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Mixing Tubes?

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  • Mixing Tubes?

    Hey, I was just wondering if there would be any problem with using 2 different brands of EL34's in my amp?

    Ive got a 100w Laney which has 4 EL34's in the poweramp. It had 4 Sovteks in there, and 2 of them were HORRIBLY microphonic, so I yanked them out, and I had 2 Ruby El34's sittin around so I popped them in my amp in a position like this:
    (as if you were looking at the back of the amp, they would be lined up like...)

    Ruby, Sovtek, Sovtek, Ruby

    I put the Ruby's on the outside and the sovteks on the inside. It sounds alot better, sounds very warm, but I seem to have lost my high end clarity, even with the presence cranked up.

    The muddyness is probably from the tubes, right? Or maybe my amp was just harsh because of the sovteks. . .and this is how it REALLY sounds.

    I need some help and some information, please.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Re: Mixing Tubes?

    The mudiness is most likely from the tubes. You installed them properly for using different brands, but I imagine that they are mismatched and/or worn out. For maximum performance, all 4 tubes should be changed at once, and these should be performance matched. Then your amp should be biased for the new tubes. Do this and you will be amazed at how much better your amp sounds. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Mixing Tubes?



      • #4
        Re: Mixing Tubes?

        Think of it as tires that are worn - you have four used up tires on your car, two blow out, and you put brand new tires in two spots. The car is driveable, but it's not going to handle or ride as well as replacing all four tires at once.



        • #5
          Re: Mixing Tubes?

          Cool. Thanks guys.

          Ive been doing research upon research, and Im still confused about tubes.

          I hear all the time about the whole JJ's/Eurotubes = Magical stuff, and I hear from my amp tech that lots of JJ's that he puts in amps have reliability issues.

          Then ive done some more looking around, and I looked some other sights that seem to think that Svetlana tubes are amazing (and by the description, I think they may be good for my tastes), and then Ive been told by Atilla I believe that "Winged C's SEDs" are amazing, and Im just sort of confused.

          I cant find any Harmony-Central type sights that offer reviews of tubes. Lots of the tube sights have reviews of their tubes, but I always have the impression that they are trying to push their own brands of tubes.

          So I need some help from some of you that have been around the tube market and tried them all once, twice and then again to help me gain some sort or sense of it all.

          Its terribly overwhelming. Im 17, and I dont have loads of money, so I gotta make a good decision because Ill be stuck with the tubes for 2 years or so.

          Also, My amp is a Laney AOR Pro Tube 100, and it was made in the mid 80's, and I hear you should replace the filter caps every 10 years or so. I have no idea if they are the stock filter caps (probably are) and I was also wondering how you tell when you need new ones. My amp is sounding pretty grainy and groany, and doesnt crunch very well. I think it may be the tubes, but Im not sure if its just a combination of the tubes and worn out caps.

          Thanks alot guys, you guys are good [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Mixing Tubes?

            I forgot to mention, I'd like to get a EVH tone out of my Laney. Really just a general hard rockin marshall tone.

            Lots of strong mids. Right now, im leaning towards svetlanas.


            • #7
              Re: Mixing Tubes?

              The caps may need changed, but this typically isn't as obvious as the tubes...retube and if the tone is to your liking, worry about the caps later. For EL34 styles, there are several good choices. You will pay a premium for Groove Tubes E34L's, but they are one of the the more consistent and durable tubes that I have used. I believe they are a JJ/Tesla tube, so you should be able to find them cheaper from another company, but I typically stick with Groove Tubes because of their quality control.
              The Svetlana's are great, but typically don't last as long, so I wouldn't recommend them in your situation.
              I think the best combo of performance and tone in your case will be the EH or GT 6CA7's. These are a direct EL34 replacement with a larger bottle design more like a 6L6. Eddie used these in his early days as they were/are much more rugged. These tubes were a key element of the early Van Halen tone. They sound a bit more like an EL43/6L6 hybrid (which they kind of are) than a pure EL34, but they are extemely durable. I use them exclusively in my Matchless Chieftain as it will eat up normal EL34's in 2-3 months and I can get 6 months or more from the 6CA7's (you will get much more life than this with the Laney...a year or more depending on how much you play). I typically used NOS 6CA7's for about $200/pair and was thrilled when I found the new ones tone and durability were almost as good at a fration of that price. Let me know what you decide to go with.


              • #8
                Re: Mixing Tubes?


                I think Ill probably go with the 6CA7's, just to try them out.

                I'll try Svetlana's next time around.


                • #9
                  Re: Mixing Tubes?

                  Nonamemx, I will agree that the Winged C EL34s don't last long. They do sound way better than the EHs, though. Let me know how you like the 6CA7!


                  • #10
                    Re: Mixing Tubes?

                    Sure, Ill post in this thread when I get them in.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mixing Tubes?



                      • #12
                        Re: Mixing Tubes?

                        Very good read, thanks C.M.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mixing Tubes?

                          Interesting about the 6CA7's in that article. I don't know which factory build the EH 6CA7's, but they don't resemble those described in the article in the least bit and have been the most durable EL34 type that I have found...and I've been through dozens upon dozens of EL34's.

