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  • VHT GP3

    what do you think of that preamp ? and does anybody know where I could get some clips ?

  • #2
    Re: VHT GP3

    how bout the ENGL 530 ?


    • #3
      Re: VHT GP3

      Primal Fear uses the E530 preamp live. Sounds absolutely massive!

      Edit for clarification


      • #4
        Re: VHT GP3

        do you know what they use the 530 for ?


        • #5
          Re: VHT GP3

          Scroll down to the bottom half. Shows his live rig. It seems like they use the E530 for live shows with a Rocktron Pro-GAP setup as a backup preamp, and the Savage 120 for studio work.

          VHT GP3 isn't for everyone. I had one, thought it was excellent but it didn't suit my style of music. Had some of the cleanest distortion and it was very very tight. Always had zero feedback too. I sold it to HippieTim, I believe, and he didn't like it at all. VHT Gear in general is either you love it or you absolutely hate it.


          • #6
            Re: VHT GP3

            what kind of tones can you get with a GP3 ?


            • #7
              Re: VHT GP3

              Everything is very clean sounding. The clean channel is very nice. And the 2nd and 3rd channels are basically exactly the same, you can configure one for a lead tone and one for a rhythm. The distortion is kind of hard to describe. It is extremely tight and very controlled. You have to be really precise with your picking and fretting. Other amps have a tendency to cover up your playing (Rectifiers, 5150) and they have that sort of super high gain sound. The GP3 has that high gain too, but it never gets as saturated sounding as the Mesa gear or the 5150. Its tone is very unique sounding and as I said, you'll either love it or absolutely hate it. Sometimes I found myself checking the 'gain' knob to see if it was turned far down. If you're a fan of that heavy chunk on your tone, then the GP3 isn't for you. Leads shine really well on this too, very clean.

              What sort of sound are you going for? I can't really describe it properly in words but if you let me know what sort of tone you're shooting for then I can give you a recommendation.


              • #8
                Re: VHT GP3

                for rythm I'm looking for something like the beginning of scars of crucifix by deicide when the second guitar kicks in ... I don't play death metal but I love that tone ... I play something in between Metallica and Iced Earth

                as for leads I want something like Satriani at the beinning of the G3 DVD, a lead sound that has some crunch in it

