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RE: Orange amps & Their "tube driven effects loop"

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  • RE: Orange amps & Their "tube driven effects loop"

    I am still cking Orange amplifiers out and other amps, as I am searching for the "right" amp and now-a-days, this is a "serious investment" sooo, I want to really investigate everything!

    My question is regarding the "tube driven effects loop" which is "touted" in the new Orange Rockverb amps. My question is, how is this different from other efx loops in other amps?
    How does this "tube driven efx loop" work, or change things or make things different or better?
    What is the advantage or advantages in having this type of effects loop?
    And what are the disadvantages.....can anyone explain?

    How does this effects loop compare with one in a marshall?

    Yes, I have already posted this on the "orange forum" and recieved one response....But I know that this site has some extremely "SERIOUS" musicians and knowledgable "gearheads", that I have grown to respect (based upon following their posting) I know I can get the "straight scoop here !Help ! ! !