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Attention POD XT Live users....

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  • Attention POD XT Live users....

    Hey folks....
    I'm on my way out this weekend to (more than likely) pick up a POD XT Live. Now, being the modeling dude that I am, [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] most of the other modeling stuff I use I use with full-range cabinets. But, after poking around on the Line 6 site, it seems that they're using a 50 watt tube head and standard guitar cabinet.
    What are you fellow XT Live users running it through? (Guitar cabinet, modeling/Line 6 cabinet, power amp, guitar head, in the effects loop, etc)
    Clue a brutha in. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

    Does a GT-6 user count? Sure I do. This is what I use to power the GT-6
    Carvin T100 power amp running EL34's. It is 100w bridged 50w per side stereo. I run it bridged 100w mono. This way I have a separate line out direct to the board on my GT-6 if I have to.
    My rig goes like this:
    Guitar---Boss GT-6----Ross 31 band EQ----Carvin T100-----Randall 2 x 12 cab loaded with 75w Celestions.

    The cabinet modeling is turned off on all of my distortion patches. It is turned on with all of my clean patches.
    The 31 band EQ is there only to fill in the tonal "blanks" and to boost certain midrange frequencies a tiny bit.

    It really sounds sweet.


    • #3
      Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

      I've tried several methods to amplify my XT Live, including solid state power amp (Marshall Valvestate) to Marshall 1960A 4x12 (75 watt Celestions), a full-range, powered PA speaker (JBL Eon G2 15"/horn), and tube power amp (Marshall 3203) to the same Marshall 4x12 described above.

      The tube power amp to the 4x12 sounds best, IMO.

      The weird thing is, I keep the cab modeling turned on. Everyone says not to, but that's what sounds best to me, so that's how I run it.


      • #4
        Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

        I use a GT-8 into a Carvin DCM150 power amp into whatever speaker cabinet I feel like at the moment... 1x12, a pair of 2x12s, 4x12.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

          as of this moment i'm using a cheap fender roc pro 1000 as my power amp. cause that is what my lead guitarist has. (i have a boogie .50 cal i like better but i want us to match up) the roc pro is decent. tubes do sound better.

          i run through a recto cab. or whatever cab the band we're playing with has to offer.

          i have seperate banks for each of the 4x12 cabs listed inside the xt live. all with the exact same model patches. including a no cab patch.

          this way no matter what cab i'm using i've got a patch for it or i run it with no cab sim.

          i really like it alot. the matching cab sim with its matching cab sounds GREAT! thickens it up just right. and with no cab sim on sounds good too.

          you have to make sure your output selection mode is set right for the application at hand.

          here is an example of each bank i set up.
          bank X:
          a: prefered model tweaked for direct recording. mic model on axis
          b: prefered model tweaked for direct recording. mic model off axis
          c: clean model with FX
          d: prefered model tweaked for live use.

          so i have 7 banks set up this way with the only difference being the cab model. this way when i get onstage, i just check my output mode, select the proper bank based on the cab i'm using, tune up, and go.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #6
            Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

            I'm running mine through a Randall 2x12 w/ Vintage 30's and a Crate Powerblock and it sounds great. I turn the cab modelling off for the one and only patch I ever created, but when I was screwing around I kept it on. Everything on this unit effects tone, and that's what the unit is for, so hell, whatever works for ya. I'm actually selling my XTL if your interested, it has the metal model pack installed. PM if your interested Sub

            - Irf -


            • #7
              Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

              At home, I go XTL to mixing board thru monitors. Live, I go XTL to DI to board to monitors and front of house. I haven't plugged into a power amp/cab since I went to the Pod and XTL 3 years ago. You can try a full range keyboard amp, which I hear is supposed to be great also.


              • #8
                Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                Yep, my XTL sounds great through my KRK powered monitors!



                • #9
                  Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                  I run my XTL through Mesa 20/20 and Genz Benz 2x12 and sometimes in the return of a Randall 100ES 1/2 stack (solid state) both sound great.The Mesa of course warms it up nicely and gives it the dynamics of the tubes where as the Randall is more pristine and great for clean tones.


                  • #10
                    Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                    I ran my XT Live through a VHT 2150 for a bit. Sounded absolutely massive on a 2x12. Even the models that I hated sounded great.


                    • #11
                      Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                      Does no one use the Tech21 PowerEngines? I thought this is exactly what they were designed for? To power a pre-amp, pedalboard, etc. without affecting the tone.
                      Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


                      • #12
                        Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                        Hmm, good info here. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                        O.k., I went out and bought one, and have spent the past few hours tweaking, tweaking, tweaking. So far, I'm not getting what I'm looking for. I've tried going into the front of the amp, and into the effects loop, trying different amp sims, etc. I'm pretty familiar with Line 6 gear, so I have the correct settings for Line/Amp, power amp or combo, etc. The issue seems to be that the amps don't sound good to me. The Brit j800 with the 4x12 20s is cool, and the JM Preamp, but the rest of 'em aren't doing it for me. I'm getting a nice sound from the stomp boxes, (Killer Z, Tube Drive and Classic Dist) but I was hoping to get a good tone from one of the amps and using the Stomp feature for a boost. Maybe I don't have things placed correctly in the chain? What amp sims are you guys using? Maybe I can see what the common sims are and try to work different settings from there.... [img]/images/graemlins/idea2.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                          Should have got a GT8......sorry I didn't get here sooner. The Pod XTL is good, but, the UI is kind of a pain.
                          Alot of tweaking to get decent sounds right out of the box. With the Boss, the items you are going to tweak on the most are right on the board....just turn a dont have to go into folders and sub folders to change a setting. You want to change the type of amp...turn a want to tweak the pre-amp EQ, turn a knob, adjust gain, presence, reverb, chorus, distortion and overdrive....turn a knob. Everything is right out front and in the open. Its factory pre-sets kick ass out of the box IMHO. I use them with just some minor or no tweaking.
                          You will probably want to go over to the Pod forum for some info and help. Pete ( Twisteramps ) has his Pod dialed in real well ( then again, what doesn't Pete have dialed in real well ) and could probably give you some good advice.-Lou
                          " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


                          • #14
                            Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                            I run my XT live into my computer for recording. I have not had a chance to sit down, and run it through a power amp in a LIVE setting. I have in my living room.

                            I can tell you this, you're going to have to sit down for awhile and play with the settings. Don't worry about buying anymore sound packs from Line6, just play around with what you have, if you can't find enough gain on there, you want a lot! (trust me, it has a lot).

                            Some things to remember are, the amplification of sound, like, the frequencies may sound good, at low volumes, then at higher volumes, you're all lows, and highs. It takes a higher volume level, of frequencies in the high and low range, to be heard, with frequencies in the mid range.

                            I have found a few settings that work in my headphones, but recorded, they are way different (less bassy and balsy, more gain, and more highs, I definately need to eq that). There is quite a lot to play with, and I'm sure in time, you'll get some patches you like, at least that's what I tell myself.


                            • #15
                              Re: Attention POD XT Live users....

                              O.k., after spending ALL damn morning screwing with it, I've been able to get some good sounds. (Lou--you sho' ain't kiddin' about a tough UI Bro!)The "out of box" sounds were useless to me, and made for a disappointing first night with a new toy. But, after going to the Line 6 site and downloading a bunch of patches (USEFUL patches, I might add)and tweaking for hours on end, I think I can work with this thing. I'm WAY far off from getting tones that I'll be able to use live (I know I'm going to have to re-tweak at higher levels) but I'm not going to storm back to GC for a refund just yet. Last night on the other hand... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

