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Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

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  • Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

    I had a BBE Sonic Maximizer a few years ago in my rack. I think that it was a 422 model. I really miss the clarity and punch that it gave my signal (especially my Marshall JMP-1 and JFX-1 units) so I am on the hunt for a new one.

    Question is are some models actually better for guitar rigs? I am running all in stereo if that makes any difference.


  • #2
    Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

    Having owned many, I have found the 422 to be the best sounding one in a guitar rig.

    For recording and PA, the later units and software plugins rate higher on the list by far.

    For guitar, 422.

    I have found that I really don't like what they do in the long run anyways and mine sits on a shelf gathering dust and gets pulled out here and there to make sure I'm right, and then it goes back, haha...


    • #3
      Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

      Is yours a 422 and is it perhaps up for sale?


      • #4
        Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

        I've been confused by all the 422 hype... even BBE has said that the 362 sounds better in guitar rigs.


        • #5
          Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

          The general consensus around here is the 422 is best for guitar purposes.
          1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


          • #6
            Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

            Yeah I have a 422a, and the original 401 like Mustaine used for a while.

            No, probably won't sell the, they don't really fetch much to make it worth not having it around in case I have a change of heart or buy a 5150, haha...

            They seem to be a must for 5150s.


            • #7
              Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the best?

              Dunno, I talked to BBE techs a while ago and he agreed the 422 sounded best in guitar rigs.

              The 362 is too fake brittle sizzley sounding to me...


              • #8
                Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                The verdict seems to be in on the BBE/5150 pairing, but how about on older Peavey amps? It seems like everyone claims that their Peavey "is what the 5150 is based on" in reviews and classifieds. Whatever the case may be, I just bought an old VTM-60 (with the dip switches for gain boost, mid boost, compression, etc.) and am experimenting with different EQ settings. Maybe a BBE would be a good investment in this case?

                I've already found that running a parametric EQ and noise gate into the input sounds better than in the effects loop and really gives it some punch, and that the amp itself is actually pretty quiet.


                • #9
                  Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                  I would say try it. That's why I keep my BBE round. Just in case I wanna try it on something.


                  • #10
                    Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    The verdict seems to be in on the BBE/5150 pairing, but how about on older Peavey amps? It seems like everyone claims that their Peavey "is what the 5150 is based on" in reviews and classifieds. Whatever the case may be, I just bought an old VTM-60 (with the dip switches for gain boost, mid boost, compression, etc.) and am experimenting with different EQ settings. Maybe a BBE would be a good investment in this case?

                    I've already found that running a parametric EQ and noise gate into the input sounds better than in the effects loop and really gives it some punch, and that the amp itself is actually pretty quiet.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Let me know about the BBE, or whatever else you do with the VTM (esp. tubes). I bought one too, and am still messing around with getting the sound I want out of it. Right now I'm running a twisteramps boost in front. I've played around with my boss rack fx unit, but in the loop it takes some major balls out of the sound. Using any of the dipswitches just turns my amp to total crap, what about you? And either gain boost just sends it to instant uncontrollable feedback.


                    • #11
                      Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                      Well, if anyone wants a 5150 to pair up with that BBE... I've got one modded by JerryP I'm going to be letting go of in a bit [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img].


                      • #12
                        Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                        I may try a 422 in the loop of my Peavey Ultra 60 1x12. Jack.


                        • #13
                          Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Let me know about the BBE, or whatever else you do with the VTM (esp. tubes). I bought one too, and am still messing around with getting the sound I want out of it. Right now I'm running a twisteramps boost in front. I've played around with my boss rack fx unit, but in the loop it takes some major balls out of the sound. Using any of the dipswitches just turns my amp to total crap, what about you? And either gain boost just sends it to instant uncontrollable feedback.

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          I probably won't get around to grabbing a BBE until after Christmas since there's no room in the budget. Here's my impression of the VTM-60 in various setups:

                          1. Alone, no effects or EQs, I was able to get an "OK" distortion with all EQ settings at 12 o'clock and only the Gain 1/Gain 2/Compression switches on. Pre Gain cranked, Presence in the 7-10 range depending on the pickups.

                          2. The same but with an ART Tube EQ and Rocktron Hush II in the loop, it was slightly better, but not enough to warrant using the EQ or Hush.

                          3. Tube EQ and Hush into the high gain input, same amp settings as before, was THE ticket. I only use the ART for a slight boost to mids and gain (supposedly warmed up by a 12AX7 tube, but who knows?), and the end result was a tone that I could absolutely use at gigs or for recording. I imagine that a BBE would have a similar effect, possibly with less noise than the ART Tube EQ.

                          No idea on the feedback, although I couldn't really crank up in my apartment. However, one of my most feedback-prone guitars didn't even hint at squealing.

                          I'm guessing that the love-it-or-hate-it nature of Peavey distortion tone could fuel an EQ/Sonic Maximizer/overdrive market all its own. Getting a suitable distortion without the mud takes a lot of effort, but it can certainly be accomplished.


                          • #14
                            Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                            the 422 is pretty good. i like the 482 and the new pedal is the best I fell. it seems to be made exactly for guitar. I like the new pedal the best.


                            • #15
                              Re: Calling all BBE experts! Which model is the be

                              I personally used my 422a in the loop of my Single Rec. Worked wonders. I think the 422a works so well because it needs a "hotter" source than the others. Regular guitar output voltage will not work. It needs to be after an effect or in the loop. Preferably in the loop.-Lou
                              " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen

