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i know i have issues....need more amp advice

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  • #61
    Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

    Could try a Maxon OD808...I've been pretty happy with mine so far.


    • #62
      Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

      Why do people even bother doing these "live" albums anyways, haha.. Geez


      • #63
        Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

        [ QUOTE ]
        ...maybe there's an OD pedal that also cleans up the bottom end similar to a Tubescreamer, but doesn't add as much biting and chainsaw top end. any suggestions?

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Analog Man modded TS. It's the same basic mod that Andy was talking about in his forum.
        ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


        • #64
          Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

          mhh...are thoe analogman things available over here in europe? and if so, are they worth the extra shipping and taxes?

          well, today i cranked the amp some more (post gain 3...thats pretty loud for home use [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ), and made a few more observations.
          the rhythm channel with crunch engaged is too bassy; it cannot be used without the bass-killing TS. when setting the rhythm channel to an acceptable bass level, the lead sounds thin. at those high volumes, i feel the lead channel is better for rhythm, regardless of what i said before. but this might be different in a full band context, though.

          another point is that i'm definitely a marshall guy. i love the marshall roar and grind. i remember a HC review talking about the "JCM 800 power amp effect....hit one chord, all air rushes out of the room". nice expression [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] but it's very fitting. exactly what i'm looking for.
          to me, the 5150 sounds like jcm800 on steroids, but also has it's own thing going on. i definitely like the steroids part, but i'm not totally sure if i like it's own thing if you understand.
          right now, the problem is that too much gain (around noon on the lead channel) gives me too much compression. when turning the gain down to like 10:00, it's VERY close to what i'm looking for, but it hasn't enough gain. harmonics don't jump off the fretboard the way i want them to jump [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] when adding the TS, the harmonic part is fine, but the highs are too harsh.

          just a few thoughts....


          • #65
            Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

            5150's compress as you turn up the gain. A sonic maximizer will relieve some of that compression.


            • #66
              Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

              i think you need the famus cobra. and emg's.
              with that combo you will be able to get the sound you want.
              Widow - "We have songs"




              • #67
                Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                well, my jackson V is loaded with emg 81s. just a side note

                a cobra is 1699 euro new, and only rarely pops up on ebay. i'll try to check it out in a store, as well as a few soldanos (WOT question: when using the plural, do i have to say e.g. soldanos or soldano's? i know that soldano's is genitive, and e.g. it's equals it is, but i'm unsure when it comes to using plural forms. am i right or wrong?)


                • #68
                  Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                  Soldano in Plural? $oldano$$


                  • #69
                    Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    FWIW - AIA was reamped after the fact, so whatever amp(s) they were using live are not necessarily the amps that made it to the final recording...

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    Hmm. I didn't know that one was re-amped. I'm with John - why bother with "live" discs? Oh, right. $$$.
                    Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


                    • #70
                      Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                      i'm totally sure 99% of those so called "live" records are about as live as metallica's black album [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      take my band as an example: we recently recorded one of our live shows (that's gonna be used for some bonus footage for the upcoming CD), and even my band which isn't exactly a household name re-recorded a few parts [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                      go figure....

                      @fifth horseman: yeah...sure [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] CC is a tight band, but NOBODY can pull off this stuff without any mistakes.


                      • #71
                        Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        FWIW - AIA was reamped after the fact, so whatever amp(s) they were using live are not necessarily the amps that made it to the final recording...

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        Hmm. I didn't know that one was re-amped. I'm with John - why bother with "live" discs? Oh, right. $$$.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        Reamped, but not replayed. The playing is still (mostly) live, but the sounds are better. Same thing with Live Kreation, all the playing is live, just reamped later.

                        To me, it makes it possible for a minor budget band like IE to make a live disc that sounds good. All they need to get a good guitar sound is a DI of the guitar track, they don't have to worry about getting good live tones to tape until mixing.
                        ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                        • #72
                          Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                          dude, i know for FACT that live kreation is NOT live. they re-recorded most of the parts. same goes for exodus-another lesson in violence.


                          • #73
                            Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            mhh...are thoe analogman things available over here in europe? and if so, are they worth the extra shipping and taxes?

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            That mod is very easy to do yourself. They sell different kits on ebay for around $20. It's just a matter of swapping out a few components.


                            • #74
                              Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              I have experienced the complete opposite on many many ocassions when playing live and loud. In my many years of road work, Marshall amps have consistantly crushed Mesa Rectifiers in regards to cutting through a mix. Its almost hard to balance the 2 when you are sound checking.
                              I do agree 100% that for heavy death metal and that other crazy detuned hardcore stuff, a Rectifier is the answer.
                              Most Rectifier players like scooped mids, big bottom and sizzle. Thats 3 things that cause you to get lost in the mix unless you are the only guitar player. Throw a JCM800 in that same mix and unless the Mesa player cranks his amp, he will vanish into thin air. Bottom line is that many Mesa Rectifier players don't know how to dial in their VERY versatile amps. I was able to get a Single Rectifier to sound VERY much like a modded JCM800. It took a few hours of tweaking but the tones are in there.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              I boost the mids on my recto....but then again I'm a little strange. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                              • #75
                                Re: i know i have issues....need more amp advice

                                Fragle, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but running an EQ in the loop can do wonders for a 5150. Also boosting the rhythm channel with an OD can get good results also. It will be nice and tight but still thicker than the lead channel.

