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Boss GT 8 for 80's metal and shred type music?

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  • #31
    Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

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    Some of the best players and gigging musicians on this board use modeling amps including a respected tube amp builder here. I won't get into the modeling vs tube amp debate. If you want to read about it just search the history. There are hundereds of posts to read. I will tell you that I have an entire house full of killer tube amps and the rig I use live is based around a Boss GT-6. Ask anybody who has heard my live tone their opinion. Its usually shock and awe preceeded by a trip to the local GC to pick up their own modeler. I shit you not.

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    My post wasnt ment for like a live gig to use effects or amp modeling. The way i took the thread was that he was looking for baiscally a rig for his house, so i said i think that yo should go witha tube amp. of course i know many musicians that use line 6 for effects and what not. IMO i dislike them ALOT i find there distortions to be extremely fake sound when put up to a tube head. Thers like no feeling to the tone, just very computer generated. for effects i use pedals. dont like anything made by line 6 dont think i ever will.

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    Actually the distortin you hear on most of the modelers, exspecially line 6 is what a true tube amp should sound like at its best, full blast complete tube distortion. This is something alot of people dont actually hear because they enver get to crank there amp that high.


    • #32
      Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

      I think exactly the opposite. Tube amps aren't best suited for home use at low volumes. Modelers are better suited for that chore. If you were thinking that the original post was regarding an amp for home use why would you bash modeling amps and recommend a high gain tube amp? I don't get it.


      • #33
        Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

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        This is something alot of people dont actually hear because they enver get to crank there amp that high.

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        Not in my house hold. I keep my amp at like a minimum of 8 on the channel and 3.5 on the master which is loud for a 100 watt tube head.

        I think your wrong on that account to. Most of the people i know use like a POD when there not playing loud because tube amps SOUND BEST at HIGH VOLUMES. why would you wanna dround that out with modelling? I know someone, heres the Story. They had a KL explorer loved it, but barely ever cranked there amp so they used a POD for there sound ( the guy lived in a apartment) SO the guy was unsaticfied with how the KL sounded, well i guess one day he decided fuck it, and cranked his rig, WITHOUT THE POD, and he said he loved the sound out of the KL, he said he thinks the POD ruin the sound of it. He still sold the guitar because he got warnned not to play that loud again. SO he couldnt really get that tone much. The point of the story is, I have heard many stories were POD modeling ruins sounds.


        • #34
          Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

          Hmmm, I just had an experience which makes me wonder about the whole modeling controversy. I practice with a pod 2.0. I have it hooked up to my soundblaster platinum via a cheap radio shack 1/4" to RCA stereo cable. The soundblaster is hooked to a Panasonic home theater surround system via spdif, and it sounds incredible.

          Recently, I picked up an m-audio 410 so I can record with mics. Naturally, one of the first things I tried was to hook the pod to the 410 with high quality 1/4" patch cords. Bad move--all of a sudden the pod sounded overly compressed, plasticy, and everything bad people say about the pod. I hooked it back to the soundblaster the old way and it was fine.

          The a/d converters in the 410 should be much better than the soundblaster ones. I'm not sure what to make of this....
          This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


          • #35
            Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

            [ QUOTE ]
            Hmmm, I just had an experience which makes me wonder about the whole modeling controversy. I practice with a pod 2.0. I have it hooked up to my soundblaster platinum via a cheap radio shack 1/4" to RCA stereo cable. The soundblaster is hooked to a Panasonic home theater surround system via spdif, and it sounds incredible.

            Recently, I picked up an m-audio 410 so I can record with mics. Naturally, one of the first things I tried was to hook the pod to the 410 with high quality 1/4" patch cords. Bad move--all of a sudden the pod sounded overly compressed, plasticy, and everything bad people say about the pod. I hooked it back to the soundblaster the old way and it was fine.

            The a/d converters in the 410 should be much better than the soundblaster ones. I'm not sure what to make of this....

            [/ QUOTE ]

            The reason that many guys bail out of modeling is because they experience your second scenario. Typically, these same guys would also reformat their computers harddrive and reinstall their operating operating system everytime their computer has a problem. After several reinstalls they replace the hard drive and finally result in replacing the computer instead of adressing and correcting the problem. Check you soundcard manual. I am sure somebody will respond with an answer. There are alot of guys that use that card here.


            • #36
              Re: Boss GT 8 for 80\'s metal and shred type music?

              99% of the time, people are totally against modelling units because they never really took the time to figure it out (I was one of them, even though all the amps I ever owned were Line 6 for awhile). I swear, even after a few months you still learn new things and new ways to use it. It's not plug in and jam just like heads. With heads ya have like 8-10 knobs and that's all it does, with these units you have millions of possibilities to go through to get a different tone. Right now I've got an XT Live going through Randall cabs and it sounds AMAZING! I can't even imagine how it's gonna sound when I get my VHT power amp in there. And for that dude who sold his KL Explorer because it sounded crappy through the POD...I feel sorry for him. Dumbest move I think he could've done, so many other options available to him, but what's done is done. Besides, if you read some of the other threads here, you'll be surprised at what the majority of people here have to say about em (people with very impressive rigs too)

