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5150 tubes

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  • 5150 tubes

    So what type of tubes do they come standard with?
    If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.

  • #2
    Re: 5150 tubes

    mine came with Sovtek power ane chinnese branded preamp.
    OUT THEY WENT! I've got JJ's in there now and it sounds much sweeter.
    If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


    • #3
      Re: 5150 tubes

      Did you put in JJ's for both power and preamp?
      If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


      • #4
        Re: 5150 tubes

        All the new 6505/6505+ come with Ruby.


        • #5
          Re: 5150 tubes

          I just got a 5150, and I can't exactly say anything now, cuz my cab is a POS cheap Crate, but I might need more "tightness" in my tone. I know probably like 80% of the reason is because of the cab, but the sound is pretty loose and flabby right now. I'm looking for that In Flames "Clayman" tone. Would the stock tubes be suited to get that kinda tone? I'm not sure too sure about tubes cuz this is my first tube amp. Also, I've got a GE-7 I'd like to use, but have heard from a lot of people that it works good in the fx loop. This is a kind of stupid question, but how do I plug it in the loop? Like this?: guitar-->eq-->fx loop?


          • #6
            Re: 5150 tubes

            The Clayman tone is a product of Fredman's micing technique: 2 57's, one on axis, one at a 45 degree angle, like so: |\


            • #7
              Re: 5150 tubes

              [ QUOTE ]
              I just got a 5150, and I can't exactly say anything now, cuz my cab is a POS cheap Crate, but I might need more "tightness" in my tone. I know probably like 80% of the reason is because of the cab, but the sound is pretty loose and flabby right now. I'm looking for that In Flames "Clayman" tone. Would the stock tubes be suited to get that kinda tone? I'm not sure too sure about tubes cuz this is my first tube amp. Also, I've got a GE-7 I'd like to use, but have heard from a lot of people that it works good in the fx loop. This is a kind of stupid question, but how do I plug it in the loop? Like this?: guitar-->eq-->fx loop?

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Guitar -> amp input
              fx loop send -> GE7 input -> GE7 output -> fx loop return -> voila!


              • #8
                Re: 5150 tubes

                [ QUOTE ]
                Guitar -> amp input
                fx loop send -> GE7 input -> GE7 output -> fx loop return -> voila!

                [/ QUOTE ]
                Yeah I just figured it out a couple of minutes ago. I didn't have enough cables, so I had to use a pedal coupler ahha.


                • #9
                  Re: 5150 tubes

                  So would changing tube be something I'd be able to do or would I need to take it somewhere?
                  If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


                  • #10
                    Re: 5150 tubes

                    I understand that changing the V1 12ax7 will make some tonal difference, -that's the preamp tube closest to the side of the amp, I tried a sylvania in there but found it was a bad tube (try more later). My 'sources' tell me that a better tube in there will smooth out the preamp distorion, you can easily change that one yourself.

                    There's a guy in Portland OR who's really into the bias-mod for 5150s, I'll see if I can find a link... take it w/ a grain of salt as they say... ah, here it is, quite a bit of interest for us 5150 owners:


                    • #11
                      Re: 5150 tubes

                      5150 come with 6L6 power tubes and 12AX7 preamp tubes. They've used various brand over the years. They originally came with Sylvania 6L6's, then switched to sovtek for a lot of years and most recently started using Ruby (Chinese) 6L6's. They used to use Sovtek and Chinese 12AX7's. They've been using EH and Sovtek 12AX7's these days.
                      FJA Mods YouTube


                      • #12
                        Re: 5150 tubes

                        i recommend svetlana SED winged C powertubes, and electro harmonix 12ax7 preamp tubes. sounds best to me


                        • #13
                          Re: 5150 tubes

                          I like the SED Wing C as well.

                          Not so hip on the EH's as they seem a bit fuzzy to my ears (in my CAE), sorta too much gain. But, may work fine in the 5150.


                          • #14
                            Re: 5150 tubes

                            cleve, i bought a bunch of different preamp tubes, and at band volumes the EH tubes sound best to me. at lower volumes i prefered the JJs by far, but they were too dark at high volume, and as a result i had a hard time fighting the other dude's jmp1 rack setup. i don't like sovteks at all, way too fuzzy, and the SED preamp tubes are rather dull and undefined for heavy metal - i'm sure these are great rock or blues preamp tubes.


                            • #15
                              Re: 5150 tubes

                              Orchid; your dissapointment could have a lot to do with your speaker cab. I pulled a dead speaker in a cheap crate cabinet, and I couldn't believe how small the magnet was, Almost anything would be better, -amazingly cheap looking speakers in there.

