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5150 or JSX

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  • 5150 or JSX

    I am contiplating one of these amp heads. For the money and for old speed metal and the like, with very good heavy palm muting, which one would you guys choose? Also, as I am use to Master volume amps, would someone please explain the differences between a non mv and mv amp? Thanks-Jack.

  • #2
    Re: 5150 or JSX

    The Peavey heads are both master volume heads. A non master volume amp would be like the old Fender Twin or Marshall Plexi with 4 inout jacks. Those amps you had only one control for your levels and you had to crank them very loud to make the amp distort. The master vlume amps have a control that's just like the Twin and Plexi controls that's usually labeled gain and then another control which controls the overall output volume of the amp , that's called the master volume or on Peavey amps it's sometimes labeled post gain. The gain control can be turned up to make the preamp section overdrive without having the volume so loud. In general, the pregain or gain pot controls the preamp levels and the master volume or post gain controls the power amp levels. The JSX actually has 3 controls per channel for the crunch and ultra. The gain, the channel volume, and the master volume. The gain and channel volume both control preamp levels and the master controls the power sections level for all 3 channels.
    FJA Mods YouTube


    • #3
      Re: 5150 or JSX

      If you need a good clean get the JSX- Play them both then start looking-JSX is a pretty versitile head for the cash. But to me the 5150 seems darker- You better play them both everyones opinion is different.

      Pete will probably step up and give you some decent advice-There is a review from him on the JSX about 1-2 months ago.


      • #4
        Re: 5150 or JSX

        5150 = More brutal, raw tone.
        JSX = More refined, Marshall-like tone.

        Go with an XXX and put some EL34's in it; get the best of both worlds!


        • #5
          Re: 5150 or JSX

          [ QUOTE ]
          5150 = More brutal, raw tone.
          JSX = More refined, Marshall-like tone.

          Go with an XXX and put some EL34's in it; get the best of both worlds!

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Yep I was thinking hot rodded Marshall tone for the JSX-After all when I saw Satch he was using 2 JCM800 half stacks

          Heres petes write up- https://=target="_blank"&gt;<a href="ht...a&gt;]web page


          • #6
            Re: 5150 or JSX

            5150 is grittier, JSX is smoother. 5150 is higher gain, but the JSX has PLENTY of gain on tap. JSX has three channels, and you can run 6L6s or EL34s and bias it yourself easily (it has the controls on the outside of the chassis). JSX has a better (to my ear) fx loop. I let a friend borrow my JSX - here's a fairly heavy clip he recorded of it.




            • #7
              Re: 5150 or JSX

              wow that sounds pretty good.
              I love my 5150 combo but if I didn't have the B-52 combo
              (which in my opinion is targeted towards the JSX market)
              I would 've bought a JSX. the b-52 covers my clean and has
              alot of voicing options for the gain channels, but for all
              out brutal kick your ass "Hey turn that fucking thing down!" metal sound, [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
              I have to go with the 5150. mine just kills, it nails
              that "tornado of souls" Megadeth sound with my soloist to a tee [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

              if you need versatility I'd go with the JSX it offers it in spades, they are (in my opinion ) great amps, and I will
              probably grab one in the future, when I get burnt out on
              the 5150.
              Peavey is doing a lot of things right, right now. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
              If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


              • #8
                Re: 5150 or JSX

                Thanks gents!! Pete, is that a JSX with EL34`s? I ask this, because it has a hot rodded Marshall EL34 Mid-Rangy kida tone going on? Too many mids for me, not enough thump and chunk, maybe the JSX with 6L6`s or won`t it change it that much? It didn`t sound all that high gain or brutal to be honest.Also, yes, I like amps with the 3 volume knobs like my Peavey Ultra, but I will try a 5150 and see. Thanks-Jack.


                • #9
                  Re: 5150 or JSX

                  That was with 6L6s. I liked the tone, but hey, opinions vary.



                  • #10
                    Re: 5150 or JSX

                    I agree, maybe it just isn`t dark enough or the mids were turned up? I don`t use mids at all, I like a heavy scooped sound. Jack.


                    • #11
                      Re: 5150 or JSX

                      Mayhbe the fact it's playing through your computer speakers has something to do with that?
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: 5150 or JSX

                        Jack, if it's the mids - you can scoop them into oblivion with the JSX. It has an active EQ. It's damn near impossible though to have a super scooped sound that is useful though.



                        • #13
                          Re: 5150 or JSX

                          For comparison; check out this song my buddies Zorran and LordBoyd did.


                          Signal chain is JB -> Maxon OD808 -> XXX w/EL34's -> Mesa Traditional sized 4x12.


                          • #14
                            Re: 5150 or JSX

                            The XXX may be a better choice for metal than a JSX - I just can't stand gritty sounding amps, and the XXX's that I've played were very harsh sounding. I'm just a smooth kinda guy I guess. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: 5150 or JSX

                              I saw Darkest Hour and the lead guitarist was using a JSX with like, a delay pedal and it sounded great...the other guitarist had a huge pedalboard with a bunch of stuff but the heart of his tone was an old vertical input JCM 800 driven by a ProCo Rat pedal...I was really impressed by the tone of the JSX though, and Darkest Hour is a pretty heavy band. Good times!

