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Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

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  • Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

    It's been a long time since my last post here!

    Well, I got the amp a couple months ago. As for a practice amp, there is no better buy. I love this thing. I love hitting a button and everything is lined up. It sounds spectacular compared to other modeling amps. Sure, the real thing sounds better, but this is one cutting litte rocker! (I have the 2x10 version) If you're looking for the ultimate bedroom recording amp or small rehearsal/gig, this amp fucking kills.

    What I love:
    -Clean. Very clear sound on most channels.
    -Memory. One flick of a button has the one sound I spent an hour dicking with to make perfect. Also remembers where you were from the last time you jammed.
    -Straightforward. If you want to plug in and jam, this will let you do it.
    -Variety of sounds.
    -VOLUME. Not extremely clear when cranked up really high, but it holds its clarity quite well put next to other SS amps.

    I'm sure there're others, just can't think of them at the moment.

    What I thought sucked:
    -Tweakability of FX really blew. You have one knob, that's it. I can't have a really wet, yet slow phaser. The wetness and rate go up and down with eachother.
    -Sturdiness is questionable. This doesn't look like it could withstand being slammed around. I wouldn't take this on a tour with me...
    -The insane channel. What the fuck? One sound is good, the other sounds like complete nuclear asshole assult. If you've never heard it, God loves you, if you have, my condolences to your ears.


    There's your practice evaluation, will be back with a few gigging stories and reviews in the next month or so. So far, it sounds like I have both a Jazz and black metal gig happening soon. Will let you know how the amp did ASAP.

  • #2
    Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

    Spider I or II?


    • #3
      Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

      I hope this is the spider II, I'm having to use my spider I while my poweramp is being fixed, and it sounds like shit lol. The insane channel is my favourite actually, though not got enough mids for my liking, I need to run my boss sd-1 in front of it to give it a mid boost.


      • #4
        Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

        I have a spider 30 for bedroom practice and it's pretty cool


        • #5
          Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

          I've got the spider 112, and it's alright, but always sounds too buzzy, or too mushy to me.


          • #6
            Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

            My spider 112 was a nice little practice amp until I jammed with my drummer one day and he made me sound like ass. He had a Peavey Transtube about the same size. I didn't realize how thin the tone was. The crappy Line6 speaker farted if you pushed it past 12 o'clock. I replaced the Spider with a Line6 AX2. It's louder but basically same lackluster tone. Sounds way better through a cab. Oh well, they're only my practice amps and they're inexpensive, especially when you get them used.


            • #7
              Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

              Its a great little practice/recording amp and for small jams.


              • #8
                Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

                Spiders II are much better than the Is


                • #9
                  Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

                  I've got a II. I've never played the I's before.

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  My spider 112 was a nice little practice amp until I jammed with my drummer one day and he made me sound like ass. He had a Peavey Transtube about the same size.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Transtubes are magical, I love those amps, especially the Bandits.

                  My amp is pretty fucking loud, I really don't need to turn it up past 12 o'clock. Most (if not all) of the SS amps I've played start to fart out at that level, and so does this. I've done it before, but don't often.

                  If your looking for a big-gig amp, I have high doubts about the spider. Small clubs and whatnot it should do fine, but if it needs volume all on its own, my money is on the "your screwed" side. If you have a PA available, it might actually be better in some cases. I read a thread not too long ago on this forum about a guy using a Mark III I believe. The soundman kept telling him to turn it down because he couldn't mix anything, but of course upon turning it down it lost some balls. With the spider, sure it doesn't have the balls of a cranked-up tube amp (but more than most modeling amps IMHO), it may be able to actually outdo the balls/volume ratio of a tube amp, especially in the smaller places.

                  Bottom line on its usage:

                  Great practice amp. It can be taken to any gig. I can go to a jazz gig and a metal gig in the same day and not need to do a bunch of equipment swapping. I would recommend this as a jamming amp to anyone.


                  Gig reviews coming soon! Next review will be a small, if not solo gig review in a restaurant.


                  • #10
                    Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

                    I just got rid of my spider 2, for a new boogie. I liked the spider 2, and now, I may actually buy the 200$ dollar version, (the 1x12, but 30 watts, not 75) just to play around with, but then again, I don't really need it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Got the line6 spider. Pretty neat little amp!

                      i tried a spider ii 30watt amp - the fx are limited, i expected that, but the eq is non-coherent.
                      Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                      "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).

