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should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

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  • #91
    Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

    Wow, interesting thread.

    Are those using the Vetta's stereo features running it into two separate cabs, spread apart, or can you get the wide stereo sounds by running it into one cab in stereo? (I only have one cab at the moment, but it's a 1960A 4x12 and can be run in stereo. I s'pose I could buy the Vetta combo to quickly add a cab).


    • #92
      Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

      [ QUOTE ]
      Wow, interesting thread.

      Are those using the Vetta's stereo features running it into two separate cabs, spread apart, or can you get the wide stereo sounds by running it into one cab in stereo? (I only have one cab at the moment, but it's a 1960A 4x12 and can be run in stereo. I s'pose I could buy the Vetta combo to quickly add a cab).

      [/ QUOTE ]

      The routing options are endless. You can do anything you want. Stereo into 2, stereo mix into a mono cab, route the direct to the board, route specific amps to specific cabinets, pull up different mics, etc...


      • #93
        Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

        What I mean is, will I be able to hear/perceive those stereo/wide features prominently by simply connecting the Vetta to my one 4x12 cab in stereo, or would I have to run it into 2 separate cabs, physically spaced apart, to really hear the effect?


        • #94
          Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

          [ QUOTE ]
          What I mean is, will I be able to hear/perceive those stereo/wide features prominently by simply connecting the Vetta to my one 4x12 cab in stereo, or would I have to run it into 2 separate cabs, physically spaced apart, to really hear the effect?

          [/ QUOTE ]

          You can hear the stereo effect in a 4 x 12 cabinet. It helps also to choose stereo effects. The ping pong delay is very obvious. The stereo spread chorus and the double tracker make a difference too. You can have a Silver Jubilee coming out of the right side of your cab and a Bogner Ubershall coming out of the left. Not only that but they can have differenc cabinet emulations and totally different effects. Its pretty wacked.


          • #95
            Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

            well, obviously i didn't buy the vetta II for 890 euro, although it was quite a steal considering the usual prices over here. i figured that having 72 amps on tap isn't quite the same as actually having these very amps. besides, i'm a tweaker, i surely don't like to be limited to just one channel/mode etc. after all, amp models are barely more than a snapshot.
            thanks a lot for the very informative and helpful responses, though. this place rocks hard [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

            as far as the jcm800 goes....chances are i will sell it anyways. i just feel that i don't need it anymore. it's pretty much useless for playing at home, and for band situations i just happen to prefer the 5150, so the marshall gets hardly any use. i'm toying around with the idea of having it modded, regardless of the inevitable value drop....nothing major, just a deep know and a footswitchable second master volume - that should be possible without any chassis routing if the DI out and reverb controls are used.
            but of course, even these ideas don't affect my bad case of GAS which is alive and well [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] if i get some cash i might even buy a new krank revolution one - if it sucks as bas as the internet rumors say i can easily return it within 30 days - mainly because andy sneap said it was VERY comparable to gary holt's modded marshall which is about the finest sounding amplifier i've ever heared. tempo of the damned kicks my ass every time i listen to it.
            oh dear, i could go on for ages....but well, i'll surely keep you updated. as for right now, the framus cobra as well as the 2 channel rectifiers are right on top of my wtb list. there's a very tempting framus cobra at german evilbay right now, chances are i might go for that one if the price stays reasonable


            • #96
              Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

              It was certainly a good thread.


              • #97
                Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                Thanks, JG! Sounds cool. I like my XT Live quite a bit, but being able to run the wide/stereo/2-amps-at-a-time stuff sounds like it would be even better!


                • #98
                  Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                  it sure was. hopefully the thread will be helpful for other people who are also looking at a vetta.
                  btw, check out the poll results...73% against the vetta. nice [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                  • #99
                    Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    it sure was. hopefully the thread will be helpful for other people who are also looking at a vetta.
                    btw, check out the poll results...73% against the vetta. nice [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    the 73% is a true reflection of how many tube snobs there are here. I bet most of them have their half or full stacks in their bedrooms. Ponderous. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/stupid.gif[/img]


                    • Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                      Nah, they just know tube amps are usually more natural sounding and project better live in the end.

                      I haven't even voted, haha...


                      • Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        well, obviously i didn't buy the vetta II for 890 euro, although it was quite a steal considering the usual prices over here. i figured that having 72 amps on tap isn't quite the same as actually having these very amps. besides, i'm a tweaker, i surely don't like to be limited to just one channel/mode etc. after all, amp models are barely more than a snapshot.
                        thanks a lot for the very informative and helpful responses, though. this place rocks hard [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

                        as far as the jcm800 goes....chances are i will sell it anyways. i just feel that i don't need it anymore. it's pretty much useless for playing at home, and for band situations i just happen to prefer the 5150, so the marshall gets hardly any use. i'm toying around with the idea of having it modded, regardless of the inevitable value drop....nothing major, just a deep know and a footswitchable second master volume - that should be possible without any chassis routing if the DI out and reverb controls are used.
                        but of course, even these ideas don't affect my bad case of GAS which is alive and well [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] if i get some cash i might even buy a new krank revolution one - if it sucks as bas as the internet rumors say i can easily return it within 30 days - mainly because andy sneap said it was VERY comparable to gary holt's modded marshall which is about the finest sounding amplifier i've ever heared. tempo of the damned kicks my ass every time i listen to it.
                        oh dear, i could go on for ages....but well, i'll surely keep you updated. as for right now, the framus cobra as well as the 2 channel rectifiers are right on top of my wtb list. there's a very tempting framus cobra at german evilbay right now, chances are i might go for that one if the price stays reasonable

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        Hang onto the Marshall even if you are not using it-Prices have went up about 50% in the last 2 years-I was looking at selling mine cause it is sitting behind the couch then they went up about 300-500 in a short period of time. I mainly play the recto cause I don't have time for a band right now and the recto matches a lot of new music and I just plug straight in.

                        Regardless I am not saying keep it for collectors value. I am saying you will spend a lot more in the future to replace it if you decide to. I think everyone should have a Marshall available if needed-Who knows maybe you will get in a tribute band or just really get into a player that has marshalls for his trademark sound. As you know musical tastes and needs change over time.

                        Me personally I like just plugging in raw with just tone controls and a gain most of the time. Although I am not a working musician and looking to match or create a multitude of tones and if you are then do what you gotta do gear wise to pay the bills. If you find someone that is reputable with mods, mod it-its your amp-I wouldn't do anything that is not reversible though other than an effects loop.

                        If a vetta is that much cheaper here have someone overhere pic one up for you and ship it.Lots of guys here will be willing to help you


                        • Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                          +1 on their prices.
                          There prices are starting to get ridiculous. It's getting to the point that I'm starting to think...there DAMN good amps, but are they that good? There was a time when you could get as many jcm800's as your heart desired for ~$400 each. [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img]
                          That wasn't that long ago. I would love to have a jcm800 for that one or two REALLY good tones. I jsut wish I would have wised up, and got my head of my 5150's ass earlier. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          Anyway, must holding onto it may be a wise investment.
                          Who knows, maybe they become liek Plexi's [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]



                          • Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            Nah, they just know tube amps are usually more natural sounding and project better live in the end.

                            I haven't even voted, haha...

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            I didn't figure you were using your full stack at bedroom levels. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I always value your opinion. You helped me out with my live sound more than you even know!! [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]
                            My point is that alot of players (more than we even think), never get their amps past 2 nor do they ever play in a live and loud gig situation yet they are full of opinions on why tube amps are better than modelers. I walk the walk. So do you. There are many of us here that actually play live. Its hard to convey the difference between tubes and modelers until you are up on stage with several other dudes all competing for frequencies!! A Vetta may feel different live but it sounds pretty much the same as a tube amp.
                            Its kind of like a race car driver debating on which car handles and drives better with a person who doesn't drive.
                            The Vetta and a vintage kick ass Marshall are both great amps. The Vetta and a smoking Soldano are both great amps.
                            The same players who never get out of their bedrooms with their full stacks would benefit more from a Vetta then they would from a 2204 at bedroom levels. Hey, if somebody wants a full stack JCM800 with a hotplate and a bunch of pedals set up next to their bed down the hall from their parents room and they can't turn it up past 1 unless they use a hotplate I say ROCK ON BRO. Just don't argue with me that the JCM800 sounds better and more real live than a Vetta does. Until they have been playing metal on a regular basis live and loud (I have since 1976)they really have no fucking idea what sounds good onstage with a bunch of other maniac musicians who are pounding away on their gear in front of a screaming audience.


                            • Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              The same players who never get out of their bedrooms with their full stacks would benefit more from a Vetta then they would from a 2204 at bedroom levels.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              Sad to say, I guess that is a correct statement. And I've even (gag) given people that play in the bedroom/living room advice on just buying a ine 6 Spider or whetever...

                              I just look at the live situation I guess...


                              • Re: should i sell my jcm800 for a vetta?

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                [ QUOTE ]
                                The same players who never get out of their bedrooms with their full stacks would benefit more from a Vetta then they would from a 2204 at bedroom levels.

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                Sad to say, I guess that is a correct statement. And I've even (gag) given people that play in the bedroom/living room advice on just buying a ine 6 Spider or whetever...

                                I just look at the live situation I guess...

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                I know you do. Most of us do. I might be an exception mainly because I give guitar lessons to a bunch of kids and most of them aren't in bands. I am always stressing to them that cooking tubes with a 100w Marshall and a full stack at home in their bedrooms isn't smart. Many of these same players really don't have an idea of what loud actually is and how it relates when there are other loud musicians on stage. All they hear is their guitar tone and maybe a song playing in the background that they are trying to learn.
                                I love tube amps. I love my Vetta too. Out of all my amps, I like my Soldano best. I also really dig my vintage Carvin X60 1 x 12 tube combo with a modded DS-1 in front of it. Its got a Celestion in it and it sounds fantastic for clean to classic rock. I can feel the tubes when I'm playing and it can get loud as hell. Mainly, at home, I use my POD through my computer speakers midi'd into my computer with the Sounddiver editing program. I have tons of preprogrammed patches saved on my PC and its cool as heck.
                                Its just my opinion but I can't nor will I ever see the point of running a full stack 100w Marshall with a hotplate at bedroom levels or even having a rig like that if you aren't in a band or seriously planning to be in one.
                                I had a friend who had a full stack JCM800 in his room. He wasn't in a band. He couldn't turn it past 1. He was constantly sending the amp out to be modded and buying new speakers and upgrading all kinds of things. He wasn't in a band. We would always argue about tone. I was of the opinion that he was wasting his money with all the upgrades because at a volume level of 1 it always sounded the same to me. At the time, I told him to go get a Rockman and play it through his home stereo. I guess I was into "modeling" back then too.
                                If you have the money and you want a specific amp... go get it. I think guitarists should have as much gear as possible. Thats not the arguement.
                                The frustrating thing is debating whether a tube amp or a modeling amp sounds better live with a person who doesn't play in a band.
                                Many times I thought I had fantastic killer sound at home and when I brought it to the gig it sounded like CANNED ASS.

