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5150 has arrived

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  • 5150 has arrived

    yesterday i picked it up before playing a show in the same city the seller lives in. i used it for the gig, technically without any problems. however, i found it to be very harsh and quite muddy sounding....i blamed this on the engl cab which i found to be rather harsh regardless of the amp i'm using (based on my experience...i don't want to bash this cab though)
    well, fast forward to today. i plugged into my trusty laney 412 cab and guess what? even at low volumes through the cab i'm used to it sounds quite muddy and very noisy. i didn't expect this, as i borrowed a 5150 (signature) from a bud of mine some time ago (and bought a 5150 due to this experience) and it didn't sound harsh and muddy at all, nor was it noisy like this.
    i just checked the inside of the amp, as the seller told me that although he replaced the tubes like 2 years ago (and they are still OK) i might want to replace them. well, ATM there are groove tubes 6l6 power tubes in it, which are relabeled. the orignal label says sovtek 5881 something. not exactly the best tube around [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
    another point is that once i opened it up, i noticed that there are some peavey preamp tubes in it - i'm not 100% sure, but i think it still has the original stock peavey preamp tubes....and this is a block letter 5150, so it's quite old for a 5150.

    in a nutshell, i think i'll order a full replacement for both pre and power amp tubes. my question is, can the problems i'm experiencing (a lot of background noise (more than other 5150s), overall muddy sound, harsh top end) be blamed on the tubes, or should i bring it to a tech in case there's another problem?

  • #2
    Re: 5150 has arrived

    If you put everything other than the post gain at noon and start playing and it is still muddy and harsh sounding, I'd say that either your tubes are really old (which is what I'm leaning towards) or your amp is just screwed up. Change the tubes first and if it sounds the same way after that I'd definitely bring it in to a tech.


    • #3
      Re: 5150 has arrived

      i have some spare preamp tubes around, maybe i should plug them in before buying a whole new set of tubes. i'll try this tomorrow.
      anyways, as the sovtek 5881 are one of the most crappy powertubes ever made (i had them in my old laney gh50L, HORRBILE...swapped them for some JJ EL34s, instant kickass sound) i'll definitely replace them anyways. i think i'll go for svetlana SED 6l6 power tubes, but i'm still unsure about the preamp tubes. apparenlty svetlanas also work really well in the preamp of a 5150. i had JJ preamp tubes in my laney, and they sounded very good - although that amp is a totally different animal.


      • #4
        Re: 5150 has arrived

        btw, which preamp tube is the first one? i suspect it's the far right one (looking at the back side of the amp) as it's closest to the input jack. v5 (far left) should then be the phase inverter, right?


        • #5
          Re: 5150 has arrived

          My 5150s got used a lot at high volumes, and I retubed a lot. I went between SED Svets, JJ and Tesla power tubes in my 5150s when I used them.

          Liked them all.


          • #6
            Re: 5150 has arrived

            How much do tubes cost to replace them all total?


            • #7
              Re: 5150 has arrived

              [ QUOTE ]
              How much do tubes cost to replace them all total?

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Depends on what you use and where you get them, but usually around $100


              • #8
                Re: 5150 has arrived

                It wouldn't hurt to have a tech take a look at it. Have the pots, jacks, and tube sockets cleaned. Have them check the screen grid resistors. An amp that old is due for some TLC.

                Tubes can cause bad tone and noises. The 5150 will have a hiss noice on the lead channel when you get the pre gain up around 5 or higher, that's the nature of the beast. The best solution for that noise is a noise gate in the effects loop.
                FJA Mods YouTube


                • #9
                  Re: 5150 has arrived

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Tubes can cause bad tone and noises. The 5150 will have a hiss noice on the lead channel when you get the pre gain up around 5 or higher, that's the nature of the beast. The best solution for that noise is a noise gate in the effects loop.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  About the noise gate... If you've got a NS-2, I highly recommend using the Boss in the 4 cable method, it makes amp whisper quiet.


                  • #10
                    Re: 5150 has arrived

                    By the 4 cable method, do you mean...guitar into input, send to input, return to fx out, and output of the NS-2 into the fx return? I gotta go try that...


                    • #11
                      Re: 5150 has arrived

                      thanks so far.
                      yes, a full retube is around 100 euro DIY.
                      regarding the noise thing. well, as i said, i already played through one, and while there was some noise, it wasn't nearly as much as my block letter has. i'm very sure this is because of those medieval preamp tubes [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                      as far as amp techs go i'm fukked, because there aren't any anywhere near my hometown. i'll have to drive at least one hour :/ kinda sucks if you live in the middle of nowhere,

                      edit: and btw, i just bought 4 SED 6l6 powertubes, 2 JJ 12ax7, 2 electro Harmonix 12ax7 (one balanced), and 1 sed 12ax7. should be here on friday.


                      • #12
                        Re: 5150 has arrived

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        By the 4 cable method, do you mean...guitar into input, send to input, return to fx out, and output of the NS-2 into the fx return? I gotta go try that...

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        You won't be disappointed. I flip mine to "mute" and then adjust the sensitivity to taste. I don't run this method as much anymore as I have backed off on how much gain I used with the 5150 live, but when I did it really helped out a lot.

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        edit: and btw, i just bought 4 SED 6l6 powertubes, 2 JJ 12ax7, 2 electro Harmonix 12ax7 (one balanced), and 1 sed 12ax7. should be here on friday.

                        [/ QUOTE ]
                        Great news! I hope this works out well for you and you can get the problems resolved.


                        • #13
                          Re: 5150 has arrived

                          "Great news! I hope this works out well for you and you can get the problems resolved. "
                          yeah, i hope so, too. i'm quite sure it's the tubes, really. i just played the amp some more (this time with my emg loaded jackson. sounded clearer than the charvel model 3 (my fav. guitar though) but still nowhere near as good as my friend's), once with the stock tubes, and then with some cheapo sovtek crap i'm keeping around for backup purposes in v1. even this cheap and old sovtek "tube" made a huge improvement. i wonder how this thing sounds with some decent and new preamp tubes.
                          maybe i should plug my marshall's v1 tube in the peavey, as this one is a kickass tube. it hasn't any label on it so i don't know what type of tube it is, but it's one of the most kickass sounding preamp tubes i've ever come across. i'm seriously thinking about swapping it for a regular jj or whatever for live use and keep it only for studio use because it sounds stellar.


                          • #14
                            Re: 5150 has arrived

                            mh....maybe i was a bit too quick with ordering new tubes. i swapped v1 and v2 (as v1 seems to be the one thats really about to die) and it sounds a lot better.
                            moreover.....part of the mushy sound might be due to operator error i placed my tubescreamer in front of it, cranked the amp some (high bedroom, low rehearsal volume, kinda) and there certainly was some improvement....having the mids way up and the gain WAY down also helps. actually i think i prefer the rhythm channel with the crunch engaged for metal rhythm right now, whereas the lead channel seems to be better suited for screaming leads (esp. with the tubescreamer)....DUH!

                            well....having a full set of new tubes won't hurt [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i can't wait for next rehearsal, i'd really like to put this thing through my beloved marshall 1960A/B fullstack.


                            • #15
                              Re: 5150 has arrived

                              The lead channel really is pretty apeshit... it's insane. The Rhythm channel with crunch engaged has a tighter low end, so it'd be better for recording, but live, I prefer the apeshitness of the lead channel.

                              I set mine up like this:
                              Gain - 3.5
                              Bass - 6.5
                              Mids - 4
                              Treb - 5.5-6
                              Res - 7-8
                              Pres - 7-8

                              All on a 1-10 scale

                              Tubescreamer (Maxon OD808):
                              Gain - 9:00
                              Tone - 10:30
                              Levl - 12:00

                              All on a clock scale

                              Tweak to taste! That's about the same way Andy Sneap sets it up, as well.

