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Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

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  • Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

    Has anyone tried this combination? I have been told it might warm up the sound a little more and get rid of that harshness in the high end that Mesas can have.

  • #2
    Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

    Some friends have had really bad luck with those tubes - I would avoid them. Premature failures, microphonics and low gain are just some of the issues they have had.



    • #3
      Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

      Is that the Mullard re-issue?


      • #4
        Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

        Yes it is. I A/B'd one of those vs. a Silver special in my Mark3 I like the Silver special much better. It has much better overall tone and better gain.
        1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


        • #5
          Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

          Pete I heard the same thing, but in the early runs...the problems seem to be rectified (ohhh snap I'm funny!!) in the recent ones.


          • #6
            Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

            the early ones were plagued with oscillations and motorboat noise - early and 'improved' later runs are fairly low output, at least from what trusted ears have told me.

            Stay away. I have heard good stuff about the tungsol 12ax7's if you want new, or pay the price and get *real* mullard 12ax7s. No new tubes are going to touch the real deal imho.



            • #7
              Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

              Cool, thanks for the info.


              • #8
                Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                What about the GT-12AX7-C? Doug from dougstubes recommended to run that in V1 on my dual recto. Here is what he told me...

                "I would use a GT-12AX7-C in V1 which I would hand select. In V2, a
                Tung Sol reissue 12AX7 would round it out, in V3 and V4 a Shuguang 12AX7C,
                and in V5 a balanced EH. I'm going with 3/5 of the 9th gen Chinese tubes
                here since I like them in high gain/metal situations."

                Personally, I really like the JJ ecc803s in V1. Sounds great to me.


                • #9
                  Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                  Kinda funny that he would have to 'hand select' an already 'hand selected' Groove Tube, isn't it?



                  • #10
                    Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                    Hmmmmmm....interesting. So would you say that the tubes are crap and he has to go through a bunch of them to find a good one or that he is bullshitting me about hand selecting one?


                    • #11
                      Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                      I've got Groove Tubes in my dual rec. I'm not sure if they're 'M' or not. Haven't had any problems with them in about 6 years. Don't know that I'd buy them again, though, I'll probably consult KCANOS when I'm ready to retube, to try something different.
                      -Jon G


                      • #12
                        Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Hmmmmmm....interesting. So would you say that the tubes are crap and he has to go through a bunch of them to find a good one or that he is bullshitting me about hand selecting one?

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        Doug is a good guy, I've bought tubes from him before. I'm just wondering why pay GT to 'pick you the best tubes' from their testing processes and THEN have Doug pick through those?

                        I'd check out the new tungsols before I'd go after the new mullards, but that's just me. Doug has great prices and is a good guy, I've bought from him before.


                        • #13
                          Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Hmmmmmm....interesting. So would you say that the tubes are crap and he has to go through a bunch of them to find a good one or that he is bullshitting me about hand selecting one?

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          No hes telling you GT has shit for QC on preamp tubes- Last time I put GT preamp tubes in my 2204 we went through several to find a working set- GT sucks anyway, same as boogie they silkscreen their name on them then jack the price up.


                          • #14
                            Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                            That's kind of what I meant with the first part of my comment. I'm not arguing that GT tubes are good because I've never used them before but I'm curious why someone with such a good rep like Doug would recomend them if they're that bad. Any thoughts?


                            • #15
                              Re: Groove Tubes 12AX7Ms in a Dual Rec?

                              If someone wants to buy them, he'll carry them. Simple as that.


