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Palmer PGA-04

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  • Palmer PGA-04


    I am doign this new setup for my band!

    And when doing smaller clubs i really hate it being so loud that the soudn engineer at the back of the club does not have to do shit, because the amps are already so loud.
    Because the guitarists want to have THE sound, and they only have it if they have the tubes cranked up till THE MAX.
    And i really think that running everything DI excpet for the drums offcourse coudl be itresting and very positive when it comes to doing the overall mix solely on what you hear form the PA!

    What do you think?

    And for that reason i started to look up this speaker simulator that is said to be very good.

    So that i dont run my MArshall 6100 straight to the mixer. Althoguht it has direct in!
    I woudl go through the speaker simulator and then to the mix in!
    We would offcourse use in -ear monitoring!
    We have 2 guitars, bass, synthy and drums!

    Any opinions on the Palmer?

  • #2
    Re: Palmer PGA-04

    Loud amps and an underworked sound engineer are the fundamentals of playing live. Plus.. you will need a killer PA system and a killer on the ball sound engineer if you are going to DI everything!!


    • #3
      Re: Palmer PGA-04

      just buy THD hotplates for the 2 guitarists and problem solved.

      you can get pretty much play at any volume level and sound good with those.
      Widow - "We have songs"


      • #4
        Re: Palmer PGA-04

        But will hte sound be really worse if you paly the guitar form the box, you mic it and then you haev to be so loud, that maybe you are too loud?

        Ohmplates aer a good thing! but still...
        Why would you mic the guitars in the first place if you wont give them in the PA?
        HTen does it matter if they are miced or DI in the PA?
        What exactly do you mean abotu killer PA! I woudl think that a good fullrange system would do!
        And i think our sound engineer is quite good!

        I am talkign abotu DI-ing it only for the really small gigs! Woudl nto that really help the overall mix a lot!
        YOu knwo! Everythign you hear comes form the box! Woudl not that help the overall sound in general? It willbe good wherever you hear it! Thatway if you are in front of the stage its onyl guitars! At the back is a bit boomy....


        • #5
          Re: Palmer PGA-04

          are you talking about using speaker simulators/emmulators INSTEAD of using mic'd cabinets? if that's what you are talking about, just grab PODs for the guitars and the bass, and be done with it.

          some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

          some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

          and finally....

          i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Palmer PGA-04

            THis is an old thread, but anyway

            i really want to know
            Please all users....

            What is the difference between (e.g.):

            1)guitar - pre-amp(PSA-1) - SS (Palmer PGA-04) - PA desk


            2) Guitar- pre-amp (line6 PodPro or XT) - PA desk

            I would really like to hear every expirience you might have!

            Thanks in advance


            • #7
              Re: Palmer PGA-04

              [ QUOTE ]
              But will hte sound be really worse if you paly the guitar form the box, you mic it and then you haev to be so loud, that maybe you are too loud?

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Any sound engineer worth his job title can dial your sound in at any volume you wanna play at. I can mix down the sound so that the guitar and drums feel like they are making your ears bleed and your heart skip and you still wouldnt be too loud. Its all in the way you mic your cabinet and you set everything up. When I set up a guitar rig for a show, stage volume is my monitor volume.

              I work for a company out of Ashland KY called Studimo Sound and Motion. We do major outdoor venues around Ohio, WV and KY. I am mainlyu a backline guitar tech, but I can also engineer on most of our rigs.


              • #8
                Re: Palmer PGA-04

                Thanks for the info!

                But i must disagree!

                I think it is stupid to have your guitar turned up the whole way, jsut because you feel great the tubes realyl shining, and not givign a fuck about the rest of the band.
                Because i think the overall sound of the band is going downwards.
                More volume on stage means more sounds coming to other mics, leakega which means more problems for the tech guy!

                I agree, if he is good, he can do it. But why make things harder, if you are both on the same team?

                On the other hand i admit, that some amps jsut dont sound good, at low volume. It has to be cranking high to get the juice out!

                Also the monitoring volume!
                How loud does it have to get?
                Well i think that depends on where are you standing. If it is infront of it, and you set the amp higher, so it literately plays in your face, it's ok. But what if you are a singer? YOu need it somewhere behind you normally, ANd you need it really loud to hear it, right? That means you are not the only one hearing it.
                YOu may be pissing off, other bandmates, and what they will do is turn their instruments louder. So you are in a mass!
                Offcourse you can have it in the monitors, but that means an uneccessarry leakege to the vocal mic!

                I think IEM really is a good thing!

                But i woudl still liek to hear some suggestions, advice, opinions on Speaker simulator, liek PAlmer for instance!

