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engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

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  • engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

    hi brothers and sisters of metal [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

    as i already said quite often ( [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] ) i currently own a jcm800 and an engl blackmore head. both sound GREAT.
    however, lately i REALLY got into the whole swedish thing....basically thrash like the haunted is where it's at for me right now [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img]
    now, as we all know, the 5150 is pretty much the official swedish death/thrash amp. the thing is, it's always said to be fuzzy, harsh, noisy, muddy, undefined....well, crappy sounding. contrary to those statements it seems to record very well, though. kataklysm, the new kreator, the haunted, in flames, arch enemy....all killer guitar sounds.

    to make a long story short, do you think i could come close to that 5150 sweed sound with the blackmore? i haven't had it for long now, so i don't know yet. i know the 5150 is a hell lot less versatile and more noisy, but versality isn't what i'm after anyways, and i don't care about noise too much. i'm only talking sound, voicing, and volume here. i'm not sure if i want to keep the blackmore, and if the 5150 suited me better i'd go for it. keep in mind that the blackmore should sell for around 800 euro, and a 5150 head usually goes for 800 euro, too, so it's not like i'd trade it in for the 5150 and some cash like it would be in the US.

    any comments?

  • #2
    Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

    i have owned the 5150 and the blackmore at the same time...and in my opinion when you turn both amps up the blackmore destroys the 5150. i cranked them....had the 5150s power amp up to 5 ....and matched the volume with the 5150 hands down the blackmore sounded much your using emgs...i would highly suggest not using 81s....they just push the 5150 a little to far and make the tone..cut just a little to much...i would not sell your engl. i sold mine..and miss it dearly..... if it doesnt have enough gain for your preference. then trade it for a fireball. but i would not get rid of the engl...5150 sound like donkey balls compared to it trust me


    • #3
      Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

      well, i haven't played the 5150 loud yet, so i don't know shit about it, but i'm 100% positive i'll NEVER get the blackmore up to 5. it's so loud it's not even funny. 3, yes. 4, yes, when playing the occasional open air.

      by the way, i'm indeed using 81s. all i know about the 5150 is that i played the combo once and didn't even bother with the high input as it was just too much. using the low input it sounded fine to my ears...but i don't know right now it's the one for me, cause that was 1. the combo 2.low volume a store 4.other types of music [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      the engl has definitely enough gain for me. i tend to use channel 4 with the gain around 5. gain is not my problem here. i'd just like to know if i can get (or how i can get) that swedish thrash/melodic death tone out of the blackmore, and wether a 5150 would do that job better or not.

      thanks for the reply by the way


      • #4
        Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

        I am a firm believer in playing what sounds good to you, and not worrying about what other people think. It is cool to hear the opinions of others, but ultimately you have to like what you are hearing if you are to stay inspired to play and grow as a player. Let your own ears do the work and you will be much better for it. If you like the ENGL, use it and make it your sound. If not, keep trying until you find that magic amp/rack system/modeler/etc that does it for you. Play the 5150 yourself and make sure YOU like it...don't take others opinions as gospel. I know people whose opinions I respect who both love and hate the 5150 and play very similar styles of music...who would I listen to if asked all of them? It is great to get feedback, but ultimately you should use your own ears to make these decisions. As a young player I thought that I needed a script logo MXR Distortion + because Randy Rhoads used one and I loved his sound. Once I got one, I hated it and it never worked out for me tonally. Develop your ears and use them to make these decisions and you can't go wrong [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Then, people will want to play what you are using [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

          The only way to MAXIMIZE a 5150 is 3 things..

          a 5150 Head

          a 5150 Bottom

          and a BBE 422 in the loop..

          THEN put it up angainst the Blackmoore...not saying it will smoke the Blackmoore but it WILL give it a run for it's money..I asure!

          I know these 'tings! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

            +1,Bill.The BBE 422 woke up my 5150.The BBE is a good investment.I also use it with my Laney PL and Genz Benz 2x12 and for a solid state amp,it will fool ya!........
            Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


            • #7
              Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

              +2 on The 422A. I added one to my combo, It sounded much better. The 5150 Cab is a must to.
              I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


              • #8
                Re: engl blackmore vs. peavey 5150 I

                any more comments?

