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Boss GT 8 for 80's metal and shred type music?

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  • Boss GT 8 for 80's metal and shred type music?

    I've noticed that most modern metal players that use modelers go with Line 6. I used to own a Vetta and now I'm saving for a Bogner XTC. In the meantime, I'm going to get something for late night jamming. I went to the Boss Central website and listened to some GT8 stock sound clips and they sounded good. Do you think this unit is better for playing 80's metal and Vai, Satriani music rather than a Line 6 POD XT live?

  • #2
    Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

    I have the XT Live and it definatly covers all those parameters. The GT8 I think is a little more advanced, so it might be more than you need if your buying an XTC. You'll do good with either one basically


    • #3
      Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

      I listened to clips of the POD XT live and it sounded too "compress and digital". The GT8 sound clips sounded more "natural" too me. The thing is that I'm really not that interested in the "modern" sounds that you can get with the POD. I just want to get good sounds for 80's hair metal and shred music ala Vai and Satriani.


      • #4
        Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

        Yah, clips don't really work though dude, it's all about how THEY recorded it, and what speakers your listening to it through and all. Best bet is to try one of our dealers or those bigger guys, MusiciansEnemy (see which has a more flexable return policy), see what they're return policy is, try the least expensive one (XT Live), and if you don't like it, return it for the GT8. Only thing is with these modellers, you need more than a week to really find your tone, it's not a plug and play thing unless you can find patches for either unit online that you like. I was gonna sell my XT Live after a week, but now I'm so damned glad (1 month later appx) that I didn't. Good luck man!


        • #5
          Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

          What kind of music you play? Did you get all the amps package wit your XT live?


          • #6
            Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

            I'm playing death metal, classical, blues and some other crazy stuff I really can't even classify (just me jamming in a very flamenco, egyptian sounding thing). I bought the Metal Pack (the FX Pack came with it) and it sounds absolutly incredible. I've typed this a few times before, so check the other threads about the XT Live on this forum under the amps n effects. Basically I experimented for a month with different ways to EQ it, play it (through cabs and power amps, in front of amps, etc) and finally have a beginning grasp of how to really use it. It's worth it, but ya gotta have patience


            • #7
              Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

              Well, I had a Vetta and sold it because of my frustration in coming up with a decent 80's metal/shred type sound. Now I'm without an amp and have started to save towards getting a Bogner XTC. Because the Bogners are so expensive, I think I won't be able to get it until November or December, so in the meantime, I need to get something to get my by. Right now I'm deciding between the XT live and the GT8 OR GT6.


              • #8
                Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                Well if you couldn't find the sound you wanted with Vetta maybe it is time to try a different modeling engine? Because it won't be too much of a difference with XT Live really.


                • #9
                  Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                  Yep! I guess I'm leaning towards getting a Boss modeler. Now I wonder which modeler I should get, GT6 or GT8. I understand that the Boss DR 880 has the guitar modeling engine of the GT6. That one is also appealing to me.


                  • #10
                    Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Yep! I guess I'm leaning towards getting a Boss modeler. Now I wonder which modeler I should get, GT6 or GT8. I understand that the Boss DR 880 has the guitar modeling engine of the GT6. That one is also appealing to me.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    I wish I could help you. I am not a big fan of COSM modeling engine and Line6 gives me everything that I need and then some nowadays. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                      No worries. Were you able to come up with your own sounds with the XT live or did you downloaded patches a Line 6 website?


                      • #12
                        Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                        Get A POD Version 2.0, i have no problem getting 80's metal out of it, with the Soldano patch i can pretty much Nail Lynch's tone on the wicked sensation album.


                        • #13
                          Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?


                          I have owned both and here's my take. Both the XT Live and the GT-8 can sound great if you tweak them. The XT Live's presets all sound terrible to me, but it is somewhat easier to tweak. The GT-8 has some excellent presets, but it is far more advanced. So, it is much more work to tweak. If you don't need death metal sounds and you want plug and play, get a Vox Tone Lab SE. That thing sounds fantastic and is very easy to dial in. Downside is the effects are just so so.

                          If you have a Guitar Center nearby, buy one of the above and then return it after 29 days and get the next one. Repeat. Then get the one you like best. Or by that time you might have enough money for the XTC and you won't need any of them. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                            If you had a tough time getting a good metal tone out of a Vetta maybe you should rethink modelers all together.
                            The Vetta is pretty much the benchmark that all other modelers are judged. With that said, I have a GT-6 and I jammed on it with no tweaks for weeks and was very happy.
                            Now that I know what I am doing it is 100 times better.
                            Bottom line... most factory presets suck. Probably the best factory presets I have ever heard came from:
                            Behringer V-amp 2 and V-amp Pro
                            POD 2.0
                            Roland Cube 30
                            Johnson Marquis 60
                            Korg Pandora PX4 (holy crap, this thing is amazing) Its the size of a Blackberry and is JAM PACKED with features. Incredible. I can't find a single flaw in it. Jam, practice, recording, it does it all.


                            • #15
                              Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              I've noticed that most modern metal players that use modelers go with Line 6.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              Whos says that? yes the cheap little 15 year old bastards that cant afford shit do, but if you have some decent cash you go with a high gain tube amp. I right now have a ENGL powerball. THe BEST high gain amp out there right now IMO in the 2k range.

                              IMO line 6 doesnt have its own tone, its basically just a copy from everyone else's tone. yes on some of there amps they have like line 6 INSANE!! crunch, and what not but there nothing impressive.

                              Stay away from multi effects processors and amp modelers, and just get a nice high gain tube head

