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Engl Road case or anvil

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  • Engl Road case or anvil

    I know ive asked this before..but could someone please give me a good company to get an ata case for an engl head..and what the measurements are so..i can have it made.. cause none of them sell them not made custom i think..please help me out guys.. i want to get one very soon.

  • #2
    Re: Engl Road case or anvil the amp is 71cm, by 27cm, by 27cm, Is that the Same as like a Marshall TSL??? they look pretty similar in size.


    • #3
      Re: Engl Road case or anvil

      Try this guy...


      • #4
        Re: Engl Road case or anvil

        Before you plunk down a ton on a road case you need to ask yourself a few questions:
        Are you touring or do you plan on touring?
        If the answer is no and you are just doing local gigs, spend as LITTLE as possible on a road case. World tour ready roadcases are expensive and as heavy as hell.


        • #5
          Re: Engl Road case or anvil

          So does the engls Measurements Match any other amps??? anyone Know?


          • #6
            Re: Engl Road case or anvil

            I know so many guys who spent the big bucks for world class touring road cases only to find they are too heavy and too big to cart around to local gigs.
            I would certainly spend the money if I was touring the US or overseas and my gear was being loaded and unloaded into trucks by roadies night after night but I never got to that point. A buddy of mine has road cases for his oversized Mesa Boogie 4 x 12 cabs. They have never left his house. The cases alone weigh a ton and when you put the cabinets in them you need 2 very strong guys to carry them.
            I have a road case for my Vetta HD. Its not even that good of a case and its really heavy.


            • #7
              Re: Engl Road case or anvil

              [ QUOTE ]
              So does the engls Measurements Match any other amps??? anyone Know?

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Did you try e-mailing the guy I listed above?


              • #8
                Re: Engl Road case or anvil

                try mmade mine custom way cheaper than rockhardcases and I had them make the same exact case

