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Thinking about modeling.......

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  • Thinking about modeling.......

    Ok, I've been using my Single Rectifier/G major combo live for the past few months and I'm really happy with my tone, but lugging a small rack, head, 4x12 plus a pedal board (for my DMC, wah, tuner and other crap) seems to be a bit much. I have been thinking about using my PODXT. That lead me to start thinking about getting an XT Live and now I'm even thinking about getting a Vetta II or HD 147.

    Am I nuts? will I be happy with this setup? I'd still use my 4x12, but I'll probably get the short or long board. It seems a lot more simple to me plus, I like what I've heard from the Line 6 stuff. I'm certainly happy playing at home with my POD XT. Twaeking my current rig from gig to gig can be a bit much as well. I'm thinking that modeling is the way to go?

    I just want to know if anyone else has made a similar move and if they were happy.

    Let the shitstorm begin! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill

  • #2
    Re: Thinking about modeling....... comment from me!


    • #3
      Re: Thinking about modeling.......

      [ QUOTE ]
      Ok, I've been using my Single Rectifier/G major combo live for the past few months and I'm really happy with my tone, but lugging a small rack, head, 4x12 plus a pedal board (for my DMC, wah, tuner and other crap) seems to be a bit much. I have been thinking about using my PODXT. That lead me to start thinking about getting an XT Live and now I'm even thinking about getting a Vetta II or HD 147.

      Am I nuts? will I be happy with this setup? I'd still use my 4x12, but I'll probably get the short or long board. It seems a lot more simple to me plus, I like what I've heard from the Line 6 stuff. I'm certainly happy playing at home with my POD XT. Twaeking my current rig from gig to gig can be a bit much as well. I'm thinking that modeling is the way to go?

      I just want to know if anyone else has made a similar move and if they were happy.

      Let the shitstorm begin! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      [/ QUOTE ]yes, ive made a similiar move. If you use the xt, use a good tube power amp, and run in stereo. Killer tone, if you can tweak presets. I use pod pro-> marshall 9200 100/100 -> ampeg 4x12. sounds like lynch on wicked sensation. JMO.... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

      edit: sometimes I also use an overdrive pedal for solos- level on ten, gain on 1.5. Not more gain, really, just kinda cleans up the pick attack.
      Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


      • #4
        Re: Thinking about modeling.......

        I went to see Dream Theater with Kings X opening a couple years ago. Kings X was playing when I walked in, and my very first though upon hearing them:

        Ty is using a POD. I can bloody hear it, man!


        • #5
          Re: Thinking about modeling.......

          well you can do a pod-xt into an atomic amp .. Atomics are a flat reponse tube amp .. it doesn't color the sound of the pod and their supposed to be really good
          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


          • #6
            Re: Thinking about modeling.......

            aint work for me!
            Even not the recto-mods...although I just know Pod I.


            • #7
              Re: Thinking about modeling.......

              Never wanted to be a model myself, I recommend just dating one...


              • #8
                Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                Jim, I think you should stick with what you have. I know it is a royal pain in the ass to program the G-major considering the different sized clubs we are playing in but your Single Rectifier sounds curshing live. I think both yours and my problems are all stemming around the fact that we don't use our live rigs when we rehearse. Its very difficult to dial in a great sound with your rig and get used to using it when you never use it until the gig.
                I am having the exact problem with my Mark III and my pedal board. I really need to use it with the band. I am thinking about bringing it to mullet for the next rehearsal with just a 1 x 12 cabinet. I can bring a 2 x 12 if you want to bring your Rectifier and the G-major. Let me know.
                I really think that 2 Mesa Boogie's for our band is the answer. I am going to use my GT-6 at home for practice and rehearsal. The T-100 power amp will be relegated to back up and for the band when we need it. I can also use it to power my keyboards which will take alot of the burden off of our PA system.


                • #9
                  Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                  Since you asked....Yes, you are nuts! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Don't let laziness make you go to modeling especially if you are happy with your live tone. C'mon a half stack isn't that big of a deal to lug around town [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                  Also I think you should rehearse with the same gear that you use live....


                  • #10
                    Re: Thinking about modeling.......



                    • #11
                      Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      Also I think you should rehearse with the same gear that you use live....

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      +1 with a bullet!


                      • #12
                        Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                        Alright, Alright! I give! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        I don't think I'll ever give up the rectifier. I guess I was just curious about the convenience of modeling with all the hype about the vettas.

                        John, that sounds like a plan for practice. I can swing by before practice this week and help you lug the cabs over.

                        I'm still going to try a vetta or an HD one of these days. I'd like to get an Atomic for the hell of it. Didn't Newc have one for sale?
                        "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


                        • #13
                          Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                          I did the tube amp thing this weekend (JSX) and once I was walking around out front of house (we played an outdoor gig, I used a wireless) I couldn't really hear a huge difference through the PA from how the Vetta sounds. One thing that did make a difference was a JGCable modded crybaby I bought from toejam... MUCH sweeter than the line6 wah.



                          • #14
                            Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                            Thanks Pete. How did you like the JSX??

                            I am going to do my tube amp "thing" next Saturday. Mesa Boogie Mark III,2 cabinets and a pedal board consisting of a
                            Boss DD-6
                            Boss CH-1
                            Heavily modded Boss OD-3 (for solo boost)
                            Twisteramps Preamp for added crunch on a few songs.
                            All the above pedals are in 1 pedal board and will be in the loop of the Mark III.
                            In front of the amp I will have:
                            Bad Horsie 2 Contour Wah
                            I am also working setting up an amp switcher pedal feeding directly into a Boss AC-2 routed to the board for acoustic sounds.
                            It will require a little tap dancing but nothing crazy.


                            • #15
                              Re: Thinking about modeling.......

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              One thing that did make a difference was a JGCable modded crybaby I bought from toejam... MUCH sweeter than the line6 wah.

                              [/ QUOTE ]
                              Cool. Glad you're digging it! [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

