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amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

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  • amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

    saved up a lil more money and GASing really bad because I've been stuck with an acoustic for 4 weeks. I have about $1400, but I don't want to spend that much. I have right now Fender hot rod deville 410 and a boss half rack effects unit (se-70 if you know it or care). so I have mostly everything except organic heavy stuff covered.
    Here's what I'm thinking:
    Avatar 4x12 with:
    a.)Laney AOR something or other. $400 max.
    b.) used Fireball. $900 (right? no one seems to be getting rid of theirs, though
    c.) pick up either Mesa or engl 50 watt poweramp on ebay and the engl 530 preamp from rocksolid $1000

    A is def the most economical choice, and leaves me plenty of cash left over. Any thoughts on b versus c? c is probably best for the future, as I'd never really outgrow either of the poweramps. Speaker suggestions for the cab would be good, too. Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

    No comments on B or C, but I once had an AOR 100 and it was a smokin' amp. Definitely a tone monster at $400. Seemed to have a more consistent sound than many of my tube amps since...all of them much more expensive.


    • #3
      Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

      Thats what I'm really leaning towards. I don't know what it is about guitar equipment that makes me so irrational. Spending $1400 on something I've never seen before, much less played through, or really even NEED as my 2/3 assed effort to get a metal band together is going nowhere, gets crazier and crazier the more I think about it. The Laney is cheap enough though to not worry about anything. As I type this out, my mind is already made up, I think.


      • #4
        Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

        Just bought the AOR pro tube 50 on ebay. Gonna make a new thread for cab and speaker reccomendations.


        • #5
          Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

          My theory is. Save up the big sum, buy your ultimate piece of gear (amp, guitar, whatever) and that's that. You'll have it, no matter what. (It beats spending the same amount over the years on moderate, less 'dreamy' stuff, imho). Now, that just muddied the waters even more! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          My personal choice out of the three would be C, due to the great tonal variety, you'd have a good basis for a rack.
          You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


          • #6
            Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

            I have my dream guitar, but I also was able to PLAY it before I got it. Not that I have $3k for a real high gain boutique stack, but I'd need some hands on time before I could commit to it. Sitting here wishing I had an electric in my hands, it's pretty easy to spend 1/10 of that.


            • #7
              Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

              Btw, you're probably in the same as me!

              I sold off all my gear, I have the exact same amount as you, and stuck on acoustic as well! I found a dreamaxe, I'm reeling her in as we speak!

              Good luck on the search, bro! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
              You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


              • #8
                Re: amp reccomendations (again, sorry)

                What about an old ADA MP-1 classic? They sell pretty cheap ($250) these days and sound incredible. Get an inexpensive poweramp and an extra noise gate. Since the ADA has a built in noise gate you can have your guitar signal with a very light gate to clean up the signal, and then the ada gate with an even lighter setting to clean it up after the gain stage, it sounds sooooooooooo heavy, kills any noise, and doesnt chop the notes off! Anyway thats enough from me, just make sure if you go ADA get the MP-1 Classic. The others dont sound as good. Good luck with your search [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

