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Carvin v3

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  • Carvin v3

    Anyone have any time playing on one of these. I did a forum search and didn't turn up too much. I had been considering an ENGL (fireball, powerball or savage) but this seems to be an really attractive amp. Will it get the newer low-end distorition that's so plentiful w/ the ENGL's? I play a variety of things (lots of 80's metal) but I really like the newer tone from some of the hardcore, death and black metal bands as well.

  • #2
    Re: Carvin v3

    Don't know if you saw this or not.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #3
      Re: Carvin v3

      [ QUOTE ]
      Anyone have any time playing on one of these.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Even the guy that bought one didnt get much time playing on it! Hehe..


      • #4
        Re: Carvin v3

        I'd say try a JSX, I'm really impressed with mine. No issues with it either...



        • #5
          Re: Carvin v3

          well, i have one and while it has it's problem, i can answer your question. it does 80's metal sounds GREAT, and it will get the "new" metal (not NU!!) tones like you are looking for.

          i have decided to keep mine because the tonal variety is extreme, especially on the overdrive channels. the master EQ section allows A LOT of variety.

          if you want the scooped out, bottom heavy sounds - V3 does it. if you want thick, heavy sounds - V3 does it. you want a mildly overdriven classic rock sound - V3 does it. the only thing V3 does not do very well is clean. it is passable and useable, but NOTHING like my blackface fender or rivera M/S amps.

          the trackable effects loop is VERY cool. i am using it now with a fender tube reverb unit in the series loop, and an ADA S-1000 in the paralell loop. VERY nice. there seems to a volume issue with the "tail" switch on the loops, but i like the delays and reverbs to cut off when i switch channels, so i don't care.

          each OD channel has 3 modes of distortion: thick, classic, and insane (which is like a more modern distortion). i have channel 1 set up to be like a cross between a DR and an Engl-type sound (insanr setting). channel 2 is set up like a slightly hotter JCM800 (classic setting). channel 3 (clean) is a work in progress. the clean reminds me of my Mark IV clean - very thin and overly clean, none of the girth of a blackface fender (i will admit i am still learning that channel. it may be okay).

          the EQX function is interesting. i have yet to try the head with my marshall 4x12 (it's at the rehearsal studio), but when used with my rivera c-112 EVM12L cabs, EQX is too much. it may be PERFECT to get some more "meat" out of the celestions in my marshall.

          the EQ pots are all 1 meg pots, so there is A LOT of variation as you trun the knobs. this is good and bad. it gives a wide range and adds to the versatility, but also makes it a little easier to mess up a good sound. you boogie MARK series amp user know what i am talking about!! it's not AS bad, but close.

          that master EQ section really makes the amp. you have a bright EQ which REALLY gives some serious "sizzle" to the sound. want that boogie rectifier sound? use that knob to dial it in!! there is a mid-cut knob that changes to frequency of the mids. like your sound SUPER SCOOPED, use this knob!! then there is a deep knob. this one will make the walls shake with low end. need to over power your bass player and sound metallica's "and justice for all"? use this knob!!!

          another cool feature, especially for guys like jgcable that need and like solo boosts, there is a solo boost knob. it will give up to a 9 decible boost when you step on the switch!!

          the amp is also midi controllable, or you can be like me and use the 2 carvin footswitches.

          all in all it is a good amp. worth keeping, despite the issue i've had.

          some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

          some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

          and finally....

          i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Carvin v3

            MD (and others),

            Thanks for the info. It really sounds like an impressive amp. I did read your thread on here where you were having consistent trouble with the amp (did you ever get the fluttering speaker problem sorted out?). I can't seem to find any really heavy clips of the v3. Most of the guys on the Carvin forum seem to think that SRV represents a "good" distortion (while I don't argue he had a good certainly wasn't heavy).

            MD.....did you also buy the v3 cab? I LOVE the Engl clips I've heard but can I justify spending DOUBLE the price of a v3 for the ENGL? I like some of the features of the v3 (the mid-cut reminds me of the Diesel Herbert) and it seems that it really has some vast tonal variety (which ENGL does lack to an extent).


            • #7
              Re: Carvin v3

              no, the speaker fluttering problem has not been fixed yet. the amp works fine on 50 watt mode. i am going back and forth with carvin about it.

     i didn't get the matching cab. i HATE celestions, especially 75 watters, so i am using my trusty EVM loaded rivera 1x12 cabs.

              as far as heavy, i was ripping out some black metal inspired riffage on it last night. it WILL do heavy. it has more gain then i need, especially in the "insane" mode.

              i bought the V3 because i am too cheap to buy an ENGL. i want one, but since i am so happy with my other amps, i wanted that type of tone without spending the cash.

              aside from the fact MY V3 does weird stuff in 100 watt mode i am VERY happy with it. especially for 899.00.

              some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

              some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

              and finally....

              i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Carvin v3

                [ QUOTE ]
                I'd say try a JSX, I'm really impressed with mine. No issues with it either...


                [/ QUOTE ]

                Not to hijack the thread but....

                Pete, what cab are you using with the JSX ??


                • #9
                  Re: Carvin v3

                  Marshall w/75 watt celestions. Also sounds really good through 50 watt celestions too, imho. It's a terrific sounding amp.


