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Engl Blackmore Review

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  • Engl Blackmore Review

    hi guys

    as promised, here's my review of the engl blackmore head.
    you all know the features, so i'll skip that and immediately talk about the sound. i played it at home, in my rehearsal space, as well as live.

    at lot volumes, it sounds great. very detailed, just the right amount of gain. all the switches and knobs really affect the sound. has enough gain for playing leads when set at 7.
    at high volumes, it REALLY depends on the cab you're using. i played it through a behringer cab, a laney cab, a mesa rectifier oversize loaded with v30s (hate those speakers [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] ) as well as a marshall fullstack loaded with 75w celestions. i prefered the marshall cabs BY FAR. all the others made the amp sound tinny, fizzy, and harsh. the marshall had a smoother more balanced sound to it, with good bottom end and more detailed highs.
    it has enough gain for HEAVY rhythm sounds with the gain set at 4 using emgs. the bottom end is just about right, could still be a little more but it's ok. having two independent master volumes RULES.
    now, the downside is that it needs to be LOUD. and believe me, it is a seriously ass kicking loud machine. it SLAYS my jcm800 2210 in terms of volume. there is no comparison. i guess that one can get away with this kind of volume for open airs or stadiums, but it will be too loud for clubgigs, i promise. unfortunately, it sounds like total crap when played at medium volume. way too harsh and trebly. but get it past like 3,5 on the master, and you're pretty much send to heaven [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    so far, i'm not sure which amp i'm going to sell now, the engl or the marshall. the engl is a lot more versatile, but sounds very bright (had the treble at 3 and the presence off, and the soundman said it was still a little trebly), whereas the marshall doesn't need to be this loud to sound great, and has less highend. the marshall also cuts through better, but who needs a cutting amp if it's that loud [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    i think i like the overall gain structure of the engl better, though., i don't want/need to have 2 amps around, so i'm going to sell at least one, trying out more amps.
    i'd like a little more bottom end, and a slightly darker sound than the engl has.....fireball?? although that one is a gain machine i'd never use to its full potential. i hate the powerball btw. i was also thinking of the peavey XXX, for it is a bang for the buck 3 channel amp...also too much gain, though [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] and then again...i saw cataract (death metal band from switzerland) 3 days ago, and they used two old dual rectos through a single marshall 412 each, and their sound was CRUSHING. i personally never used one for a gig, though, so i'm hesitating to shell out 1300 euro.

  • #2
    Re: Engl Blackmore Review

    The reason Cataract's tone was so crushing was because I am sure they had their dual recto's turned up. Most great recto's, Engl, Marshall, VHT etc.. all sound pretty darn crushing when you can turn them up. Unfortunately, some of us don't have that luxury.
    That is exactly the problem I am having with my Mesa Mark III. It sounds great turned up which is too loud for the venues I play at. My bandmates Single Rectifier tone is less than inspiring do to the level we are forced to play at too. My suggestion would be to keep the Marshall and add an EQ to boost the bottom end. Of course, the 2210 is legendary but I have heard nothing but good things about the Blackmore.


    • #3
      Re: Engl Blackmore Review

      Cataract kills live. Period! Not only because of their guitar-tone, but because they are tight like hell.

      Keep the Blackmore. Nice amp, no brutal death-metal-machine, but a nice tone.


      • #4
        Re: Engl Blackmore Review

        yeah, cataract are great. this was actually the first time i heared them, and i'm tempted to buy a cd [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] the music was a little -core'ish for my taste, but they were tight as hell and the stage show was great. they reminded me of illdisposed for they had a similar stageacting.

        yeah, of course, any amp needs to be turned up to a decent loud volume, but the blackmore needs a lot more volume than any other amp i've played through so far. you had a marshall 2210....they start sounding decent around 3-4 on the master (channel volume at 7), which is about the stage volume i can always have. the blackmore was this loud when set at 2 on the master and 4 on the channel volume.

        i don't want to mess around with EQs and stuff, as we often need to set up our gear really fast. the jcm has a killer basic tone, but is kinda limited. the blackmore is better in those things, but just too bright i guess. and too loud. i'd like to have something in-between.


        • #5
          Re: Engl Blackmore Review

          [ QUOTE ]
          yeah, cataract are great. this was actually the first time i heared them, and i'm tempted to buy a cd [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] the music was a little -core'ish for my taste, but they were tight as hell and the stage show was great. they reminded me of illdisposed for they had a similar stageacting.

          yeah, of course, any amp needs to be turned up to a decent loud volume, but the blackmore needs a lot more volume than any other amp i've played through so far. you had a marshall 2210....they start sounding decent around 3-4 on the master (channel volume at 7), which is about the stage volume i can always have. the blackmore was this loud when set at 2 on the master and 4 on the channel volume.

          i don't want to mess around with EQs and stuff, as we often need to set up our gear really fast. the jcm has a killer basic tone, but is kinda limited. the blackmore is better in those things, but just too bright i guess. and too loud. i'd like to have something in-between.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          That is how my Mark III is. On 2 it is REALLY friggin loud.


          • #6
            Re: Engl Blackmore Review

            [ QUOTE ]
            yeah, cataract are great. this was actually the first time i heared them, and i'm tempted to buy a cd [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] the music was a little -core'ish for my taste, but they were tight as hell and the stage show was great. they reminded me of illdisposed for they had a similar stageacting.

            yeah, of course, any amp needs to be turned up to a decent loud volume, but the blackmore needs a lot more volume than any other amp i've played through so far. you had a marshall 2210....they start sounding decent around 3-4 on the master (channel volume at 7), which is about the stage volume i can always have. the blackmore was this loud when set at 2 on the master and 4 on the channel volume.

            i don't want to mess around with EQs and stuff, as we often need to set up our gear really fast. the jcm has a killer basic tone, but is kinda limited. the blackmore is better in those things, but just too bright i guess. and too loud. i'd like to have something in-between.

            [/ QUOTE ]BTW thanks for the review. an option you may have for the Blackmore is to have it modded.My Marshall no longer needs to be at insane volumes to sound great.I get a fully open sound with the volume at 1 instead of having to turn it up to 4.I had my Marshall modded by Voodoo Amps they did a great job on it.Trace and Anthony are great guys to work with


            • #7
              Re: Engl Blackmore Review

              well, i've already heared rumors that the MKIII is quite a beast [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] seems like they were right [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

              well, the more i think about an engl/marshall hybrid, the more i like the idea [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] the versality of the blackmore (or more), the gain and clarity of the blackmore, coupled with the more cutting but also more quiet character of the marshall.

              modding's not an option. it kinda kills the resale good [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img]

              well, i think the XXX would be the wrong amp for me....i don't want a fuzzy gain monster as the XXX is said to be. rectifier would still be very nice, so would the fireball. i really love the two master volumes the engl amps need for an extra dedicated lead channel then.


              • #8
                Re: Engl Blackmore Review

                cataract = mosh hardcore or mosh metalcore, definitely not Death Metal .

                to the turn it up then it sounds better thingie - i think it's definitely true but you have to consider also that thing that at lower volumes (tube amps set quiet , pods, combos) you don't have that huge air moving everything around you , that pummeling bottom end and even with low gain a huge sound


                • #9
                  Re: Engl Blackmore Review

                  Thanks for the review Fragle.
                  About the loudness issue... couldn't you use an attenuator or something for the Blackmore?
                  Just a naive suggestion, as I don't know anything about attenuators. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                  You could definitely try out a Fireball and see if you like it, of course that one sounds different than the Blackmore, but the good news is it also has the two master volumes (I love this feature!)... and it is only 60 watts. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
                  I think nobody really uses the full gain potential of a Fireball, but you can tame it down a little with different preamp tubes. Haven't tried that though, I'm satisfied with just keeping the gain at 4 all the time. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

                  BTW Fragle, I was at Remedy Records today to buy a Wacken ticket for our vocalist, and they also gave me a Remedy sampler which included your song "Bemoaned Animosity". Kickass! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: Engl Blackmore Review

                    well, thanks [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                    i just came back from playing both amps, loud as well as bedroom volume. at low volumes, there is just no contest, it's almost unfair. the marshall sounds weak at low volumes, whereas the engl does have a kickass bedroom level tone. played loud the marshall obviously gets better [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                    in fact, basically the engl has more gain and bottom end (although not a whole lot more), and overall sounds a little clearer when dialed in right, whereas the marshall sounds more "raw", with a classic overdrive saw so to say. the engl is brighter, though. quite a lot actually. however, the engl is MUCH more dynamic. i set the lead gain at 5, and it can get 95% clean if i roll back the volume on my EMG81 loaded (!) guitar. impressive.

                    all in all, i have the feeling that the marshall (sad but true) is soon to be gone. i bet it would already be on the 'bay if it wasn't such a gets so many rave reviews that i'm still kinda hesitating to sell it [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                    gonna give the fireball a shot, otherwise i'll start saving up for a recto...
                    to sum it up, when paired with the right cabs (marshall 1960A/B......) and LOUD the blackmore is a great head that covers quite a lot of musical ground. the clean is outstanding, the crunch is GREAT for blues, the low lead gets those semi dirty rock/hardrock tones down to a T, and the lead can deal with anything up to thrash metal...won't do death or black.


                    • #11
                      Re: Engl Blackmore Review

                      I regret selling my 2210 although I had and still have no need for it. That amp sounded good. Real good.
                      Think about it before you bail on it.


                      • #12
                        Re: Engl Blackmore Review

                        well, that is the crazy thing about it: i HAVE the need for it [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i mean, there will be a couple of shows this year where i can surely crank the jcm to like 6-7 on the master. i ALWAYS have it at least on 4. (it's great if you don't need/want to hear anything other than drums and a tiny bit of need to worry about the other guitar player [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ). i think the main points why i want to sell it is the lack of gain and bottom end. it's not thin by any means, but it's just like a 9/10 on the heavyness scale [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        actually, i might even get a mark III, because of your damn rave reviews....stop hyping gear like that, dammit! [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                        no, in all seriousness, you wrote that the MKIII is basically a hotrodded jcm800 with more gain and bottom end....which would be absolutely GREAT.

