it and liked it too much to part with...I ended up getting the Ecstasy anyway [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Some folks claim VHT's are too dry but I don't find that in the CL. I haven't played a UL so I don't know how those are.

          I know you said you did the Mesa thing but you should check out the Mark IV's if your looking for versatility.

          Why are you wanting to change your set-up anyways? Are you just tired of luggin around 3 heads or was there something in your tone that you weren't liking or just ready to try out something new? I'm just curious. I like change too and I think thats why I keep 4 different amps around [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

          Also I say use your own ears as amp/tone selection is a prersonal and very subjective. Try out whatever you can get your hands on an ddon't pay too much attention to the name on the front of it [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

            +1 on the SLO. But we have done this discussion before... I also had a Marshall 800 with the Hotmod in it and we have had that discussion before too. Here we go again... lol.

            Tone is so subjective. What is it that you don't like about the current rig (we are talking tone here... Not it is big and heavy) and maybe we can help you get it all in one box here.

            You need at least three channels from the way it sounds so far...

            I am an SLO fan but I did like the Rivera Knucklehead that I heard recently. The cleans were very nice. THe dirty could go from blues to metal to nu metal. THe nu metal tone really wasn't my bag but it was a great lead tone.

            At NAMM I really liked the new VHT that is supposed to be out soon. The Deliverance was the neame of it I beleive. It was a tone that has been stuck in my head for 6 months now. I can't wait to hear it again.


            • #7
              Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

              Oh yeah. The Deliverance is a 1 channel amp so that might not work for you.


              • #8
                Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                Thanks Guys,
                I'm not trying to drum up anything about well this ones better this one is not. And I know you guys know that.The 1980 jmp will be used as my solo head-to me nothing sings like that amp and it has a hot mod in it-brass casing-first version (never had a problem with it in 6 years)My tech said he could get the jcm800 sounding just as good by adding another gain stage-drill a hole you guys know the rest of the story-I guess the 800 just ain't doing it for me.I played the Uber for an hour I really love the crunch!! The bass,treble,mids etc..Are very responsive-I like that. And the clean sounds good as well using it for a lead tone-well it can't beat my jmp- (To me that is)But the Bogner is $2500.00-But hey I will spend that if need be-I tried a Bogner Shiva and really it did nothing for me.I guess I need a change-because I'am very anal about my sound.
                Diablomozart swears by the Rivera-but I can't find one in town to try out.Oh yeah d.m. told me that Jason Bieler from Saigon Kicks uses Rivera M-100 on the lizard album-That is really the sound I'am looking for-Hostile Youth is what I'm looking for-I'm going shopping Monday and as usual I will try everything in the stores-Hopefully I will stumble on a Rivera-when I here that sound I will be done-So far I like the Uber but I'm very curious about the Rivera-M100
                Sorry Guys but I really appreciate the help [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                  Rivera M-100's were also used by Skid row on the Slave To The Grind album. That's my benchmark for guitar sound right there!
                  Apparently Jason turned Scotty and Dave onto the Rivera's. I never played one either, but would love to!

                  I played an SLO for a long time, and had a love/hate relationship with that amp. I thought I wanted a Bogner Ecstacy instead, and a friend of mine brought his over. I A/B'd them in my rehersal room, through my cabs using my guitars, cables, etc. I loved the versatility of the Bogner, but the SLO flat sounded better. Even the Bogner owner agreed.


                  • #10
                    Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                    Diezel Herbert. If you want the most versatile and all around best sounding 3 channel high-gainer on the market right now IMHO. I love mine, and I've owned just about everything else. I also just bought a new Bogner Über (revision blue) which is the 3rd version, and the lead tone has been definitely improved vs the past 2 incarnations. The sweep of both the lead gain & bass pots has definitely been increased and there is slightly less preamp gain and bass on tap. This lets you dial in many more mid-gain tones, and the boomy bottom I didn't like before is now gone. As far as the XTCs go (100b/101b/Classic) I've tried them all, but I really have not ever been impressed with any of them. The XTC's just don't have enough preamp gain for me, the overall voicing is too dark and is mainly focused in the low mids (sounds like there is a blanket over the speakers), and they're just not focused/articulate enough for me. The SLO has good lead tone, but the fx loop blows chunks, you can't footswitch between the clean/crunch modes, and the shared eq controls really limit your settings. It's a one trick pony in my book, but a pretty cool sounding trick. Another option would be a multi-amp rig with a Marshall for distorted tones and something else for clean/mid gain tones.


                    • #11
                      Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                      I own a SLO and love it. I bought it specificly to replace my '79 Marshall JMP 2203, so that I could get a great lead tone without a pedal and actually have a true clean. (Well, technically I tried a whole bunch of amps to replace the 2203, and the SLO is what I kept long term.) To me, it's been the perfect mix of classic Marshall and modern sound, lots of articulation, great lead tone, etc. I've even gotten the clean dialed in pretty nicely now (thanks for the tip on the 5751's, Chuck). As mentioned, the loop can be an issue, though coming from a classic Marshall background you probably aren't thinking about using a loop much anyway, and it really isn't a probably if you run a good quality effects unit in it.

                      I've also owned both the Rocktron and preRocktron Egnater TOL100 that Pete mentions and thought both were great. For versatility, they can't be beat. I haven't played another multichannel amp that has such a consistant set of good sounds in it across all channels. On most amps, one or more channels are an afterthought IMO, but not on the TOL100. Of course, I kept the SLO and sold the TOL100s because the SLO covers all the ground I need and in it's niche it's better.

                      I'm intrigued by the M100 mentioned. I've heard great sounds from Riveras, but the one and only time I tried an M100 I found it a pain to dial in - kinda like an old Boogie but with more knobs, buttons, etc. Sometimes you'll see these around dirt cheap, so maybe picking one up and spending some time with it would be worthwhile.


                      • #12
                        Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                        Rivera M-100 w/ a ninja boost is a nice amp. Versatile as well over the SLO IMO. I've been shopping one out locally here at the MGR's and if you can get one in the 'hood of 600 for the head you are doing well and not out all this money on a high buck amp. If you don't like it, you can easily resell them at what you paid if it was reasonable. The SLO is a great amp for its kick ass tone..but IMO, is limited as stated above due to its shared eq.


                        • #13
                          Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                          Mesa Mark III purple stripe with E34L's and 6L6's in it.
                          3 channels.
                          Very modded Marshall 2203 sounding.


                          • #14
                            Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                            SLO KILLS, I like it more than Bogners, VHTs, Marshalls etc.
                            But you want to play that modern/Nu stuff too.
                            Well SLO, Riveras and all those don't give you THAT modern tone, they have a lot of gain, but that's not IT.
                            Many players say that they get the job done, but the FACT is that they don't (ok maybe uberschall does) because most of the players who have said that don't play Nu metal and don't really know anything about it.
                            If you don't dig Mesas then check out Diezel VH-4.
                            The fact is that most of the amps where are hi-gain channels don't have the Nu metal character. Why almost every Nu metal dude plugs into Mesa ?, becuase it has that MTV-NU metal characteristic sound what the other hi-gain amps don't have.
                            I may not be the most experienced dude, but I know what is modern tone and what is not.
                            If you try out some amp and think it has that modern tone then go to the studio and record with it and then you REALLY hear that it doesn't sound like NU metal at all. I'm talking about the most mainstream sounding stuff right now, you need Mesa or Diezel for that. Diezel VH-4 is incredible, it is the only amp I've heard that REALLY gives you that Mesa modern sound and it also has awsome 80's marshall tones.
                            But if the mainstream tone isn't necessary then you can buy SLO or something else, Chuckracer posted some clip where he played with SLO, it has a really nice crunchy tone. You can make BLS tones with it. Incredible amp.
                            Now there are a lot more experienced guys who have owned a lot of different amps, but I think I'm the one of the few guys on this board who has really played the cheesyest-mainstream-type nu metal. This is the Mesa's and Diezel's playground, ok Uberchall can do it too (some have done it with some Randalls too)
                            The other amps can give you the metalcore, hardcore, emo etc. type modern sound, but that's a totally a different ball game. You can do it with SLO, Rivera's, ENGL, Bogner etc. But NU=Mesa. Don't belive me, just record somehting with non-mesa type amp and compare it with some Limp Bizkit, Lincoln Park, Mudvayne etc. records.
                            I really know what I'm talking about when it comes to Nu metal tones.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #15
                              Re: Here I go again-Not the whitesnake song

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              SLO KILLS, I like it more than Bogners, VHTs, Marshalls etc.
                              But you want to play that modern/Nu stuff too.
                              Well SLO, Riveras and all those don't give you THAT modern tone, they have a lot of gain, but that's not IT.
                              Many players say that they get the job done, but the FACT is that they don't (ok maybe uberschall does) because most of the players who have said that don't play Nu metal and don't really know anything about it.
                              If you don't dig Mesas then check out Diezel VH-4.
                              The fact is that most of the amps where are hi-gain channels don't have the Nu metal character. Why almost every Nu metal dude plugs into Mesa ?, becuase it has that MTV-NU metal characteristic sound what the other hi-gain amps don't have.
                              I may not be the most experienced dude, but I know what is modern tone and what is not.
                              If you try out some amp and think it has that modern tone then go to the studio and record with it and then you REALLY hear that it doesn't sound like NU metal at all. I'm talking about the most mainstream sounding stuff right now, you need Mesa or Diezel for that. Diezel VH-4 is incredible, it is the only amp I've heard that REALLY gives you that Mesa modern sound and it also has awsome 80's marshall tones.
                              But if the mainstream tone isn't necessary then you can buy SLO or something else, Chuckracer posted some clip where he played with SLO, it has a really nice crunchy tone. You can make BLS tones with it. Incredible amp.
                              Now there are a lot more experienced guys who have owned a lot of different amps, but I think I'm the one of the few guys on this board who has really played the cheesyest-mainstream-type nu metal. This is the Mesa's and Diezel's playground, ok Uberchall can do it too (some have done it with some Randalls too)
                              The other amps can give you the metalcore, hardcore, emo etc. type modern sound, but that's a totally a different ball game. You can do it with SLO, Rivera's, ENGL, Bogner etc. But NU=Mesa. Don't belive me, just record somehting with non-mesa type amp and compare it with some Limp Bizkit, Lincoln Park, Mudvayne etc. records.
                              I really know what I'm talking about when it comes to Nu metal tones.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              I agree 100% with the above statement. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

