so the manager of the local youth club calls me up and wants recommendations on a new guitar combo.
The ones they have now are pretty busted up, and they have single 12" in them.
I figure they are blown up from being squeezed a bit too hard on the volume trying to keep up with drums and bass, so I said he should go for something with 2x12" in it.
He wants to keep using solid state, as they stick up to abuse a bit more than tube amps, and because of his budget.
I was thinking of a Peavey something, good for metal/rock.
Budget is estimated at $1500 (remember things are more expensive here in Norway)
Should I be looking at a XXL?
- Rune
so the manager of the local youth club calls me up and wants recommendations on a new guitar combo.
The ones they have now are pretty busted up, and they have single 12" in them.
I figure they are blown up from being squeezed a bit too hard on the volume trying to keep up with drums and bass, so I said he should go for something with 2x12" in it.
He wants to keep using solid state, as they stick up to abuse a bit more than tube amps, and because of his budget.
I was thinking of a Peavey something, good for metal/rock.
Budget is estimated at $1500 (remember things are more expensive here in Norway)
Should I be looking at a XXL?
- Rune