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ENGL Powerball ?

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  • ENGL Powerball ?

    I'm thinking of purchasing a new amp in the not too distant future and I'm giving a lot of consideration to the ENGL. I currently have a XXX 2x12 combo (w/JJ E34L's) and a 5150 combo. While I like the peavey's I just want something different and from the soundclips I've heard the ENGL seems to fit the bill.

    Now, I don't play "out" only in my "guitar room" so I can't really play too loud. How is the ENGL @ low volumes? Is an attenuator mandatory for good tone @ low volumes?


  • #2
    Re: ENGL Powerball ?

    Not with the Fireball


    • #3
      Re: ENGL Powerball ?

      Well dude... the PB might not totally fit your bill. I have one and have been playing a lot of it at low vols and witha Powerbrake attenuator. Does it sound good? hell yes. Better than 98.76% of the stuff out there on the same league (gain, tube repertoire, etc.)

      Ideally the PB wants to be opened up, well doh! like most tube amps. There is nothing I've read, heard, seen or be told to convince me that a well designed with a well deasigned attenuator will do the trick. It just doesn't happen, too many phenomena happening with a saturated tube amp circuit that a cloned circuit can't mimic.

      Still... the PB kicks some serious booty. A tear paint off the wall type of sound.
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #4
        Re: ENGL Powerball ?

        i have a pb and i think its one of the best amps at low vol.


        • #5
          Re: ENGL Powerball ?

          i used to own a blackmore and used a PB for one gig...the blackmore was better than the PB imho, but still not my cup of tea.

          having that said, they're both GREAT at low volumes. i loved the way my blackmore sounded in the bedroom. i almost kept it as my bedroom practice amp [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] the higher the volume gets the worse it sounds, though....IMHO


          • #6
            Re: ENGL Powerball ?

            My friend records at absurdly low volumes with his PB (he lives in a condo) and gets killer tone. Both thru the cab and thru the monitors. My new ENGL Savage however needs to be opened up a little more (not much more, but noticeably louder) to sound good.


            • #7
              Re: ENGL Powerball ?

              Thanks for all the responses fellas. Now it's just a matter of finding some cash.


              • #8
                Re: ENGL Powerball ?

                I'd say, try a Fireball if you can. REALLY good for Metal sounds, don't let the watt rating fool ya! It sounds very good on low volumes, and you can crank it a bit if you want to as well.


                • #9
                  Re: ENGL Powerball ?

                  The fireball is just as good if your not looking to spend too much cash and don't need the extra channels..

