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  • Eurotubes...

    This is a continuation of a thread that started in the classifieds section:;page=0#543360

    The questions started when I said that Bob is pretty much full of shit. I stand by my statment, and here's why:

    If you want to buy JJ tubes, I suppose he's great, but what he doesn't tell you is that there are MANY other brands of tubes out there, and all of them sound slightly different or do some things better, some things worse.
    Just calling Bob and explaining what you want, then buying his JJ tubes is like thinking your Ford dealer is going to suggest the very best vehicle for your needs and be fair and objective in his suggestions. He's gonna sell you a Ford. Bob is gonna sell you JJ's.

  • #2
    Re: Eurotubes...

    Yea Chuck, but if I'm happy with JJ's then whats the problem? I know what he sells.


    • #3
      Re: Eurotubes...

      What else have you tried? If you are buying tubes on Bob's recommendation, you are only hearing a small spectrum of what's out there.
      Bob passes himself off as an authority when in fact he is a salesman. That's what irks me. People talk about how "Bob hooked them up..." How? By selling you JJ tubes? No shit! Do you think he's gonna recommend RFT's or Svetlana's for your application?


      • #4
        Re: Eurotubes...

        [ QUOTE ]
        What else have you tried? If you are buying tubes on Bob's recommendation, you are only hearing a small spectrum of what's out there.
        Bob passes himself off as an authority when in fact he is a salesman. That's what irks me. People talk about how "Bob hooked them up..." How? By selling you JJ tubes? No shit! Do you think he's gonna recommend RFT's or Svetlana's for your application?

        [/ QUOTE ]

        I would think that most of the guys we buy tubes from are salesmen with their own opinions on which tubes are best. Most of the guys I talked to have their own personal favorites.
        I got pissed when I was referred to as unwashed and uninformed. I took a shower this morning (I think). [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: Eurotubes...

          Tubes are like beer. Some people will always stick with one brand (my wife), while others try different shit all the time, even if they have a few favorites (me). Eurotubes works fine for the prior, but not for me as I am always searching for and trying new ones. It is almost impossible to go by a salesmans recommendation if you don't know him. Even if he represents various brands, he may have a hidden agenda like pushing what he has more of in stock or what is more profitable.


          • #6
            Re: Eurotubes...

            I currently have JJ's in my preamp that are a year old. I was thinking of trying EH's next, based upon recommendation. What would you guys recommend? While you're at it, recommend a beer too. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: Eurotubes...

              CHuck i hate to go against you, but i think most people that are buying from eurotubes pretty much know he only sells JJ's and that is why they goto him. He does have great service for the tubes he sells and he sells full kits at really good prices.

              At the same time i see your point, if you are a newbie to tubes by going to his website only you could get confused to thinking that JJ's are the only great tube out there. personaly i like JJ's and like i said his prices are right, he has never claimed that his high gain kit will make any amp a high gain amp, he just says that they are a higher gain pre-amp tube so you will get extra gain.

              But JG is right, most any tube site are full of salesman, look at the tubestore, they always bash GT's etc.. It is always best to be informed when you shop and i dont hate anyone if they have a personal favorite. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, example Bill loves ubers but cant stand rectifiers, now if i went by him i would be selling myself short etc.. Rec's arent played by many musicians because they are cheap, because we all know they are not, they are played by many because they have great tone and are reliable as hell! Of course we know the tone is not for bill.

              The best way to buy anything is to keep an open mind and listen with your ears and always remember that the world seems to revolves around money so most people are gonna be salesman. Now i know you know this chuck, that was for the younger crowd that might not have the experience yet!


              • #8
                Re: Eurotubes...

                I got an amp last year loaded with brand new JJs, I put in a set of EHs (preamp) a couple months ago, a little more gain but a tad more hiss, I have since gotten a (high gain package) of JJs from Bob and I am still switching back and forth with the EHs
                I say the boy ain't right!


                • #9
                  Re: Eurotubes...

                  Best place I know of to buy new tubes is Lord Valve... the guy knows his stuff and won't sell anything he doesn't like. His prices are average, but he tests the hell out of the tubes and stands behind them.



                  • #10
                    Re: Eurotubes...

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I currently have JJ's in my preamp that are a year old. I was thinking of trying EH's next, based upon recommendation. What would you guys recommend? While you're at it, recommend a beer too.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    I don't have much experience with EH except for their 6CA7 power tubes, which I run in place of EL34's in my Matchless Chieftain. They are killer tubes for the price and last much longer than anything else out there that is not NOS. I have read good things about their preamp tubes but I've been let down by reviews to many times...I let my ears do the work (although this has led to a box full of virtually unused tubes).
                    As for beer, I'm currently digging Fat Tire out here in Denver. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: Eurotubes...

                      I put JJ EL84s in my Mesa F-30 with EH 12AX7s... they sound great to me. I can't remember if I bought from Eurotubes or The Tube Store or not, but I defintely know one of them I bought from and thought he was awesome to deal with.
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #12
                        Re: Eurotubes...

                        I was never under the impression that Bob sells anything but JJ Tubes. I found his site and ordered them for my former Mesa DC5 and Recto as well as my Peavey TubeFex. He never bashed any other tube maker. When I called him about potentially retubing my VHT combo and I told him I had some EH's in there, he said the EH's should be fine and were very good tubes. In fact, he pretty much told me NOT to buy new tubes unless I wanted a different sound.

                        One of my tubes I ordered from him didn't work and he sent me a replacement and it arrived in 2 days, no questions asked. I bought a friend a set of JJs for his 5150 for his birthday. He had a few problems once the tubes arrived and Bob spent a TON of time with him on the phone regarding the problem and gave him some replacement tubes for free.

                        I recently called Bob and asked him for advice on tubes for my Framus and how to bias the amp. Again, he spent a lot of time with me and went over a lot of options, and didn't once trash the tubes I had in there.

                        I have talked about other brands with Bob and he's been stragihtforward with me. I don't expect a Ford dealer to sell anything but Ford stuff. I don't expect a JJ dealer to sell me Svetlanas. I call Doug at Doug's Tubes when I want something other than JJ's.

                        I could go on and on...


                        • #13
                          Re: Eurotubes...

                          The thing I have a problem with is when he recommends the wrong tubes for the amp. I went round and round with guys about the E34L in the XXX after Peavey said not to use it but Bob swore up and down they were OK to use. I can't tell you how many emails I got from frantic XXX owners that had their amps take a shit on them. He's doing the same thing with the KT88/6L6 mix in the 5150's. He's not a tech, he's a salesman, a JJ salesman. The stuff he sells is excellent, some of his info is a little off.
                          FJA Mods YouTube


                          • #14
                            Re: Eurotubes...

                            Ok I see your point Chuck.
                            I've also gotten tubes (svetlanas) from
                            and he was great to deal with as well.
                            I have JJ's in my Marshall and I love they way the sound, but it also sounded really good with Svetlanas too, it just sounded a little different.
                            I have to agree newbies beware, but I think most people who buy from him are interested in JJ's.
                            If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


                            • #15
                              Re: Eurotubes...

                              i get your point. but i know infact that he is a tech as well as salesman. and from talking to him, he seems like an honest guy. when describing tones i was looking for he has suggested that i might like the sound of soveteks or EH in my pre-amp section better than his tubes... but he definatley had the power tubes for me. anyway, i can respect that. he has never tried to push me in any direction.

                              and as far as the switching tube types from the manufactures recomendation... he is a tech and he knows all about how tubes work with an amp. and knows what ratings of different tubes types will fall in line with the specs of most major amp manufactures. if he says amp Y can run on different tube X, it is because he has tested this himself.

                              but the bottom line is - jj's are what he caries and sells. so if its not a jj you want to buy, don't order from him.

                              i will most likely go to him for power tubes and the phase inverter. based on personal experience.
                              Widow - "We have songs"



