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G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

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  • G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

    I've decided that I need to expand my setup, as far as switching and effects go, so I've decided to grab a G-major and Behringer FCB1010 to control it with.

    Now, I know the G-major can be setup to change my amps channels via a TRS jack (on footswitch, one button is for FX loop on/off, one for channel switching), but I have a dilemma and a possible solution. I just need to run it by some experts to make sure it'll work in practice, not just theory.

    I always run an OD pedal for my distorted sounds, and turn it off on cleans. Now, I could spend 200 dollars on a dedicated midi loop to have the G-Major control it and assign it to the patches needed, but I don't have that kind of money. I don't want to have the OD pedal infront of me for reasons of cable clutter and powering the thing, as well as tapdancing to switch between cleans/distortion.

    Now, the switch on my OD pedal has three wires going to it, so I assume I could replace it with a TRS jack and be able to externally control it (via.. G-major for instance). The G-major only has one TRS control out, though. What I want to do is wire up the pedal to have that TRS jack, run a TRS Y cable from the control jack of the G-major and have one end go to the OD, one to the amp. What I'm trying to do is have the OD switched on and off automatically when I change channels.

    The only problem I can think of is that the way the jacks would be wired up might cause the cleans to have the OD pedal on and the distortion to have it off (AKA Backwards to what I want), but I believe this could be remedied by switching a wire or two?

    Anyways, let me know if this would actually work, or if any of you have tried it.

  • #2
    Re: G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

    You can split the cable easily. For switching the pedal in and out, look for a Nobels Alex 1 - I just bought one off eBay for $25, to do exactly the same thing...
    Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


    • #3
      Re: G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

      Ah thanks much. Where do you run the Nobels control cable to, to switch the pedal in and out? I'm thinking I might have to route the Behringers relay back up to the rack, and assign the OD pedal to the patches after they've been made.


      • #4
        Re: G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

        Do you use the G-Major to take your loop in and out, or just to channel switch?

        If I read you correctly, you're not turning the loop off, so you could take the two relays in the G-Major and use them thusly:

        Split TRS into 2 TR using stereo-to-mono y-cable.

        Relay 1: Channel switch on 5150. (You might have to use a trs plug wired for only the one you want - I haven't tried it with this amp.)

        Relay 2: Control cable for Alex 1.
        Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


        • #5
          Re: G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

          That's exactly what I'm trying to do, I'll pick one up! Thanks much!


          • #6
            Re: G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

            Three months ago, I bought the G-Major and the Behringer FC too. I have been playing hell with it all since. It's very technical in that every component is infinitely configurable. I am only able to do the simplest of stuff so far. Have you have any success with a quality setup?
            (Rack with Furman, tuner, BBE, gmajor in my fx loop of Dual Rec and Recto cab)


            • #7
              Re: G-Major/5150/OD pedal TRS Switching Question

              My G-major should be arriving today; I don't have the FCB yet, unfortunately. I'll be getting that on Monday.

              I don't know what you mean by "quality setup" though? My chain will be guitar into Maxon OD808, NS-2, into the 5150 with the G-major in the FX loop, and to my Rivera cab.

