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Soldano SP77 question

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  • Soldano SP77 question

    Have any of you noticed a lack of volume in your clean channel as compared to the gain channel?
    I have my clean channel almost dimed out and the gain channel is on around 10:00 o'clock and the volume level is the same. I went into my G-Major and changed all my clean patches to 0 db but the clean channels still aren't loud.
    Is there anything I might be doing wrong? Is there anyway to boost the clean channels on the G-Major above 0 db? If not, I will have to go back into my heavy patches and dial them down to around 8db and turn the power amp up more. The clean channel is totally useable as is, I was just surprised that its not nearly as loud as the gain channel. Usually, on most tube amps, the clean channel is much louder than the gain channel.

  • #2
    Re: Soldano SP77 question

    Nope unfortunately they are all like that. Even the SLO clean channel is a lot lower in volume. With the crunch switch on it gets a bit louder on the SLO. Not sure if that is something that can be added to the sp77.
    We must!
    We must!
    We must increase the bust!
    The bigger the better!
    The tighter the sweater!
    The boys are counting on us!


    • #3
      Re: Soldano SP77 question

      yes. that's why i got rid of mine. i use a lot of clean sounds in my music and it was too hard to balance everything out. i also didn't like the way the clean would bleed into the OD channel. i can't help you with the g-major stuff, i've never tried one.

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        Re: Soldano SP77 question

        I don't really use alot of cleans and my Soldano is totally useable, I am just surprised of the level. I can always boost it front end. The clean is really good though and I am still very surprised at how quiet this amp is. Its almost dead silent. I don't even use the noise gate on the G-Major.


        • #5
          Re: Soldano SP77 question

          One of the best for the money IMO. All the Soldano tone is definitely in there.
          We must!
          We must!
          We must increase the bust!
          The bigger the better!
          The tighter the sweater!
          The boys are counting on us!


          • #6
            Re: Soldano SP77 question

            The only possible weakness in my rig is the Carvin T100 power amp. If the gigs keep coming at the caliber that our next one is I am upgrading to either a Mesa 50/50 or a VHT although for now, the Carvin is fine.

